Posts tagged "World Water Day"

Water is LIFE!

22 March 2021 Posted by General News, News 0 thoughts on “Water is LIFE!”

And it is one of the most needed commodities in our day to day living. Now in this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, water should be available at the entrance of every building, be it an office, house or public space.

We need water to wash our hands before doing anything. 
In some places in Kenya many communities are forced to walk for kilometres in search of water for their daily basic needs.

The MCSPA has made, and continues to make this precious element available to some of the most impoverished communities.

Today – World Water Day – we would like to thank all those who have supported our efforts at developing water resources for the people we work with in Africa.

Lillian Omari MCSPA

Congratulations on your 21st Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood!

15 August 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Congratulations on your 21st Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood!”

The members of MCSPA are happy today, on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to celebrate 21 years since Frs. Antonio, Francis and Manolo were ordained to the priesthood by the late Bishop John Mahon of Lodwar. They were ordained for the Diocese of Lodwar, were they have worked and served the people of Lowarengak Parish, Naiokotome Parish, St Augustine’s Cathedral and Kaikor Parish in Turkana.

Fr. Antonio is now the priest-in-charge of Nariokotome Mission and has done much work in developing water resources in the area and whenever there is emergency he, as a pilot, is always ready to fly patients from the most remote reaches to Lodwar Hospital and beyond.

Fr. Francis on the other hand crossed the Indian Ocean to work in the Philippines. He is in charge of the MCSPA formation house in Manila and at the same time doing pastoral work and animating social outreach with in the depressed neighbourhoods of Payatas II and Parola in Manila. He and the community there also try to build bridges between Asia and Africa regarding vocations, missionaries congregations and volunteers who would like to go to Africa.

Fr. Manolo on the other hand went down to Malawi to bring the Good News to our brothers and sisters at Benga Parish of Lilongwe Archdiocese where he is the Parish Priest. Benga Mission is a beautiful parish not far from the capital and he works with the children and women giving them an education that would improve their lives in the future.

“Go out to the whole world and proclaim the Good News” – this is what these three priests have been trying to do wherever they have been sent.

We join all our friends and families in wishing them God’s blessings in their ministries!

Lillian Omari MCSPA

World Water Day – Water for All

22 March 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “World Water Day – Water for All”

Many of those people live in Africa and they have to walk kilometres in search of this precious commodity. According to the World Health Organisation, 3 out of 10 people in the world do not have access to safe drinking water near their homes.

Today as we celebrate the World Water Day we would like to thank all our benefactors who have made it possible for the Missionary Community of St Paul to have drilled more than 300 boreholes and built more than 200 dams in Turkana, Ethiopia, Malawi and South Sudan for more than 30 years now.

Water is an essential necessity for life. It is not only used to quench thirst or protect health; water is vital for creating jobs and supporting economic, social, and human development.

Let us use this scarce resource wisely and sustainably and support all the communities who do not have access to it, acquire clean and drinkable water for their families and their livestock.

Lillian Omari


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March 2025