Posts tagged "South Sudan"

Ave Maria Mission – A Safe Haven

23 May 2024 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Ave Maria Mission – A Safe Haven”

In late April, tension swelled up in the hitherto peaceful atmosphere of Western Equatoria State, more especially at Tombura County. Until then, we had enjoyed months of peace. And now people lived in fear.

During the previous conflict in 2021, thousands of people fled their homes and took refuge in different places that they deemed “safe”. Then, Ave Maria Mission hosted thousands of refugees of that war. Now another tribal war was looming in the horizon and it was building up so fast.

Now that the flames of war have been lit again, the only safe place that appeared in the minds of all affected is Ave Maria Mission at Ngboko.
Hundreds of internally displaced people (IDPs) began to arrive from the neighbouring villages of Dingimo, Akpa and Nabanga, all out-stations of the parish. The refugees came on their bicycles fully laden with their few personal belongings. They brought along all that they could manage to salvage from their homes. The more unfortunate one fled only with the clothing on their backs.

The priests at the mission, Frs. Avelino and Albert welcomed the IDPs and hosted them at the Magnificat Pilgrims’ Center, in the parish hall and in any other available space within the compound. There were 603 displaced persons: men, women, children and the elderly. Everyone got a place to rest and ease their troubles after walking for 3 days and 3 nights.

With clean water that is available at the mission as well as other amenities, and with a functional kindergarten, primary and secondary schools and a vocational training center, the displaced persons who sought refuge at Ave Maria have been able to survive.

Feeding all the refugees has not been an easy task but with the little we had in our stores, the IDPs have been able to at least have something to eat. For most of them, returning to their homes is a mere illusion for now.

Since the vast majority of them are totally dependent on farming as their source of livelihood, the mission has also seen to it that the IDPs have portions of land nearby where they may carry out some agricultural activities.

Many of the IDPs are hoping to be around for the long term as they feel safer and at home here. Ave Maria Mission is committed to promoting peace and discouraging tribal conflicts by any means at our disposal.

Providing a safe haven to people in dire need is one of the ways of assisting the refugees, and we have tried to do this by bearing in mind Paul’s exhortation in his letter to the Romans (see Rom 15:7): “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”

Benjamin Maketa
Junior Apprentice, MCSPA
Ave Maria Mission

Blessing of a New Chapel in the Heart of a Conflict Area.

23 October 2023 Posted by Church 0 thoughts on “Blessing of a New Chapel in the Heart of a Conflict Area.”

Yesterday, Fr. Avelino Bassols opened and blessed of a new chapel in the heart of a conflict area. This has strengthened the faith and hope of the Christians of Bambu II. Bambu II, is about 60 km away from Ave Maria Mission bordering the Central African Republic.
The Christians were happy to receive their parish priest and the Ave Maria team that had accompanied him for the blessing. It was a colorful celebration full of singing and dancing, after their long-time wish of having a peaceful place to pray and praise God without worrying if they will be rained on, was fulfilled.
The community had to endure the conflict and violence two years ago, and the presence of the church that they themselves built is bringing them courage and hope. This is what faith entails.


Journey with Mother Mary

26 February 2023 Posted by Mission, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Journey with Mother Mary”

Yesterday we started a procession with Mother Mary in preparations for our centenary celebrations of Ave Maria Parish, in South Sudan, on the 1st of May. The image of Our Lady will visit all our outstations in the two parishes, Ave Maria in Ngboko and St. Thomas in Source Yubu.

Enjoy some photos of our 3 hour rosary procession at Ave Maria.

Let’s Join our hands in prayer and ask God to grant us peace in South Sudan.

Lillian Omari MCSPA

Corpus Christi in Ave Maria – South Sudan

16 June 2022 Posted by Church 0 thoughts on “Corpus Christi in Ave Maria – South Sudan”

Today the Christians of Ave Maria Parish gathered to celebrate the Corpus Christi. We thank God for the gift of Peace in the area.

All the church and civil institutions had an altar prepared next to their premises. The kindergarten too prepared and decorated their altar with toys and playing kits that they love.

Thank you all who made this colourful celebration to be so alive.

Lillian Omari

Feast of all Souls at Ave Maria

3 November 2021 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Feast of all Souls at Ave Maria”

During the feast of all Souls, at Ave Maria and St. Thomas Parishes all the Christians come together to join our brothers and sisters who lost someone during this on-going war in our area.

There are many people who could not bury their families, some because they had to run away from the fighting, others were killed trying to protect their families. Many people we left on the same spot they died. For this, we asked all those who could not bury their families, to write down the names and come with a symbolic leave wrap to bury their families. It was so emotional, as some families had 8 to 10 names of their loved ones.

We at Ave Maria continue praying for Peace. Join us as we enter our 4th month of Rosary for peace in South Sudan especially in Tombura County.

Lillian Omari MCSPA

Sacred Heart of Jesus, bring us Peace

1 October 2021 Posted by Church, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Sacred Heart of Jesus, bring us Peace”

This week, we blessed the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that was placed at the entrance of Source Yubu to protect the area, especially during these difficult times. The Sacred Heart of Jesus movement, the children of the private and the government schools in the area attended the celebration.

Unlike Tombura, in Source Yubu there has been no conflict so far. However, there are more than 3000 internally displaced persons and tight security by the local militias. All roads to Tombura are blocked to prevent any possible attack.

We ask the Sacred Heart of Jesus to bring peace to this land and its people.

Lillian Omari MCSPA

Rosary prayers for Peace in South Sudan.

26 August 2021 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Rosary prayers for Peace in South Sudan.”

We would like to ask you to join us (MCSPA) every day to earnestly pray for peace in South Sudan and more so that our mission of Ave Maria is protected from all the fighting going around its mission territory.

Yesterday the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission coordination office in Ezo County of Western Equatoria state registered 23,550 IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) from Tombura due to the ongoing violence in Tombura County.

The majority of the IDPs are women and children who are in need of humanitarian support. All men who were trying to flee the fighting have been captured and forced to fight, sometimes even against their own people.

As of Tuesday, at least 11 people were reported killed, including the former Commissioner of Tombura County Hon. Babiro Charles Gbamisi.

Things are very difficult and tense, and many children are affected and are in need of food and shelter. Let us join our hands to support them with prayer and in kind.

Thank you!!!

Lillian Omari MCSPA

Corpus Christi Feast In Ave Maria, South Sudan

3 June 2021 Posted by Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Corpus Christi Feast In Ave Maria, South Sudan”

Today on the feast of Corpus Christi, Fr. Avelino Bassols celebrated the Mass and did a solemn procession at Ave Maria Parish, South Sudan.

He was accompanied by many the parishioners and the children from the parish schools. The Holy Sacrament was adorned with beautiful traditional ornaments made from palms and branches from the surrounding forest. The community of South Sudan always keeps their faith as the most important thing in their lifes, in spite of being affected by so many hardships.

In this important feast of the Body and the Blood of Christ, let us celebrate Christ who gives himself really and truly to us every time we receive him in the Eucharist. What a great gift and opportunity to become better human beings and better Christians!

Water is LIFE!

22 March 2021 Posted by General News, News 0 thoughts on “Water is LIFE!”

And it is one of the most needed commodities in our day to day living. Now in this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, water should be available at the entrance of every building, be it an office, house or public space.

We need water to wash our hands before doing anything. 
In some places in Kenya many communities are forced to walk for kilometres in search of water for their daily basic needs.

The MCSPA has made, and continues to make this precious element available to some of the most impoverished communities.

Today – World Water Day – we would like to thank all those who have supported our efforts at developing water resources for the people we work with in Africa.

Lillian Omari MCSPA

The Visit of the Three Kings in our Missions

6 January 2021 Posted by Church, Mission 0 thoughts on “The Visit of the Three Kings in our Missions”

Today the MCSPA missions in Kenya and South Sudan, we were lucky to have houses blessed by the Three Kings. They visited us on the day of Epiphany, when the three wise men visited the child Jesus. It is an honour indeed to have such blessings!

We pray for so many children around the world, who through the hard work of singing carols from house to house on the 6th of January, collect money to help many children to have a proper health care, food and education.

Let’s encourage our children to continue supporting other children all over the world who are less priviledge, especially during this time of the pandemic.

CHILDREN HELPING CHILDREN should be our motto in all our educational institutions.

Lillian Omari – MCSPA

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