Posts tagged "good shepherd"

Bishop Eduardo Repairing Roads with the Youth

19 October 2018 Posted by General News, News 0 thoughts on “Bishop Eduardo Repairing Roads with the Youth”

As in most of the rainy seasons, South Sudan’s roads become full of mud. This time the rains have badly affected the roads and streets of Yambio, capital of former Western Equatoria state.

The Bishop of a Tombura-Yambio, Msgr. Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala, has decided with the Catholic youth of Yambio to repair the streets in this town.

He went personally into the mud and gave a personal witness on how a bishop can do manual work and in this way contribute to the reconstruction of his country.

Let us pray for him and for many to follow his example.

Fr. Avelino Bassols MCSPA

The New Look of St. John the Evangelist ECD at Kare Edome

10 October 2018 Posted by education 0 thoughts on “The New Look of St. John the Evangelist ECD at Kare Edome”

St. John the Evangelist Kare-Edome Early Childhood Development Centre (ECD) is one of our nurseries at Todonyang Mission. It has 100 children who receive education and meals (breakfast and lunch) from Monday to Saturday.

It is now 1 yearsince the children of Kare-Edome moved from studying under a tree to the present building, and now the ECD is blessed with a new building and a new look. We would like to thank the local community, the parish and the donors who brought St. John the Evangelist ECD to where it is now with a classroom, dining room, an office and a dispensary. It is from there that the children, mothers and the elders are able to receive services like medical attention and feeding programs to combat malnourishment.
The children have a teacher and a helper, and are helped to integrate into the education system at this stage.

The local community is being made aware of the importance of allowing their children to learn, aside from taking care of the family cattle. They are slowly giving in to this but much has to be done still as the customs and beliefs of the community are rather strong.

A borehole was drilled and water is now pumped using solar energy. The families are able to feed their animals as well as have water for their own use. It was possible to set up a garden where people are being taught on farming techniques to grow their own food, hence fighting starvation and malnutrition.
The availability of such facilities has enhanced hygiene and people have made more permanent homes.

This has made the work of evangelisation easier.

We pray that all these projects may forge ahead and that the local families may benefit more.

Josephine Amuma, MCSPA

Stand up and Walk

3 October 2018 Posted by General News, News 0 thoughts on “Stand up and Walk”

After many months of struggling, from doctor to doctor, to find the appropriate solution for the young boy, Rheynell Kadusale, from a corner of the Parola/Tondo slum of Manila, there is now a real sign of hope.

Rheynell has a bone deformity in his right leg due to polio from very young. We met him and his mother about 2 years ago during our outreach programme at Gate 1 of Parola slum (there are 120 “Gates” which are designated areas of this huge slum comprising 60 to 70 families at each “Gate”). Rheynell has been limping and jumping on his left leg all these years due to the polio that affected his right leg.

We share the joy with you who supported this boy’s journey towards his therapy and rehabilitation. Rheynell is now able to move his right toe and has gotten used to the splint attached to his right leg. He can actually even run and play with the other kids of Gate 1.

The splint will soon be adjusted and serviced for the next 6 months so as to continue stretching the undeveloped bones.

We have seen great progress after all the therapy sessions that Rheynell has undergone. Thanks be to God! And thank you for helping to make what was impossible possible!

“The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor.” Mt 11:5

May God bless you!

Ambrose Wanyonyi and Zacchaeus Okoth,
MCSPA Apprentices

Stand up and Walk

3 October 2018 Posted by General News, News 0 thoughts on “Stand up and Walk”

After many months of struggling, from doctor to doctor, to find the appropriate solution for the young boy, Rheynell Kadusale, from a corner of the Parola/Tondo slum of Manila, there is now a real sign of hope.

Rheynell has a bone deformity in his right leg due to polio from very young. We met him and his mother about 2 years ago during our outreach programme at Gate 1 of Parola slum (there are 120 “Gates” which are designated areas of this huge slum comprising 60 to 70 families at each “Gate”). Rheynell has been limping and jumping on his left leg all these years due to the polio that affected his right leg.

We share the joy with you who supported this boy’s journey towards his therapy and rehabilitation. Rheynell is now able to move his right toe and has gotten used to the splint attached to his right leg. He can actually even run and play with the other kids of Gate 1.

The splint will soon be adjusted and serviced for the next 6 months so as to continue stretching the undeveloped bones.

We have seen great progress after all the therapy sessions that Rheynell has undergone. Thanks be to God! And thank you for helping to make what was impossible possible!

“The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor.” Mt 11:5

May God bless you!

Ambrose Wanyonyi and Zacchaeus Okoth,
MCSPA Apprentices

Summer Youth Camp at Muketuri (Ethiopia)

2 September 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Summer Youth Camp at Muketuri (Ethiopia)”

These past 2 weeks, 55 youth are attending a Summer Camp at the St. Joseph’s Mother and Child Centre, that the MCSPA is running at Muketuri.

We started this Centre in 2008 and, in order to celebrate the 10th anniversary of its founding, we organised a summer camp for former students and youth from the area. Our aim was to encourage them to create the “St. Joseph Youth Group”.
This activity was organised by some members of the Catholic Scout Movement from Spain together with members of MCSPA present at Muketuri.

The main idea is to create awareness among Ethiopian youth about their potential in volunteer work as promoters of change among children, youth and families of the area.

Different activities have been organised: sports, drama, fabrication of musical instruments with recycled material etc.

The topics of the drama plays have been chosen by the participants themselves with the idea to present them at the different villages and schools: How to fight gender discrimination; Importance of hygiene; Causes and consequences of child malnourishment; Peace and conflict resolution; Inclusion of people with disabilities and Taking care of the environment.

The drama groups are presenting the topics in 5 villages and at Muketuri town to create awareness on these social realities and how the community can improve the situation.

It is the first time that an activity like this is being organised in the area and this has been an extraordinary opportunity for building up the local community.

Lourdes Larruy MCSPA

A Call to Serve

2 September 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “A Call to Serve”

Apart from pursuing studies in Manila (Philippines), the members and apprentices of the MCSPA also carry out various apostolates at Payatas II and Parola (Gate 54). These are among the largest depressed neighbourhoods around Metro Manila (pop. 12.8 million in 2015). We do family visitations weekly at Payatas and also teach basic English and Math to the youth attending classes at centres initiated by the Salvatorian Fathers at Payatas and to young children at Gate 54 of Parola at a Livelihood Centre owned by the Salvatorian Fathers as well.

We also do have our own milk program in which supplementary powder milk is provided to malnourished, lactating children whose young mothers may not produce enough breast milk for their babies.

These weekly visitations have created a bond between us and several of these families, a bond that has endeared them to us and vice versa. We have become part of their lives and they take us as their own family. They share with us their joys and struggles of living in such squalid conditions.

This is why when Aries Aquino, a teenaged boy from one of the families at Payatas, fell sick of leptospirosis, a bacterial infection due to contact with contaminated water containing the urine from rodents, his mother called us in the middle of the night to go help her son who was admitted at the hospital. His kidney was almost failing. We did whatever we could to help alleviate the pain of the boy; he had to undergo dialysis in order for his kidneys to recover. Aries has now been discharged from the hospital and is recovering at home.

These trying days for Aries and his family and for us too have taught me that no one can serve perfectly. But what is important is that one has to experience his or her ministry as a call from Christ. We are loved by Christ and called to live a life of service; we do not serve simply because it is good to do so. Rather, we serve because in love we have been called and our response is to choose to return love.

Victor Otieno, MCSPA


20 August 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “BILISE’S LIFE: A PRESENT FROM GOD FOR ANDODE, ETHIOPIA”

Two years ago we met Bilise, a 5-year-old girl. Her mother, Workinesh, brought her to Andode Health Post because the child had a fever. She was severely malnourished and with bone deformation in all her body due to rickets and pneumonia. Then, she was very fragile and it was almost a miracle that she was still alive. She was crying, because of the pain and the difficulty in breathing.

When Workinesh was pregnant, her partner left her and since then, she worked as a day labourer carrying Bilise on her back while working. She had totally lost hope and thought that her daughter’s only destiny would be death.

But Bilise resisted the enormous malnutrition and pneumonia. They began to live in one of the rooms that the MCSPA built in the compound of Andode Health Post to monitor severely malnourished children and their mothers, women with complications of pregnancy who need rest and good nutrition and the chronically ill who need daily medical control and who live far from the health post.

When Bilise improved and began to smile and talk (by the way, she speaks a lot these days!), Workinesh completely changed her attitude to the care of her daughter. Previously, she did not follow the medical instructions for the treatment of Bilise.

In this way, they started to live again, both Bilise and her mother. Our little one is now 7 years old and goes to the MCSPA nursery at Andode, very close to the health post. She is one of the best students, because of her interest in learning and her desire to play and live.

For me, it has been a precious gift from God, to have been able to continue caring for both Bilise and Workinesh, who now helps in the agricultural work of Andode Mission and has discovered her dignity as a woman and mother.


Maria Josefa Nuñez (Pepi) MCSPA

Double Celebration in Nariokotome: Fairwell of Father Avelino Bassols and Wedding

8 August 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Double Celebration in Nariokotome: Fairwell of Father Avelino Bassols and Wedding”

It was a big celebration yesterday at Nariokotome Mission, when friends of Fr. Avelino along the lake deanery and beyond, came to send him off on mission to South Sudan after working for more than 30 years in Turkana.

Representants from the 17 outstations of Nariokotome were present at the celebration. The church was packed and there was festive moods in the air. Many people came as far a 20 km walking and singing to reach the mission on time for the fairwell mass of Father Avelino, who after 30 years of living and working in Turkana will be going to South Sudan to work there.

Avelino is a real missionary, he has been working with the nomadic families as well as among the fishermen along lake turkana and especially in the Choro Island. He is someone who is always ready to help whoever knocks at his door and will find a solution to everyone who has come to him for help.

We would like to thank him for the great work he has done in Turkana, with the nomads, the fishermen, sponsoring students, building churches, doing pastoral work, visiting the sick, being with the people and the list goes on. “You are a priest forever, a priest like Melchizedek of old”.

We will pray for you wherever you go especially in the mission of South Sudan. Remember that this is not a farewell but rather we are sending you on mission to our bothers and sisters in South Sudan as the mission of Christ has to go on just as you did in Nariokotome Mission.

Lillian Omari

Blessing of St Mary Mother of God Church at Kokuselei – Lake Deanery Pastoral Visitation – Day 4

1 August 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Blessing of St Mary Mother of God Church at Kokuselei – Lake Deanery Pastoral Visitation – Day 4”

The blessing today of the church at Kokuselei – dedicated to Mary, Mother of the Church – was a wonderful celebration. Bishop Dominic opened and blessed the church. This year Pope Francis declared this invocation to the Mother of God a Solemnity in the liturgical calendar of the Church.

Cecilia Puig of the MCSPA gave a brief introduction on the mission of Kokuselei and mentioned all the priests who had passed through Nariokome Mission and served Kokuselei as an outstation of the mission. There came visitors from all over the parish and beyond, religious and priests from other parts of the diocese, the local MP and local political leaders. Many of the faithful had walked for hours to attend and see the big and beautiful church built on a hill in the mountains, with a breathtaking view of a dam and the Morueris mountain range.

The celebration took 4 hours with a lot of singing and dancing. This church will be the center point for all the normads in the Kokuselei valley where catechesis and Christian formation will take place. We would like to thank all who have supported and helped both financially and spiritually for this church to be built.

Thank you all who made this day a success: the MCSPA women community living in Kokuselei, the priests of the mission, the benefactors from around the world, the Church Committee, the catechist and all the parishioners.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!

Lillian Omari


MCSPA Family Day in Nairobi

10 July 2017 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “MCSPA Family Day in Nairobi”

Yesterday July 9th was a joyful day as members and apprentices of MCSPA celebrated the Family Day in Nairobi. This event brought together people from different walks of life. It began with Mass celebrated by Fr. Joseph Ekalimon, Vicar General of the Diocese of Lodwar, followed by presentations of videos and testimonies. The same event also marks 30 years of MCSPA’s presence in Turkana as well as the 25th priestly anniversary of Frs. Albert, Fernando and Avelino. We thank all our family members, relatives and friends for their presence and celebrating with us these auspicious milestones. Thank you all and may God bless you!

Fr. Wycliffe Ochieng

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