The Mission of Christ, The Prince of Peace, Nyangatom.
8 September 2019 Posted by lillian News 0 thoughts on “The Mission of Christ, The Prince of Peace, Nyangatom.”On 7th September 2019, Bishop Markos Gebremedhin of the Apostolic Vicariate of Jimma-Bonga (Ethiopia) and Bishop Dominic Kimengich of Lodwar (Kenya), came together to celebrate with the MCSPA team at Nyangatom the first confirmations at the Prince of Peace Catholic Mission in South Ethiopia.
This comes as a result of 5 years of living among the Nyangatom pastoralist people, visiting the villages around and carrying out different pastoral and developmental projects.
Frs. Angel and David have established a humble but notable presence of the Catholic Church among the Nyangatom people.
With this event, we are able to see how the Gospel message is being passed on, and also learn about the Good Shepherd who takes care of and knows his sheep.
These are the fruits that come from the dedicated works which Frs. Angel and David have put in this beautiful land.
Bishop Markos encouraged the South Sudanese refugees, at Tollay Refugee Camp, by telling them that God is always faithful amidst their difficulties. He was faithful to the people of Israel during their exodus from Egypt. In addition, Bishop told the young people who were confirmed that they should not be afraid and that they should be connected to Jesus through the Holy Spirit, be outspoken about their faith and find disciples for Jesus.
Let us pray that the Prince of Peace Mission at Nyangatom will enhance peace along the Kenya-Ethiopian border.
Thank you for continuing the dream of Fr. Paco, who wanted a chain of missions from Kenya all the way to Alexandria (Egypt).
We would like to thank all the people who have made this possible, all those who have supported the mission in various ways (material and prayer). Thank you!
Thanks to all the staff of Nyangatom Mission: the security personel, catechists, the nurse, the driver, the cook and other casual staff. Without your support and friendship, our two priests would not have managed to carry out this mission on their own.
Lastly, thanks to all MCSPA members and apprentices for supporting our men there and having hope in them, who through God’s grace, are able to carry out the mission of Christ beyond.
Lillian Omari – MCSPA