Posts tagged "Comunidad misioner de San Pablo"

Ordenación Sacerdotal de Zacchaeus Okoth en Nariokotome

24 June 2023 Posted by Church, Community, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Ordenación Sacerdotal de Zacchaeus Okoth en Nariokotome”

Hoy, en la solemnidad del nacimiento de San Juan Bautista, el 24 de junio, la MCSPA y la Iglesia Católica en Turkana se regocijan con el regalo del recién ordenado sacerdote misionero Zacchaeus Okoth. La ceremonia de ordenación tuvo lugar la hermosa iglesia de San Pablo Apóstol en Nariokotome, Kenia. El ambiente estaba lleno de alegría y oración, con familiares, amigos, fieles y simpatizantes que vinieron a presenciar la gran ocasión cuando Zaqueo, quien ha pasado por años de formación, ha sido finalmente ordenado sacerdote por Mons. John Mbinda, obispo de la diócesis de Lodwar.

La ceremonia de ordenación fue seguida de una alegre celebración, durante la cual el sacerdote recién ordenado recibió las felicitaciones y bendiciones de los sacerdotes, miembros de la MCSPA, familiares y amigos. Ha sido un día de celebración lleno de gracia para la MCSPA, ya que acoge en su redil a un nuevo misionero, que continuará el carisma de la comunidad al estilo de San Pablo, y llevará la palabra de Dios hasta los confines de la tierra.

La celebración finalizó con una procesión de acción de gracias y recepción para todos. Deseamos a Zaqueo lo mejor en su misión, orando para que el espíritu de Dios esté siempre con él. También roguemos a Dios, por intercesión de San José, que el ejemplo de Zaqueo inspire y toque el corazón de muchos jóvenes, a ser valientes para dejar todo atrás y seguir una vocación misionera.

Michael Mwangi Aprendiz de la MCSPA

Priestly Ordination of Zacchaeus Okoth in Nariokotome

24 June 2023 Posted by Church, Community, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Priestly Ordination of Zacchaeus Okoth in Nariokotome”

Today, on the solemnity of the birthday of Saint John the Baptist, June 24, the MCSPA and the Catholic Church in Turkana rejoice with the gift of the newly ordained missionary priest Zacchaeus Okoth. The ordination ceremony took place at a beautiful church of St. Paul the Apostle in Nariokotome, Kenya. The atmosphere was filled with happiness and prayer, with family, friends, faithful and well-wishers who came to witness the great occasion as Zacchaeus, who has undergone years of formation, is finally ordained priest by Msgr. John Mbinda, Bishop of the Diocese of Lodwar.

The ordination ceremony was followed by a cheerful celebration, during which the newly ordained priest received the congratulations and blessings of the priests, members of the MCSPA, family, and friends. It has been a graceful day of celebration for the MCSPA, as it welcomes a new missionary into its fold, who will carry on the charism of the community in the style of Saint Paul, and spread the word of God to the ends of the earth.

The celebration ended with the thanksgiving procession and a reception for everyone. We wish Zacchaeus well in his mission, praying that the spirit of God will be with him always. We also pray to God, through the intercession of St. Joseph, that the example of Zacchaeus may inspire and touch the hearts of many young people, to be brave to leave everything behind and follow a missionary vocation.

Michael Mwangi Aprendiz MCSPA

My Vocation Story – Zacchaeus Okoth Oduor

28 September 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “My Vocation Story – Zacchaeus Okoth Oduor”

As a young boy, I admired our parish priest, Fr. Raphael Ochanda, of St Michael’s Parish at Sigomere in Western Kenya. He was a simple man and believed in practical things. What made me admire him most was when I saw how he would be covered in dust while repairing his car. This struck me very much because of the idea I had before of a priest as someone “holy” and above all the grime and dirt. Thus, a light ignited in me and I told myself that I must be a priest one day. I started organizing games in which we would pretend that we were celebrating “mass” and I was the “presider”. Although I harboured this secret desire, I never managed to get near the altar as an altar server. However, this interest continued inside me throughout my primary school days. This feeling all but diminished when I entered the teen phase in secondary school. I lost interest in the priesthood and in the Church as a whole. I stopped going to church and instead kept myself busy doing odd jobs that could bring in some income for my private needs.

After secondary school, I moved to Kisumu city with my cousin. It is often said that God calls us in different ways and when He hooks us, we cannot escape. One day, while I was helping at the farm of our neighbour, Mama Quinter, who was sick at that time, I saw her daughter, Quinter, who had gone away from home for some time, entering the house with a visitor. Curiously, I went to ask Quinter who the visitor was and where had she been all this time. She told me that she was with a group of missionaries based in Turkana, northern Kenya. After narrating to me all that the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA) was doing in Turkana, I became interested in the work of the MCSPA although I was quite uncertain of how I could help. When I told her of my interest to go and visit, Quinter introduced me to Josephine Amuma, a member of the community, who arranged for me to go to Turkana. I was thus introduced to Fr. Paco who was later to become my guide and mentor. 

To this day, I am convinced that the first week in Turkana was the worst thing that I had ever experienced! I still thank God that there was no means of public transportation from the mission which I could have taken to return to Kisumu! The heat was too much for me to bear and I did not understand the language of the people. These factors made me feel that I could not fit in with the people.

However, when I gradually came to unveil the hidden beauty and happiness that lay in this dry part of Kenya, and among the local nomadic Turkana tribe and the members of the MCSPA, that light that had been extinguished during my teenage days rekindled with a new vigour. Working in the vegetable garden and attending the Eucharistic celebrations were my best moments. Masses in Turkana were marvellously long! Where the missionary community was concerned, it was amazing to see people from different backgrounds living together with love and understanding. I was very moved and decided that this was the life that I wanted to live. 

I stayed with Fr. Paco during his last two and a half years and I learnt a lot from him. Being a practical man, I learnt how to do many things starting from unclogging blocked sinks to praying the rosary. He stressed vocation promotion and caring for the vocations that God sent us. According to him, one should not live alone like an island. Instead one has to go out and call people to share the joy that one is experiencing. He made me realise the importance of vocation promotion. His departure left a void in my heart and the hearts of many who knew him. Paco’s fraternal correction, which was tough for me at that time, helped and shaped me to be who I am today. He was to me a true shepherd who was ready to leave the ninety-nine sheep in the wilderness and go for the one lost sheep and being him or her back to the flock safe and sound. After his death, Fr. Antonio became my mentor and guide, and thanks to him I have reached where I am today. Antonio tried his best in helping me continue with my vocation. He helped me and continue to help smoothen the sharp edges in my life so as to bring me back on the better path.

It has been a difficult journey for me with all its ups and down. I have had to prune away many things in my life and that has not been easy for me! And still, I find more joy in being there for the people and helping out as best I can. I have never felt like giving up because I find joy here. It is through dying to ourselves and living for others that we acquire this internal and satisfying happiness. Now that I have started theology, I pray that I will not lose focus during these four years and that one day I may be ordained a priest, the kind who finds joy in serving others rather than in being served!

Zacchaeus Okoth Oduor

Senior Apprentice of MCSPA

For more information get in touch via email on –

“Empathy: the Way to Unity

25 August 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on ““Empathy: the Way to Unity”

The Feast of St. Clare was a memorable and joyful day for 12 women and their children of a village at Mizan Teferi that is named after St. Clare.

MCSPA members have been supporting these women and their children who live together in a closed and isolated village. This is because these women had suffered from leprosy and after a long period of medication their leprosy was cured but people still shunned them because they continued to be considered as contagious. Their village was named after St. Clare in the hope that the saint might intercede for them and accompany them in their daily life. We have been supporting them with medical expenses and clothing, teaching them health and hygiene, and spending time with them by accompanying them to the hospital and doing different activities.

One of the women, named Dafaat, asked, “Who are you people that you care for me and even accompany me to the hospital, something which even my children cannot do most times?”

We answered that it is the love of God that is uniting us together so that we can help one another because we need each other to lean on. Jesus died for all of us because He loved us.

One doesn’t have to be a super-woman or man to help. All it takes is a generous heart that is ready to share the little that it possesses, and these are the talents.

Once we truly live out our experiences, we become aware that we cannot let things remain the way they are, forgetting what we have experienced and seen. Instead, we have to participate and share, even if it is just a minute of listening to the other person. It is empathy that brings us together and helps us to be united with each other.

Esther Kerubo


17 August 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “CIVIL ENGINEERING COOPERATION IN NYANGATOM”

We are a Civil Engineering team from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, coordinated by our professor Claudio Olalla, in collaboration with Fathers Angel Valdivia and David Escrich from the MCSPA. Our goal is to do research for different academic projects aimed at improving mobility and water resources for the Nyangatom pastoralist people of south-west Ethiopia. In previous years several other students have also come to Nyangatom to do the final projects for their civil engineering degrees.

For us it is proving to be a very exciting and learning experience! First after about a week of adaptation to the hot and dry weather, the insects and bumpy roads, we were ready to interact with the local community. Then we had meetings with the local authorities and after an important meeting with the council of elders of Kakuta, where they expressed their main needs. In the meeting it was made clear that water infrastructures are the number one priority which could improve the Nyangatom way of life. Thirdly, we engaged in surveying different locations shown to us by the local people which could be very good for the construction of such dams, as you can see in the pictures attached.

During these last five years of presence in Nyangatom, the MCSPA missionaries have made a big effort at drilling wells for providing safe drinking water to most of the Nyangatom villages at the border with Kenya. The next step forward then, as expressed by the Nyangatom elders, would be to build infrastructures for harvesting rain water.

This is why our projects will focus on the design of an earth pan and two dams, that could provide an important amount of water to the community and their animals and a road to Naita (South Sudan) that could help the mobility of the people, especially during migrations. This road that connects Naturomoe with Naita could provide more accessibility to services and make movement safer and faster.

We hope and pray that our efforts, in conjunction with the missionaries and the Nyangatom community, will realise good academic projects that, with the help of donors and well wishers, will one day come true.

Carlos Rueda

Civil Engineer UPM

Congratulations on your 21st Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood!

15 August 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Congratulations on your 21st Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood!”

The members of MCSPA are happy today, on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to celebrate 21 years since Frs. Antonio, Francis and Manolo were ordained to the priesthood by the late Bishop John Mahon of Lodwar. They were ordained for the Diocese of Lodwar, were they have worked and served the people of Lowarengak Parish, Naiokotome Parish, St Augustine’s Cathedral and Kaikor Parish in Turkana.

Fr. Antonio is now the priest-in-charge of Nariokotome Mission and has done much work in developing water resources in the area and whenever there is emergency he, as a pilot, is always ready to fly patients from the most remote reaches to Lodwar Hospital and beyond.

Fr. Francis on the other hand crossed the Indian Ocean to work in the Philippines. He is in charge of the MCSPA formation house in Manila and at the same time doing pastoral work and animating social outreach with in the depressed neighbourhoods of Payatas II and Parola in Manila. He and the community there also try to build bridges between Asia and Africa regarding vocations, missionaries congregations and volunteers who would like to go to Africa.

Fr. Manolo on the other hand went down to Malawi to bring the Good News to our brothers and sisters at Benga Parish of Lilongwe Archdiocese where he is the Parish Priest. Benga Mission is a beautiful parish not far from the capital and he works with the children and women giving them an education that would improve their lives in the future.

“Go out to the whole world and proclaim the Good News” – this is what these three priests have been trying to do wherever they have been sent.

We join all our friends and families in wishing them God’s blessings in their ministries!

Lillian Omari MCSPA

Work of Our Hands: Let the Earth Produce!

11 August 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Work of Our Hands: Let the Earth Produce!”

At Nariokotome Mission and at all the other MCSPA missions, cultivation of vegetables and fruit, livestock and poultry farming is one of the five main elements that we focus on.

We try and produce food for the mission personnel and also to feed the children at our nutritional units. This year we have been blessed with a good harvest and yield of milk and eggs. Many years ago when I first came to Turkana, I could not believe that agriculture would be possible.

Thanks to our founder, the late Fr. Paco Andreo, who insisted always on planting and transforming this dry and apparently barren place to be a “garden”, where people are able to eat and be lifted from a permanent situation of hunger.

We have been able to harvest plenty of tomatoes and Lucia, the mother of one of our missionaries from Italy, Patrizia Aniballi, taught us to make tomato preserve.

Just as we made tomato preserve, this time round we have also been able to produce and conserve mangoes, and vegetables of different sorts. The women around are eagerly learning this skill.

Thus, the words of Genesis 1:11 may come to pass: “And God said,
‘Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.’ And it was so.”

Thanks to all for supporting our agricultural programmes!!!

Lillian Omari

THE JOY OF A NEW PARISH Lake Deanery Pastoral Visitation – Day 2&3

1 August 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “THE JOY OF A NEW PARISH Lake Deanery Pastoral Visitation – Day 2&3”

Today, Bishop Dominic Kimengich celebrated Mass and blessed the new parish of Sts. Joachim and Anne at Kibish.

Prior to the visit to Kibish, the Bishop visited Lomanakeju, Kokuro and Napeikar settlements. These are very remote villages deep in the Ilemi Triangle, close to the borders with South Sudan and Ethiopia.

The Mass was attended by a multitude of Christians from all the outstations of the parish: Lomanakeju, Kokuro, Napeikar, Lokomarinyang, Koyasa, Napak and Kibish. The Church was packed and shook to traditional Turkana music and dance. The Parish Priest, Fr. Wycliffe Ochieng, was accompanied by other MCSPA priests – Fr. Avelino Bassols, Fr. Alex Campon and Fr. Angel Valdivia who came with a team from Ethiopia to represent the new Prince of Peace Catholic Mission in Nyangatom.

The area Member of Parliament Hon. Christopher Nakuleu and other political leaders also graced the occasion. In his homily, the bishop said that the new parish is a very important step towards primary evangelization and cross-border peace efforts in the area. He also said that without peace there cannot be development. Finally leaders, members of the community and also Fr. Angel Valdivia stressed the need of bringing peace to this corridor as soon as possible.

After mass and the presentation of gifts, the bishop blessed the first stone of the new parish and the new plot where the church which will be built in time.

We pray that Sts. Joachim and Anne, the parents of Mary, will protect and help the people of Kibish to be wise and caring so as to bring peace to the people around especially the youth.

God bless our new parish!!!!

Lillian Omari

Blessing of the Church of Nariokotome Anam and the Dispensary of Nariokotome

30 July 2017 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Blessing of the Church of Nariokotome Anam and the Dispensary of Nariokotome”

Blessing of the Church of Nariokotome Anam and the Dispensary of Nariokotome

​Yesterday, July 28th, we received many blessings in the mission of Nariokotome, the mother house of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle and Mother Mary of the Church.

The first blessing came the day before as it rained abundantly throughout the whole area.

On Friday, the celebrations began in the morning at Nariokotome Anam, where Bishop Dominic Kimengich blessed the new Church of St. Peter the Fisherman. In his homily, the Bishop exhorted the parishioners, mostly fishermen in Lake Turkana, to always pass by through this beautiful church to pray before going fishing, so that God could bless their fishing. Bishop Dominic also told everyone to stay peaceful during the next general elections in Kenya on 8th of August.

Next, the Bishop blessed the new Via Crucis and Centre for the Youth, built with the beautiful and sustainable technique called Super Adobe.

In the afternoon we celebrated the blessing of the new Nariokotome dispensary, which continues to provide health care for hundreds of people throughout a vast area of ​​coverage. This new structure, built thanks to friends and benefactors from Germany, Italy and Spain, will greatly improve medical care throughout the area.

Both blessings of the Church and the dispensary are part and parcel of the work that the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle carries out in Turkana and wherever we are present. This work is also the work of the Catholic Church, to work for the Kingdom of God, especially in the most remote areas and with the most vulnerable people.

Fr. Angel Valdivia López

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