14th Furrows Graduation Celebration in Lobur Mission.
3 December 2020 Posted by admin Mission, News, Project 0 thoughts on “14th Furrows Graduation Celebration in Lobur Mission.”Today we celebrated the 14th Graduation of “Furrows in the Desert” in Lobur Catholic Mission. The celebration was a colourful one and took place in the dinning room of Saint Irine Mother and Child Centre, just at the entrance of the Mission.
The students, now farmers, could not hide the joy after completing their training course. They were all awarded certificates because of their good and hard work, after completing six months, doing both class and field or practical farming studies. During the six months they have been able to eat from the produce they planted while learning.
Despite the covid19 pandemic, the trainees have tried to observe the rules and regulations announced by the Ministry of Health of Kenya. That is why they have achieved their goal of graduating and of being declared as one of the best team since Furrows was started in order to fight food insecurity in Turkana.
We have witnessed real agriculture taking place in our region, we have seen and tasted the sweetness of the products. This year, the trainees came from different parts of Turkana County. In addition, a number of trainees came from Marsabit County, proving that Furrows in the Desert is alive and it is still transforming people’s lives.
The achievement has been thanks to team work, especially supported by the Lobur community, establishing a conducive environment where the trainees have been able to accomplish their goals and become skilled farmers who are ready to transform their land, known to be barren, into a garden of Eden.
Fr. Joseph Githinji MCSPA