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14th Furrows Graduation Celebration in Lobur Mission.

3 December 2020 Posted by Mission, News, Project 0 thoughts on “14th Furrows Graduation Celebration in Lobur Mission.”

Today we celebrated the 14th Graduation of “Furrows in the Desert” in Lobur Catholic Mission. The celebration was a colourful one and took place in the dinning room of Saint Irine Mother and Child Centre, just at the entrance of the Mission.

The students, now farmers, could not hide the joy after completing their training course. They were all awarded certificates because of their good and hard work, after completing six months, doing both class and field or practical farming studies. During the six months they have been able to eat from the produce they planted while learning.

Despite the covid19 pandemic, the trainees have tried to observe the rules and regulations announced by the Ministry of Health of Kenya. That is why they have achieved their goal of graduating and of being declared as one of the best team since Furrows was started in order to fight food insecurity in Turkana.

We have witnessed real agriculture taking place in our region, we have seen and tasted the sweetness of the products. This year, the trainees came from different parts of Turkana County. In addition, a number of trainees came from Marsabit County, proving that Furrows in the Desert is alive and it is still transforming people’s lives.

The achievement has been thanks to team work, especially supported by the Lobur community, establishing a conducive environment where the trainees have been able to accomplish their goals and become skilled farmers who are ready to transform their land, known to be barren, into a garden of Eden.

Fr. Joseph Githinji MCSPA

Typhoon Relief in the Philippines

1 December 2020 Posted by General News, News, Project 0 thoughts on “Typhoon Relief in the Philippines”

Dear friends,

Yesterday, on the Feast of St Andrew the Apostle, our friends and contacts at San Miguel Island are distributing canned food to the 900 families on the eastern part of this island off the eastern coast of Luzon. This was happening even as we were writing this update.

After being battered by typhoons Rolly and Ulysses, help is only still trickling in as the people on the island slowly rebuild their lives.

We provided rice a week ago as an emergency Phase 1 step, and now we organised with the local leaders for Phase 2: the provision of canned foodstuff for all the 900 families. We thought it was going to be logistically difficult but thanks to the responsible leaders and good cooperation from volunteers from the community, the foodstuff was purchased in bulk in Tabaco City and shipped over to San Miguel.

There were volunteers from among the families who spent the weekend packing the food bags for distribution.

And nearer to Metro Manila, we continued to distribute food bags last week to families of Marikina City which was badly flooded by Typhoon Ulysses.

In addition, every alternate Sunday, for the past 5 months, we have been giving out cooked meals for 70 children at Ronas Garden near our Formation House. However, this December, we will make it every Sunday instead, thanks to persons of goodwill!

So on this significant feast of the Apostle who brought his brother Peter to meet Jesus, the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle would like to thank you for your part in making possible this encounter between those in need and God’s mercy and love.

Fr. Francis Teo MCSPA

Help to the Menit in Mizan

18 October 2020 Posted by General News, Project 0 thoughts on “Help to the Menit in Mizan”

A few months ago, a group of internally displaced people came to Mizan Town. These people had moved from the nearby rural areas bordering Mizan town. The number of people where about 130, including women with children. They all belonged to the Menit community, one of the minority groups in Ethiopia.

Members of the Missionary Community of Saint Paul the Apostles in Mizan were informed of the problem and we did not hesitate to help. Instead, we moved to see where they were and what had brought them there. We were touched to see many children crying for food spending nights in the cold, young girls with babies that they couldn’t afford to give them the basic needs, young girls forced into marriage unconsciously and families with attacks of epilepsy without medical support!.

These people were forced to leave their homes in search of medical support, food and shelter among other social problems that were not able to cope with. Unfortunately, all of them are epileptic and with traditions in this community once one is discovered that he or she is epileptic, is forced to leave the family and they are not accepted back. Hence, they move to other places continuously looking for help!

The local administration of Mizan-Aman town took them and put them in one of the primary schools since the schools were closed due to Covid 19 pandemic in order to reduce the increase of the pandemic of letting people to move in and out of the town. This was one way to ease the tension and fear of many social problems that are arising and pushing this people to move from one place to another. Though they had a place to sleep their situation was still precarious and needed urgent intervention for their well-being and their dignity.

The joys, hopes and anguish of the people of the time today especially the afflicted ones are the joy, hopes and anguish of the followers of Christ. Seeing the great need of these Menit displaced people, we moved in so as to work together and this made us to ask for help so that we could be able to support them with the basic necessities.

Thanks to so many people from everywhere opened their arms to help, people with desires to make the world a better place by contributing to better the life of others, we were able to support them with blankets that they could cover themselves from cold, mats, clothes, utensils and food.

Also, we counted with doctors from Mizan Aman hospital, whom we invited to visit the Menit. They have given their time and care. It has been an immense gift to experience the collaboration that we have received when trying to assist these people.

After eight months living in the Primary school, and with the start of the reopening of the schools. The local government of Mizan-Aman town, red cross and the administration of West Omo zone have organized that this people to be taken back to their homes. They have constructed houses for them there and we have given them food to start a new living, hoping that things will be better.

We would like this to be a learning experience for many, to learn to help, to learn to serve one another and to love doing something for the people who experience problems in the world today.

Esther Kerubo MCSPA Apprentice

Help to the Menit in Mizan

18 October 2020 Posted by General News, Project 0 thoughts on “Help to the Menit in Mizan”

A few months ago, a group of internally displaced people came to Mizan Town. These people had moved from the nearby rural areas bordering Mizan town. The number of people where about 130, including women with children. They all belonged to the Menit community, one of the minority groups in Ethiopia.

Members of the Missionary Community of Saint Paul the Apostles in Mizan were informed of the problem and we did not hesitate to help. Instead, we moved to see where they were and what had brought them there. We were touched to see many children crying for food spending nights in the cold, young girls with babies that they couldn’t afford to give them the basic needs, young girls forced into marriage unconsciously and families with attacks of epilepsy without medical support!.

These people were forced to leave their homes in search of medical support, food and shelter among other social problems that were not able to cope with. Unfortunately, all of them are epileptic and with traditions in this community once one is discovered that he or she is epileptic, is forced to leave the family and they are not accepted back. Hence, they move to other places continuously looking for help!

The local administration of Mizan-Aman town took them and put them in one of the primary schools since the schools were closed due to Covid 19 pandemic in order to reduce the increase of the pandemic of letting people to move in and out of the town. This was one way to ease the tension and fear of many social problems that are arising and pushing this people to move from one place to another. Though they had a place to sleep their situation was still precarious and needed urgent intervention for their well-being and their dignity.

The joys, hopes and anguish of the people of the time today especially the afflicted ones are the joy, hopes and anguish of the followers of Christ. Seeing the great need of these Menit displaced people, we moved in so as to work together and this made us to ask for help so that we could be able to support them with the basic necessities.

Thanks to so many people from everywhere opened their arms to help, people with desires to make the world a better place by contributing to better the life of others, we were able to support them with blankets that they could cover themselves from cold, mats, clothes, utensils and food.

Also, we counted with doctors from Mizan Aman hospital, whom we invited to visit the Menit. They have given their time and care. It has been an immense gift to experience the collaboration that we have received when trying to assist these people.

After eight months living in the Primary school, and with the start of the reopening of the schools. The local government of Mizan-Aman town, red cross and the administration of West Omo zone have organized that this people to be taken back to their homes. They have constructed houses for them there and we have given them food to start a new living, hoping that things will be better.

We would like this to be a learning experience for many, to learn to help, to learn to serve one another and to love doing something for the people who experience problems in the world today.

Esther Kerubo MCSPA Apprentice

Furrows in the Desert

17 October 2020 Posted by Project 0 thoughts on “Furrows in the Desert”

It seems like the rainy season has started. In Turkana this means blessings, happiness and good times. This is what we are seeing in the farms of our project Furrows in the Desert.

Our farmers are improving and understanding the good of agriculture. They are able to feed their families, their communities and also to sell the surplus to get income. With that income they can buy the rest of basic needs and even the school fees of their children.

Eight years ago, when the project started, the turkana people didn’t know anything about producing their own food, as they come for a pastoralist culture, now you can see where they have reached. Amazing!!!

Maque Falgás

Furrows in the Desert

17 October 2020 Posted by Project 0 thoughts on “Furrows in the Desert”

It seems like the rainy season has started. In Turkana this means blessings, happiness and good times. This is what we are seeing in the farms of our project Furrows in the Desert.

Our farmers are improving and understanding the good of agriculture. They are able to feed their families, their communities and also to sell the surplus to get income. With that income they can buy the rest of basic needs and even the school fees of their children.

Eight years ago, when the project started, the turkana people didn’t know anything about producing their own food, as they come for a pastoralist culture, now you can see where they have reached. Amazing!!!

Maque Falgás

Solar Light For 120 Families in The Ethiopian Plateau

26 February 2020 Posted by News, Project 0 thoughts on “Solar Light For 120 Families in The Ethiopian Plateau”

During the days 28-30th January, the MCSPA, present in the area of Muketuri, together with a Spanish foundation, called “Fundación Harena”, distributed 120 solar light sets to illuminate the homes in 3 villages, Abo Kaso, Gore Ketema and Jebene. These villages are 21 km, 7 km and 17 km away from Muketuri.

The solar sets have 3 points of fixed lights and one mobile, plus a telephone charger point. The families received a training to install the lights and showed their gratitude y happiness for what will change their lives: to have light in their homes, for cooking, living together and with a great impact in their children´s lives who will be able to study when there is no sun light.

At the 3 villages the people organized a party to celebrate the event with a meal, dances and speeches.
In one of the villages an old women expressed her joy saying:
“we don’t know how to thank all this: first the missionaries brought us the water, a well and after this agriculture with the drop system and then a dining room for children under 7 and pregnant women, and today, with these lights they have given us eyes to see all that we have achieved together!”

Many more families have registered to receive solar light for their homes. We hope to get the funds to extend the program to more people.

Lourdes Larruy MCSPA

Solar Light For 120 Families in The Ethiopian Plateau

26 February 2020 Posted by News, Project 0 thoughts on “Solar Light For 120 Families in The Ethiopian Plateau”

During the days 28-30th January, the MCSPA, present in the area of Muketuri, together with a Spanish foundation, called “Fundación Harena”, distributed 120 solar light sets to illuminate the homes in 3 villages, Abo Kaso, Gore Ketema and Jebene. These villages are 21 km, 7 km and 17 km away from Muketuri.

The solar sets have 3 points of fixed lights and one mobile, plus a telephone charger point. The families received a training to install the lights and showed their gratitude y happiness for what will change their lives: to have light in their homes, for cooking, living together and with a great impact in their children´s lives who will be able to study when there is no sun light.

At the 3 villages the people organized a party to celebrate the event with a meal, dances and speeches.
In one of the villages an old women expressed her joy saying:
“we don’t know how to thank all this: first the missionaries brought us the water, a well and after this agriculture with the drop system and then a dining room for children under 7 and pregnant women, and today, with these lights they have given us eyes to see all that we have achieved together!”

Many more families have registered to receive solar light for their homes. We hope to get the funds to extend the program to more people.

Lourdes Larruy MCSPA

Advent News from Muke Turi

16 December 2019 Posted by education, News, Project 0 thoughts on “Advent News from Muke Turi”

At the St. Joseph’s Mother and Child Center at Muketuri, we welcomed Advent with a play. On 5th December, the children of Grade 3 acted out the passage of Isaiah which describes how the wild beasts would be led in peace under the protection of a little child who announces peace.
In this time of violence and uncertainty in the country, the MCSPA promotes peace through different activities.

Lourdes Larruy MCSPA

Bishop Dominic Visits Maisa

26 May 2019 Posted by General News, News, Project 0 thoughts on “Bishop Dominic Visits Maisa”

As part of his pastoral visit to the Lake deanery, Bishop Dominic went to St. Phillip Neri, Maisa outstation, where he blessed the chapel and visited the nearby farm initiated by the project “Furrows In the Desert” which is run by the MCSPA from Lobur Mission. He addressed the congregation and urged them to have faith and be prayerful. “It is through faith and prayer that great things are achieved”. The outstation which is under St. Joachim and Anne Kibish Parish is run by members of the Missionary Community of St. Paul (Frs. Alex and Joseph). We pray that the young seeds of faith planted in Maisa will grow into a big tree for all to enjoy! Amen.

Fr. Wycliffe Ochieng MCSPA

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