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My Vocation Story; Ambrose Emmanuel Wanyonyi,

16 October 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “My Vocation Story; Ambrose Emmanuel Wanyonyi,”

I am Ambrose Wanyonyi and I was born in the western part of Kenya. I spent most of my childhood in a village near Kitale town. I am currently a senior apprentice with the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle, better known by our acronym, MCSPA.

My journey to missionary life dates back 8 years ago, on completion of my high school education. Brian Werunga – whom I knew ever since we were children – at that time had just spent a year with the MCSPA. Brian returned to our village for a couple of days and shared with me the “breaking news”: he had met some missionaries who reside in Turkana, and he was impressed at their generosity in restoring hope to people of this marginalised region of northern Kenya. 

The news about the missionaries did not move me much at first, since I hardly knew much about what missionaries were all about anyway. Nevertheless, I felt somewhat eager to see what all the fuss was about. So in the beginning of 2011, I set off together with Brian to Lodwar and I was introduced to Fr. Francis Teo, a member of the MCSPA, who was then the Vicar General of the Diocese of Lodwar. It all appeared like going and staying with a priest in the parish … it didn’t look anything extraordinary at all!

Then, for my first weekend in this region, we all went up to the remote area to the north of Lodwar, to the mission of Nariokotome. Now, things began to look different! I was able to meet many other members of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle.

While Turkana is generally a semi-arid place, the mission looked different. Here, in the middle of nowhere, there was life! Because of the lack of rain and the apparently barren soil and scorching sun, it may not be easy to agree with me when I say that one could easily fall in love with this place. It is here that my whole understanding of missionary life deepened. Living and learning the charism of the missionary community continues to strengthen my vocation. I have no doubt that this is the correct choice that I have made. 

The unity and bond among people of different nationalities was surprising to me at first, but as time went by, I developed a better understanding of this way of life, a life in common. The love of Christ is felt in the people of the house and living together becomes more and more fulfilling. This closeness is propelled by one purpose, to give all to those who need more than what we need, and to bring them closer to Christ. 

I think this is the one thing that I admire most in my journey with the MCSPA: when you are able to go out of yourself and just give without expecting any returns. I am always touched by the words of Cecilia Puig, a senior member of the MCSPA, “there is much joy in giving than in receiving.” It is in this giving, that I am able to help myself more, and this strengthens my vocation. 

This missionary community or house, as we say, has become my home. It is hard to speak of a material or visible sign that one is being called to follow a vocation as a missionary. I think the recognisable sign is when there is deep joy in simply belonging to or being a part of this house. It is through these 8 years that I have continued to grow more seriously – in mind, heart and soul – in my vocation to the priesthood. I am not yet there, but it is my aim, with the help of God. Fr. Francis, the one who has mentored me throughout and to whom I owe my gratitude, has been the “driver” ever since I started out on my vocation journey. He has given the greatest support to bring me this far. These years have come with challenges of all sorts. However, Fr. Francis has stood by my side to guide me and to help me stand up again and to continue the journey, happier still and with more focus and commitment.

And I know that I need to serve God better from now on.

Ambrose Emmanuel Wanyonyi, – Apprentice, MCSPA

The Road that is the Missionary Life : Esther Kerubo

15 October 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “The Road that is the Missionary Life : Esther Kerubo”

It all began in September 2009 at Nakuru College where I met Laura, a young lady who had been with the Missionary Community of Saint Paul the Apostle (MCSPA). Laura explained to me about these missionaries and invited me to visit them at their different missions in Lodwar Diocese, Kenya.

At that time I didn’t know anything about missionaries except for what I had learnt at school. Laura encouraged me and told me that if I became a missionary, my generosity and love would reach far in helping others.

After completing my studies in 2012, I contacted Josephine Amuma and she invited me to visit the MCSPA mission in Turkana. I was eager to know who they were and why they had come from far away to live with people in the middle of the semi-desert.

When I reached Lodwar, it was another adventure for me because there were no sealed roads to go to the mission, only the dirt tracks that the missionaries used to go to the different villages. I finally reached the mission of Nariokotome. I was left speechless at how the missionaries had come from so far to help and yet I was not even aware of what was happening in the northern part of my own country! I did not expect to see what I saw at that moment. It impressed me so much that I decided to choose to live this kind of life with the members of the MCSPA so that I could help others by caring for them, and starting from my own country.

I was moved at how the missionaries were carrying out their tasks and apostolate with generosity and love and to whoever that came knocking on the door for assistance – some solution would always be found!  I marvelled at how they had turned a semi-desert land into a lush garden, and showing that, with patience and perseverance, vegetables and fruit can grow in a semi-desert like Turkana!

Seeing people without much water or food to eat or clothes to wear opened my heart to share all that I had and love others as God has loved us without choosing; real love does not expect anything in return.

I was touched, and I said “yes” to joining the MCSPA missionaries who had come from different parts of the world so that I could serve freely the people of God. I believe that God is calling me to serve all his people. It is through that kind of love that life can be changed and all this starts with me. It doesn’t matter how much one does but it is the love that one puts into doing that really matters.

I am now living in Ethiopia and I give thanks to Laura and all those who have showed me the way to go out and love as God has loved us.

Esther Kerubo, 

Apprentice MCSPA

Why to Pass this Way? Vocation story Peter Chege

13 October 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Why to Pass this Way? Vocation story Peter Chege”

Why take this way? This is a question I am often asked by many people, especially my former classmates. It is difficult for them to understand why I decided to do something so different in my life.

It all started on 28thFebruary 2011, when I said “Yes” to Fr. Avelino, a priest and member of the Missionary Community of Saint Paul the Apostle. I remember vividly that day under a tree in Thika (central Kenya) when Fr. Avelino invited me to go with him to Turkana and to see for myself what they do. I had never been in that part of the country, but I had read, back in my school days, about the Turkana people who are known to be warriors. For this reason I did not share with many friends and family about my going there since I was afraid that they would discourage me from doing so.  

I was born in the central region of Kenya. The land is generally fertile and rain is never a problem. However when I reached Turkana, for the first time in my life I experienced extremely high temperatures. I started wondering if anyone could survive such conditions. What encouraged me was seeing the people of the land so happy and positive despite the harsh conditions under which they survived.

I was warmly welcomed by the members of the Community who come from different parts of the world, but who have formed a fraternal bond, guided by the same charism, and moved by people’s suffering. When I saw how the members were united, I immediately decided to leave my former life and embrace this new journey. I had also the privilege of meeting and staying with the founder, Fr. Paco. May his soul rest in eternal peace. I owe him my life here. He was the one who moulded me and showed me the realities of life.

I have usually been good at working with youth, and I have been doing so in Turkana for several years. It gives me joy to see the young people smile. In that way they are able to overcome all the trauma they have gone through. I stayed in Nariokotome for five years and then I went to our mission in Malawi. There, I was introduced to another life and culture. I was working with a fishing project, establishing fishponds in different villages, interacting directly with the people on the ground.

Again, I left Malawi and moved to South Sudan. We are trying to rebuild the mission of Ave Maria in the Diocese of Tombura Yambio. It was constructed by the Comboni Missionaries decades ago. It feels an honour to step into the shoes of these early missionaries. In South Sudan I often have to lead the Liturgy of the Word, visit remote villages and take communion to the sick and elderly.

It is now eight years since I chose this path and I have never regretted it a single moment. I look forward with zeal, as St. Paul says, to finish the race that I have started.

Thank you, Avelino, for inviting me to this life. Meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me. To all the members of this wonderful family, I thank you as you continue helping me to get up especially when I am down.

So going back to the question often asked of me, “Why take this way?” I guess its because I shall never pass this way again, and so if there is something good that I can do for others, I shall do it now!

In our youth group in my home parish we had T-shirts with the quote from Stephen Grellet printed on them: “I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” 

This quote has been for me an inspiration in my life and vocation. I find in it an answer, when I am asked why I decided to take this way.

Peter Chege, Apprentice MCSPA

My Vocation: Denis Odongo

12 October 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “My Vocation: Denis Odongo”

My journey to being a missionary was one of many curves and turnings. At a very early age I knew that I wanted to be a Priest. At Nakuru where I lived with my family for ten years during my adolescent years is when I discovered my vocation to the Priesthood. Through a very encouraging and concerned Parish Priest I became an altar server and later on joined St. Joseph’s Minor Seminary in Molo.

While at the seminary my vocation became stronger. The rector then was a very gentle and demanding man at the same time. He inspired most of us towards the Priesthood. The said rector is currently my Bishop in the Diocese of Lodwar. All along my idea of the Priesthood was of the diocesan kind since all the Priests that I came across were Diocesan.

This however changed when I went to Turkana through the invitation of a friend of mine to visit Turkana. Turkana was a new discovery to me. It may have been in the same country but it might as well been another country all together. The people, the place, the smells, everything seemed so different and difficult and yet surprisingly exciting.

I met European missionaries so fascinated by the place and doing a lot for the people, my country men. This was a great challenge to me. I felt like, if they can be happy staying in a place that most of us Kenyans shun, a place that we consider difficult and forgotten, I could also be part of the change process, be an agent of hope. I was happy and committed for some time.

However after four years I left the Community, I left Turkana to try a new life. By God’s grace I found my way back to the Community. As they say, the rest is history. I became a missionary through the guidance and support of Albert and many other MCSPA members.

I’m currently working at Nariokotome Mission as the Parish Priest and as the Director of St. Joseph Primary school.

Denis Odongo, MCSPA

My Missionary Vocation: A Call to Commitment for the Poor

11 October 2019 Posted by Community, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “My Missionary Vocation: A Call to Commitment for the Poor”

I want to briefly share the testimony of my vocation in this Extraordinary Missionary Month, especially with so many young people in the world who have had the good fortune of growing up in countries and families that have given us so much. I am Colombian, and I grew up with wonderful parents and brothers with whom I joyfully lived my Catholic faith since I was a child. In addition, I grew up in one of the many parishes of the Archdiocese of Bogota, where the example of good priests attracts many to follow Christ unconditionally.
However, in spite of having so much love from people close to me, a strange dissatisfaction filled my life during the years I lived at the university. The pain of so many people in my country in permanent war and the suffering of so many people in the world, made me feel grateful for everything I had, but at the same time left my heart thirsty, hungry. Nothing satisfied me. My psychology studies did not quench my thirst for justice, my thirst to wanting to be part of God’s plan of goodness for all. Many books, much theory, but little practice, little love. Those were difficult moments: intense longings to want to change the world and not knowing how. Amidst so much confusion and dissatisfaction of a young woman from Bogota who had had everything, God put my happiness on my path, and in the most unexpected way.
A woman, a nurse and missionary in Africa for many years, invited me to be part of an exceptional family: the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle. With Cecilia’s enthusiasm, and that of many other missionaries in the group, my life found a living Jesus: transformer of a world that cries out for justice and love. I cannot forget Father Francisco Andreo – Paco-, who revolutionized all my schemes since I met him. With him, the Gospel began to be for me something alive, active, concrete, thanks to his exceptional love for those in most need and especially for Africa. The way he committed himself, from beginning to end, to those who suffer marked my vocation forever. His trust in God was amazing, and his faith in the transformation of people and places oppressed by despair continues, even today, to impel my life.
There are no words to say thanks for those moments (17 years ago) when God filled me with strength to say, “Yes, I follow you, unconditionally and for life to go where you need me”. And here I am, in a corner of Africa called Turkana, full of amazing people in the midst of extreme poverty, hunger, lack of water and scarcity of opportunities, who are slowly building a more dignified present and future, despite the countless challenges.
What a blessing to have received the mission of turning this remote place of the Turkana desert into a garden! What a joy to be part of a missionary family that wants to commit itself completely to the most underprivileged, accompanying them in a permanent way to announce to them a Christ who loves them here and now. And what a joy to find on this journey, so many generous people who help us to build the Kingdom of God.
I recognize that the faith in God of the people from Turkana and maturing together our faith in Christ, has been my great joy and an enormous responsibility that I share with my companions on the road in the mission of Kokuselei. Lay missionaries like me, with whom we are building a living and young Church in the midst of numerous people full of enthusiasm for making God present in their lives. People who need to be accompanied, shepherded, towards paths of hope, faith and love.
Here in Africa, hundreds of people are in need of good shepherds who will take them where there is life, where Jesus is. But we lack hands, missionary priests and missionary women who want to leave their own land to reach so many who are waiting for the concrete message of God’s love. Young people who want to leave everything to follow Christ and who are willing to be sent where they are needed. Young people who want to overcome ties and who are ready to walk against the direction of a world that often closes the doors to true love.
I am happy and I know that whoever follows Christ one hundred percent is happy. As a missionary, I hope that this Extraordinary Missionary Month will sow in the hearts of so many young Catholics around the world the seed of a fearless love and a love committed to the proclamation of Jesus among those in most need. I pray for vocations that will cross borders and join the universal mission of the Church.

Diana Trompetero, MCSPA

Reflexion of my volunteer experience: Marie Mlatečková

6 October 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Reflexion of my volunteer experience: Marie Mlatečková”

From what I know, we tend to search for homes. Home as a place or as a human being. It was a sudden feeling right after my arrival that Malawi will be somehow really special to me and when leaving I knew, that this place on the other side of the world feels more like home than any other before.

I spent five weeks in the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle in Benga Parish in Malawi.

As I can get anxious very easily, it sometimes makes me feel that I have already met enough people and I become scared of meeting new ones. In Malawi, I have met so many. Some of them were just passing by. To me, more than an ordinary people they represented an impression of joy, love, openness. The strength – of the voice, body and mind. The devoutness – to God, to their jobs, to what fulfils them. But some of them became really important to me and they had an impact on me in the most positive way and I am forever grateful for meeting them. 

The moments in Malawi, when we were finding ourselves on the same place in the same time on the same path, were too short and regardless of this we were still able to surrender parts of ourselves and take something from one another. It’s not about languages, nations, amount of money or race. It’s not even the mentality, or habits, however different they are. It’s the laughter, joy and openness what connect us. The willingness to help each other but never look down on somebody who has less than you do, as the wealth can’t always be seen. The ability to accept ourselves the way we are. Get over our walls and differences, our own hypocrisy and habits and search deeper. Not to compare and always start changing ourselves before others. And most importantly – not to be afraid of being human, because that’s what we are after all.

My experience may have changed everything I’ve known up to now. The point of view, priorities, the way of considering what really matters and what’s important. It made me doubt myself as well as my goals in life. Eventually made me find myself in a better place, with realisation that everything takes time, that as we can influence our lives we can never change what is supposed to happen as well. Although we can find ourselves on a place not really suitable at the moment or accomplishing tasks that don’t seem fulfilling enough, it’s happening for some reason. And what really matters is to do it with joy and love, which can be always find around or in ourselves, doesn’t really matter where you are. You are here and now, it’s time to be present and grateful. And that’s definitely what I am while thinking of my experience – infinitely grateful. The place, community and people, the joy, calmness and openness, all this together. And one beautiful country, Malawi, which once you’ve visited, it’s too hard not to coming back. And definitely impossible to forget.

Marie Mlatečková (Volunteer)

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My Vocation As A Missionary: Victor Otieno, MCSPA.

5 October 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “My Vocation As A Missionary: Victor Otieno, MCSPA.”

Growing up it never occurred to me that one day I would be a missionary, my understanding of being missionary was shaped by what I learned in school, to me a missionary was someone who had come from Europe to spread the good news of Christ’s salvation in Africa. 

This totally changed when I met Fr. Alex Campon a Spanish missionary priest of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA), most notable thing I remember in those early days when I began my missionary vocation in Turkana was waking up early in the morning preparing land for growing crops and planting trees with the local nomadic Turkana people in the almost barren land of Turkana which I thought was “madness” at that time little did I know that God was calling me in that way, now I trust that God writes straight in crooked lines. Going for “round masses” as we used to call them helped me hear the life stories of struggle of the local poor nomadic people and I came embrace the invitation that Christ was calling me to follow him through Fr. Alex Campon. It was not only to follow and remain dormant rather it was an invitation to share my life, capacities, and talents consequently from these experiences the Lord planted in me a great desire for missionary vocation.  

Even though at times the work, traveling around in an unforgiving terrain felt like a “punishment” and exhausting, at the end of each day I felt more refreshed and full of life than ever before. In Turkana I became aware of the adventure and the difficulties inherent in following Christ and in the midst of this spiritual transformation of sorts, I was learning and observing first-hand the ministry of long-term development being guided Fr. Alex Campon and the wider community of the MCSPA.

As a missionary in my own country among the poor nomadic people of Turkana, I have come to learn that direct service to the poor requires serious, consistent self-examination, deep prayer, and willingness to be converted and unlearn many things. No one serves perfectly, gives completely or works flawlessly. What is important is that a person knows and experiences the call to missionary vocation as a call from Christ, I don’t serve because it is good to do so, but I serve because I have been called in love and my response is to choose to return love.God created me in love, and has called me to life in service of others. In the poor, in those I work amongst, I see and know the Lord. I see the crucified, suffering Christ more often in the person broken by hunger and struggling to feed themselves, in that elderly person who has no one to take care of him or her, in that abandoned child and in many cases of desperation.

Through these experiences I have developed a burning desire to be more than just a participant in life, but to understand a spiritual calling to serve the Church. The strong presence of God actively working in my life has led me to seek a deep understanding of my personal spiritual growth. I am filled with joy to have responded to the call of Christ to become a missionary and now that I am in my final year of theological studies at Loyola School of Theology (LST) in Manila, almost being ordained deacon it gives me pleasure that I will further my life rooted in Christ and at the same time understand God’s intention for God’s creation and human potential, proclaiming and becoming an authentic witness to the Word of God in an intelligible manner as a future priest to the People of God, in the blessed land of Turkana where my missionary vocation was born.

Victor Otieno, MCSPA.

For more info get in touch with us via email on :

My Journey as a Missionary – Brian Werunga, MCSPA.

4 October 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “My Journey as a Missionary – Brian Werunga, MCSPA.”

My journey towards the missionary life started in 2007. I was still at Lodwar High School when I first encountered real missionaries. That is when the whole idea of missionary life began to take shape in me. 

My encounter with Fr. Francis Teo in 2007 was when the seed of a vocation was planted in me. It all began as a friendship that grew day by day and helped shape my vocation as a missionary today and this decision to journey towards the priesthood which I am walking along now.

In 2009 after finishing high school studies, Fr. Francis extended his invitation to me to join him at St. Augustine Cathedral, Lodwar. He was the Rector of the Cathedral at the time. Living with the priests of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA) helped me to see life from a different perspective. I was 19 years old then, and I started asking myself so many questions to which I could not find answers!

I was born in the western part of Kenya near an agricultural town. From there, I moved to Turkana to study. I never really experienced much hardship, at least nothing compared to the challenges that I faced later in the semi-desert of Turkana. Though born and raised in a Catholic family, it never occurred to me that one day I would journey on this missionary life.

Life in the semi-desert of Turkana was a very big challenge for me. Though I am Kenyan, I found it hard to cope up with that and I always wished to return to my hometown. However, I asked myself, “How I could look away from the same people of my country while here was someone who had come from very far and has committed all his life for them?”

This kept on ringing in my head and I felt that I could do something about it. And the way I figured would be for me to be part of the missionary community and do my little part.

My life with Fr. Francis and other priests of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle who were then residing at the St. Augustine Cathedral was a learning experience. I remember Fr. Manuel Hernandez and Fr. Angel Valdivia with whom we shared much time together. Together with Fr. Francis, they helped me mature in my vocation.

Accompanying Fr. Francis for masses to the outstations of the Cathedral Parish and helping to attend to the lines of people who came looking for help at the Cathedral, instilled in me a sense of service. This was part of the whole conversion process that I was undergoing deep within me.

I got exposed to other missions of the MCSPA. Thus I learned many things from the priests and other missionaries. I also learned to love. This was the most interesting part of my vocation. Learning first-hand from the missionaries was one big adventure!

I remember meeting the founder of our community, Fr. Paco, who made an instant impact in my life. From the first encounter with him, I saw a father figure in him. The love and care he showed at the first meeting was something that left me wondering what on earth did he see in me! He encouraged me to search for what would give me real happiness.

In 2012, there were some changes and new plans. Fr. Francis was on his sabbatical and he was to venture into Asia. I left with Fr. Francis to the Philippines where we started, from scratch, to slowly establish our house of study in Metro Manila.

The same year, together with other apprentices, I started philosophy studies at the University of Santo Tomas in Manila. I also registered in a language school for Spanish. We also got involved in, very practical ways, with outreach at the slums of central Manila, at Parola. This also played a big part in the journey of discovery in my life as young missionary.

Nine years have gone by and I find my life changing and the zeal to serve as a missionary increasing. I think I have found my vocation and reason for my happiness, and I look forward to this missionary life.

Now I am in the second part of studies towards the priesthood. I have started theology studies at Loyola School of Theology in Metro Manila. I pray that through God’s grace, the work the Lord began in me on the day I said “Yes!” to this call may be accomplished in His time.

Brian Werunga, MCSPA.

My Vocation Story – Zacchaeus Okoth Oduor

28 September 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “My Vocation Story – Zacchaeus Okoth Oduor”

As a young boy, I admired our parish priest, Fr. Raphael Ochanda, of St Michael’s Parish at Sigomere in Western Kenya. He was a simple man and believed in practical things. What made me admire him most was when I saw how he would be covered in dust while repairing his car. This struck me very much because of the idea I had before of a priest as someone “holy” and above all the grime and dirt. Thus, a light ignited in me and I told myself that I must be a priest one day. I started organizing games in which we would pretend that we were celebrating “mass” and I was the “presider”. Although I harboured this secret desire, I never managed to get near the altar as an altar server. However, this interest continued inside me throughout my primary school days. This feeling all but diminished when I entered the teen phase in secondary school. I lost interest in the priesthood and in the Church as a whole. I stopped going to church and instead kept myself busy doing odd jobs that could bring in some income for my private needs.

After secondary school, I moved to Kisumu city with my cousin. It is often said that God calls us in different ways and when He hooks us, we cannot escape. One day, while I was helping at the farm of our neighbour, Mama Quinter, who was sick at that time, I saw her daughter, Quinter, who had gone away from home for some time, entering the house with a visitor. Curiously, I went to ask Quinter who the visitor was and where had she been all this time. She told me that she was with a group of missionaries based in Turkana, northern Kenya. After narrating to me all that the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA) was doing in Turkana, I became interested in the work of the MCSPA although I was quite uncertain of how I could help. When I told her of my interest to go and visit, Quinter introduced me to Josephine Amuma, a member of the community, who arranged for me to go to Turkana. I was thus introduced to Fr. Paco who was later to become my guide and mentor. 

To this day, I am convinced that the first week in Turkana was the worst thing that I had ever experienced! I still thank God that there was no means of public transportation from the mission which I could have taken to return to Kisumu! The heat was too much for me to bear and I did not understand the language of the people. These factors made me feel that I could not fit in with the people.

However, when I gradually came to unveil the hidden beauty and happiness that lay in this dry part of Kenya, and among the local nomadic Turkana tribe and the members of the MCSPA, that light that had been extinguished during my teenage days rekindled with a new vigour. Working in the vegetable garden and attending the Eucharistic celebrations were my best moments. Masses in Turkana were marvellously long! Where the missionary community was concerned, it was amazing to see people from different backgrounds living together with love and understanding. I was very moved and decided that this was the life that I wanted to live. 

I stayed with Fr. Paco during his last two and a half years and I learnt a lot from him. Being a practical man, I learnt how to do many things starting from unclogging blocked sinks to praying the rosary. He stressed vocation promotion and caring for the vocations that God sent us. According to him, one should not live alone like an island. Instead one has to go out and call people to share the joy that one is experiencing. He made me realise the importance of vocation promotion. His departure left a void in my heart and the hearts of many who knew him. Paco’s fraternal correction, which was tough for me at that time, helped and shaped me to be who I am today. He was to me a true shepherd who was ready to leave the ninety-nine sheep in the wilderness and go for the one lost sheep and being him or her back to the flock safe and sound. After his death, Fr. Antonio became my mentor and guide, and thanks to him I have reached where I am today. Antonio tried his best in helping me continue with my vocation. He helped me and continue to help smoothen the sharp edges in my life so as to bring me back on the better path.

It has been a difficult journey for me with all its ups and down. I have had to prune away many things in my life and that has not been easy for me! And still, I find more joy in being there for the people and helping out as best I can. I have never felt like giving up because I find joy here. It is through dying to ourselves and living for others that we acquire this internal and satisfying happiness. Now that I have started theology, I pray that I will not lose focus during these four years and that one day I may be ordained a priest, the kind who finds joy in serving others rather than in being served!

Zacchaeus Okoth Oduor

Senior Apprentice of MCSPA

For more information get in touch via email on –

My Vocation Story

26 September 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “My Vocation Story”

I am James Mangeni and I was born in Busia County (in Kenya) but I grew up in the bustling city of Nairobi. I am the 5thborn of a family of 6 siblings brought up in a Catholic family. My parents instilled Christian values in us ever since we were young. 

I have been with the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle for the past 7 years, working at our missions in Kenya and Malawi. It took me time to confirm if I had the vocation to follow Christ or not, as I felt that I was not good enough to be a missionary, leave alone daring to dream that one day I would be serving the people of God somewhere in Turkana or Malawi.

Immediately after my secondary school education, I opted to look for employment, which, by God’s grace, I did find – cooking at one of the busy small restaurants in Nairobi’s Central Business District. While I was working at the restaurant, I met a seminarian from Uganda, who encouraged me to discern carefully if I had a vocation or not. He was very concerned and checked on me every day asking if I had made phone calls to religious congregations which he had recommended to me. Despite this seminarian’s insistence, I still did not show much perseverance! However with time, my heart became restless and a certain desire got the better of me: I felt a strong urge to give missionary life a try. I began sending out application letters to different congregations. 

I could have approached my parish priest to express my desire but I did not. One thing became clear to me: I wished for something different, other than being a diocesan priest or a Comboni priest. The booklet on congregations and institutes that I got from my Ugandan friend, gave me an idea and a summary of various missionary communities in Kenya. Thus I first came to know of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA), whose way of life and apostolate caught my attention. I also had an opportunity to attend the Yarumal Missionaries’ “Come and See” Programme which lasted a few days. 

Soon after the experience with the Yarumal Missionaries, I received a reply from my earlier application letter to the MCSPA. It was from Fr. Fernando Aguirre and Andrew Yakulula, both members of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle. At this juncture, I was confused as to which path I should take. However, through constant and regular interaction with Andrew (who was then still a seminarian in theology studies at Tangaza College, Nairobi), I began to know more about the work and life of the MCSPA, and I was touched by the missionary work which its members were doing in Turkana. I visited the mission for 2 weeks and then, later on, I met Fr. Fernando for the first time. We exchanged contacts and I began to visit and help them with different activities at their Nairobi residence. 

After 3 months, my mind was made up; I resigned from my work, and left Nairobi to start my formation with the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA) in Turkana, particularly at Todonyang Mission. It is now 7 years filled with joy and happiness, and I have never doubted my decision.

I feel God’s grace showering on me throughout my time in Malawi. I thank God for the opportunity to be part of the initial team that started to set up Benga Mission in Malawi; we started the mission from scratch!

One of the beautiful things of Benga is the smile and kindness shown by the people, despite their difficult socio-economic situation, and this makes one feel accepted and loved. The people do their part in sustaining the parish activities through their annual contribution of tithes, grain from their harvests, and in building up the Small Christian Communities in the area. 

Although I encountered serious challenges in starting the philosophy course with the University of South Africa, I was able to overcome these challenges, thanks to the support and trust from Frs. Fernando and Manuel, and other members of the MCSPA family. At present, I completed the philosophy course and am currently doing pastoral work at Benga Mission. I spend most of my time at the farm with the different communities of Benga area, imparting to them animal management, aquaculture and solar lighting technology. I am also assisting with our program to assist albinos in the area.

What motivates me to be a missionary  – and this is the message that I would like to give especially during this Extraordinary Month of Missions – is the support and encouragement that I receive every day from the people in the MCSPA family, especially during difficult moments. It is not an easy journey but together, as a family, and with the grace of God, we will be able to keep moving forward. We journey with one another despite our cultural and racial differences but through these differences we are able to build up the communal spirit and confidence. This is what motivates me, and it is what fills me.

James Mangeni, Senior Apprentice MCSPA

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February 2025