Posts in Mission

25 Years Seem Like Yesterday

28 August 2019 Posted by Church, Community, Mission 0 thoughts on “25 Years Seem Like Yesterday”

Yesterday (August 27), in the afternoon, members of the MCSPA celebrated the silver jubilee anniversary of the community’s presence in Ethiopia at Holy Saviour Church in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by His Eminence Berhaneyesus Cardinal Souraphiel of Addis Ababa accompanied by Msgr. Markos Gebremedhin, Bishop of Jimma-Bonga. It was a great joy to celebrate this mile-stone surrounded by many people who have been with us since the begining of our missionary work in Ethiopia: friends, beneficiaries and staff from all the four MCSPA missions in Ethiopia.

During his homily, the Cardinal congratulated all who made this mission a reality: from Fr. Paco to Cecilia, Lourdes and all who are now working in Ethiopia. He spoke of how Fr. Paco had a boundless energy and how he encouraged the MCSPA members to take care of the poor, recalling the words from Scripture, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink”.

The Cardinal also encouraged MCSPA members to be people of prayer like St. Monica and to seek God in each one of us, as advised by St. Augustine.

Finally Cardinal Berhaneyesus also adviced us to continue to seek out the lost sheep, bearing in mind the charism of MCSPA.

After the mass, everyone gathered in the church hall for speeches, refreshments, a slideshow and, finally, songs and dances in the Nyangatom (southern Ethiopia) style!

We wish to thank all those who made this day a success especially all the friends, relatives, and staff who attended, and we pray that God may continue to bless us with more vocations so that we may be able to reach many other places in Ethiopia and the surrounding countries where the harvest is still so full.

Thank you for all your prayers and support throughout these years!

Lillian Omari MCSPA

Little by Little We Build our Church

4 August 2019 Posted by Church, Mission 0 thoughts on “Little by Little We Build our Church”

Fr Alex, Parish priest of Ss. Joachim and Anne, one of the youngest parish in the Dioceses of Lodwar, has been encouraging the Small Christian Communities so that they can support the parish in all its development.

This week through the contributions of the Christians in every out-station, they managed to make altar clothes in all four liturgical colours for all their out-stations and the main parish church.

In this particular outstation those responsible; the catechist, youth chairman, the outstation chairperson and the Catholic Women Association representative received the gifts on behalf of all the Christians of Napeikar outstation.

We hope through this small acts, the Christians continue to feel part of the development that takes place in their Church.

Ambrose Wanyonyi
Apprentice MCSPA

Improving Educational Skills by Sharing Experiences

23 May 2019 Posted by education, General News, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Improving Educational Skills by Sharing Experiences”

Missionaries from Kokuselei and Teachers from the public and private pre-primary and primary schools of Riokomor and Kokuselei enjoyed recently an exposure trip to Our Lady Queen of Peace Integrated Centre in Todonyang. They learned from the educational work that both teachers and children are carrying out at the border. Especially the dedication and commitment they put.

We thank the entire team of teachers from the mission school and our MCSPA missionaries in this place for their warm welcome.

There are many teachers with a lot of talent teaching in Turkana, who contribute a great deal to improve the situation of the vulnerable children where they work. We hope to continue sharing more experiences such as this to grow together and make quality education possible in Turkana.

Diana Trompetero, MCSPA

Living Faith in Ave Maria Parish

7 May 2019 Posted by Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Living Faith in Ave Maria Parish”

Over the weekend we went on pastoral visitation to the villages around Dingimo, in Ave Maria Parish, in Tombura-Yambio Catholic Diocese, South Sudan.

Some in the group thought it was good to carry food if we were to spend the whole weekend. However, some of us knew better by experience that people would feed us and we would not be able even to finish all the food! Indeed, in every village we went people expected us to eat.

We were six in the party and they had arranged for us to sleep in the headmasters office in the Dingimo Primary School. In the afternoon we had a meeting with the school committee in the presence of the Sultan (chief). Then, towards the evening people started arriving with their sleeping mats. This is because, once the priest comes, people have to leave their houses in order to spend the night with us in the school and pray the Rosary together. We started with the Rosary at 9 pm, after supper, and it went on until almost 10:30 pm!

During this weekend we had baptisms in several villages, First Holy Communion and a Wedding.

People in Dingimo show that their Faith is Alive, since God is always with us in everyday life.

Fr. Avelino Bassols MCSPA

St Joseph’s Feast in MCSPA’s Missions

20 March 2019 Posted by education, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “St Joseph’s Feast in MCSPA’s Missions”

Kokuselei – School children’s Mass in the New church and meal.

The MCSPA Members at Kokuselei celebrated the feast of St Joseph with style. All the children of St. Joseph primary school and the whole village attended mass and shared a meal together. Let St. Joseph be the role model of the school.

Nariokotome – Celebrating the feast of St Joseph with plenty to eat!!

‘The children at St Joseph Mother and Child Centre – Nariokotome celebrated the feast of St Joseph with plenty to eat. Imitating the foot steps of St Joseph, a father to all, who provided for his children the same happens at the centre in Nariokotome. Let’s give the best to our children.

Muketuri MCC Ethiopia – Drawing to St Joseph

The children at St Joseph Mother and Child Centre – Muketuri Ethiopia, celebrated the feast by making the best drawings dedicated to St Joseph. Lets help these children develop their talents.

Feast of St Joseph – Andode Mission Ethiopia

The children of St Joseph Mother and Child Centre – Andode, were not left out for the feast of St. Joseph. It was great to see the children sing hymns to St Joseph. They shared the little they had together, but the best was the smiles on their faces.

Lillian Omari MCSPA

Vocational Promotion in Panay Island, Philippines

18 February 2019 Posted by Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Vocational Promotion in Panay Island, Philippines”

Our MCSPA house in the Philippines serves several purposes: on the one hand is a study house for our priests who seek further studies, and our philosophers and theologians, as well. And on the other hand it is also a spring board from where we can reach many places in the South East Asia in order to carry out missionary animation and vocational promotion, as well as bridging between Asia and Africa. This apostolate has already borne fruits as the Diocese of Antique in the Philippines, has sent two priests to take care of the parish of St. James in Kaikor, Turkana, and a congregation of sisters to take care of outstation Kaleng.

Fr. Francis Teo and Ambrose Wanyonyi went to Panay Island, recently. They went particularly to San Jose Antique, which is the home of the Philipino priests and sisters mentioned above. At San Jose, they gave talks at two universities: St Anthony’s College and the University of Antique for vocation promotion, establishing new relations with the clergy and some families and strengthening our bonds with the people that have always been there to assist us.

They then proceeded to Iloilo City, about a 3-hour ride away, to establish contacts with colleges and also some priests there and to see Archbishop Lazo who is now the Archbishop of Jaro. He had been to Turkana in Kenya.

They also visited the Judicial Vicar of Jaro who also responded positively on our mission campaign. He has invited us, in the later part of this year, to give talks to the lay leaders there on mission, so as to create more awareness of missionary work, especially since this is the Extraordinary Year of the Missions.

They then went on to Cebu for vocation promotion activities, and Victor Otieno and John Amadi joined our team from there. On Sunday morning Fr. Francis con-celebrated the 8 am mass in Cebuano the local dialect and presided over the 10 am mass at Sibonga Parish, outside of Cebu City. There, the local parish priest had invited us to his rural parish on many occasions. After the 10 am mass, we met with some youth of the parish at the parish hall, where we held a talk and showed videos on the missions in Turkana. The youth were very excited and asked lots of questions about our missionary life in Africa. We were also invited to present another talk at the San Carlos Major Seminary in Cebu, where we met Msgr Rey, the Rector, and also the Vocations Promoter and other priests. They were very interested and welcoming. There were about 80 seminarians.

The Vocation Promoter invited us for the Archdiocesan Vocations Jamboree which will be held in Cebu from the 23rd to 24th of February. The MCSPA will be invited to do vocations campaign.

It is our hope that with these talks we have planted a missionary spirit in the youth that we met. Especially as we prepare for the coming month of October when the Church will celebrate the extraordinary month of Missions. We continue praying that, God willing, some Philipino vocations may join our community in the years to come. We entrust this endeavour to the patron saints of our house in Manila: St Joseph and St Francis Xavier.

By Victor Otieno and Ambrose Wanyonyi

6th Death Anniversary of Fr. Paco

16 February 2019 Posted by Church, Community, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “6th Death Anniversary of Fr. Paco”

The members of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA) in different countries remembered their founder who passed on 6 years ago.

At Nariokotome Mission, where Fr. Paco was laid to rest, the villages came in large numbers to remember him, carrying branches while singing and dancing. It was a great celebration as we fondly remembered Fr. Paco as a man who brought light to people, like a lighted candle in a dark room.

Lillian Omari – MCSPA

Boat Blessing at Lokitonyala, Turkana North

19 August 2018 Posted by Mission, News, Project 0 thoughts on “Boat Blessing at Lokitonyala, Turkana North”

It was a beautiful morning when the community at Lokitonyala, Prince Ludwig von Bayern of “Nymphenburg Hilfsverein” Foundation, members of the MCSPA, Fr. Andrew the Parish Priest of Todonyang Mission and local leaders (MCAs) of Lake Zone, met at the shore of Lake Turkana at the village of Lokitonyala to bless 10 newly-built fishing boats.

The Mission of Todonyang runs the boat project that is partly supported by the “Nymphenburg Hilfsverein” Foundation. The 10 boats that were blessed today made the total number of boats distributed to villages along the north-western shore of the lake amount to 70 new boats this year.

A boat is given to 10 families who take full management of it, after paying a highly subsidized amount of KES 35,000 and signing an agreement for use.

Thus, as from today, 100 families will have continuous income generated from the boats. They are thus able to send their children to school, have food on their table everyday and improve their living conditions. They will no longer depend on food handouts but will be able to produce and feed their families. In conjunction with the Ludwig Foundation, we intend to extend it to support more families in the lake community.

Today the proverb, “You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day; you teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime”, was seen in action.
Thank you all who have supported this programme and continue supporting it.

Prince Ludwig also encouraged the people that they should not just sit down and wait for the neighbour to build their house. Instead we should help build the house by taking on the heavier part. In it is with this principle in mind, that we hope this project may go ahead.

Lillian Omari MCSPA

Boat Blessing at Lokitonyala, Turkana North

19 August 2018 Posted by Mission, News, Project 0 thoughts on “Boat Blessing at Lokitonyala, Turkana North”

It was a beautiful morning when the community at Lokitonyala, Prince Ludwig von Bayern of “Nymphenburg Hilfsverein” Foundation, members of the MCSPA, Fr. Andrew the Parish Priest of Todonyang Mission and local leaders (MCAs) of Lake Zone, met at the shore of Lake Turkana at the village of Lokitonyala to bless 10 newly-built fishing boats.

The Mission of Todonyang runs the boat project that is partly supported by the “Nymphenburg Hilfsverein” Foundation. The 10 boats that were blessed today made the total number of boats distributed to villages along the north-western shore of the lake amount to 70 new boats this year.

A boat is given to 10 families who take full management of it, after paying a highly subsidized amount of KES 35,000 and signing an agreement for use.

Thus, as from today, 100 families will have continuous income generated from the boats. They are thus able to send their children to school, have food on their table everyday and improve their living conditions. They will no longer depend on food handouts but will be able to produce and feed their families. In conjunction with the Ludwig Foundation, we intend to extend it to support more families in the lake community.

Today the proverb, “You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day; you teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime”, was seen in action.
Thank you all who have supported this programme and continue supporting it.

Prince Ludwig also encouraged the people that they should not just sit down and wait for the neighbour to build their house. Instead we should help build the house by taking on the heavier part. In it is with this principle in mind, that we hope this project may go ahead.

Lillian Omari MCSPA

Our Lady Queen of Peace Todonyang.

29 July 2018 Posted by Church, Community, Mission, Project 0 thoughts on “Our Lady Queen of Peace Todonyang.”

A new look for Our Lady Queen of Peace School at Todonyang …

Pictures send powerful messages. At the school in Todonyang, we use wall murals to teach and catechize.

Lillian Omari

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