Posts in General News

Capacity Building in Leadership in Catholic Run Private Schools in Turkana

12 May 2019 Posted by education, General News, News 0 thoughts on “Capacity Building in Leadership in Catholic Run Private Schools in Turkana”

From 8th-10th May 2019, the directors and heads of all Catholic schools under the Diocese of Lodwar underwent training on leadership skills at St. Teresa’s Center in Lodwar. The workshop was organized by the Missionary Community of Saint Paul the Apostle in collaboration with Strathmore University, on behalf of the Diocese of Lodwar. The sessions were conducted by a group of facilitators from Strathmore University in Nairobi. The key area that were looked at were:

a) Leadership and what it entails.
b) Catholic schools identity.
c) Mission and Vision in our schools.
d) Teaching, learning and assessment.

These key areas were looked into for the three days of the training by different facilitators, Fr. Steven Ochieng being one of them.

The last day of the workshop was graced by His Lordship Bishop Dominic Kimengich, who urged the directors and teachers to focus on the mission and vision of the Catholic private schools in the diocese for the betterment of the Diocese and Turkana county at large.

Fr. Andrew Yakulula MCSPA


11 May 2019 Posted by education, General News 0 thoughts on “DIOCESE OF LODWAR EDUCATION DAY 2019”

On 11th May 2019, our standard 8 candidate class of 2019 were privileged to attend this year’s education day held in Lodwar. They were accompanied by the school director Fr. Andrew Yakulula and four teachers. All the Catholic sponsored schools were present. The function started with the Holy Mass, presided by His Lordship Bishop Dominic Kimengich, the Bishop of the Diocese of Lodwar. Thereafter, our school was awarded a trophy and two certificates for being the best Catholic run private school in the Diocese of Lodwar for our exemplary performance in the last year’s KCPE examinations.

The function was crowned by speeches from different invited guests. Our beloved bishop urged all the students to put all their efforts in their studies because it’s through education that those who are less fortunate in the society can be able to in the same class as the rich. We were motivated to work extra hard and thus we believe that through prayer and hardwork, we will always achieve the best.

Fr. Andrew Yakulula MCSPA

Patience + Hard Work + Love = Beautiful Results!

9 November 2018 Posted by education, General News 0 thoughts on “Patience + Hard Work + Love = Beautiful Results!”

It was a bright morning when all the children at the St. Joseph’s Mother and Child Center at Muketurri (Ethiopia), participated in painting their own school.

The 350 children together with the 7 children of the special class joined hands with the volunteers, Mrs. Maria from Argentina and a team from Madrid, to make their school beautiful.

Mrs. Pisca, an artist and a painter, wanted to do something that would involve the children, and could help them learn new skills. She brought in all the necessary materials to make sure children participated. And the end result was amazing! When asked, some of the children said, “It was my first wall painting, and I never thought that I was good at it!” Another child said, ”We all started with black paint and I thought, ‘Why so boring a colour?’ But now look at the end result!” One of the children from the special class cried out, “I can now paint!”

At the beginning I was of the same opinion as some of the children, for I too thought, “Oh dear, how would this be carried out and what would the end result be?” Firstly, imagine involving 350 children in painting the school, all the mess that would be created! Little did I realise that, when dealing with children, patience is much more important than the end result. Time and lots of love put into what we do, lead to beautiful results.

As the work progressed, I sat in front of the wall taking photos of how the activity, initially messy, was now taking on some real form slowly and it reached a point when we saw the first mango fruits! And I thought, “Something with colour has now taken shape”.

And after such a great effort there is always a prize, and all the 350 children received a packet of _Dulce de leche argentino_ (an Argentinian sweet made from milk) after their paint job. All the children carried the sweet back to school as a snack. This made them very happy and that day they went home feeling “accomplished”!

Let us move out of our comfort zones and share our talents with the little ones and make them feel that they are able to accomplish things so that they continue to learn more each day.

Enjoy the photos and see how a white wall was transformed into a piece of art through patience, hard work and love!

Lillian Omari

Bishop Eduardo Repairing Roads with the Youth

19 October 2018 Posted by General News, News 0 thoughts on “Bishop Eduardo Repairing Roads with the Youth”

As in most of the rainy seasons, South Sudan’s roads become full of mud. This time the rains have badly affected the roads and streets of Yambio, capital of former Western Equatoria state.

The Bishop of a Tombura-Yambio, Msgr. Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala, has decided with the Catholic youth of Yambio to repair the streets in this town.

He went personally into the mud and gave a personal witness on how a bishop can do manual work and in this way contribute to the reconstruction of his country.

Let us pray for him and for many to follow his example.

Fr. Avelino Bassols MCSPA

Stand up and Walk

3 October 2018 Posted by General News, News 0 thoughts on “Stand up and Walk”

After many months of struggling, from doctor to doctor, to find the appropriate solution for the young boy, Rheynell Kadusale, from a corner of the Parola/Tondo slum of Manila, there is now a real sign of hope.

Rheynell has a bone deformity in his right leg due to polio from very young. We met him and his mother about 2 years ago during our outreach programme at Gate 1 of Parola slum (there are 120 “Gates” which are designated areas of this huge slum comprising 60 to 70 families at each “Gate”). Rheynell has been limping and jumping on his left leg all these years due to the polio that affected his right leg.

We share the joy with you who supported this boy’s journey towards his therapy and rehabilitation. Rheynell is now able to move his right toe and has gotten used to the splint attached to his right leg. He can actually even run and play with the other kids of Gate 1.

The splint will soon be adjusted and serviced for the next 6 months so as to continue stretching the undeveloped bones.

We have seen great progress after all the therapy sessions that Rheynell has undergone. Thanks be to God! And thank you for helping to make what was impossible possible!

“The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor.” Mt 11:5

May God bless you!

Ambrose Wanyonyi and Zacchaeus Okoth,
MCSPA Apprentices

Stand up and Walk

3 October 2018 Posted by General News, News 0 thoughts on “Stand up and Walk”

After many months of struggling, from doctor to doctor, to find the appropriate solution for the young boy, Rheynell Kadusale, from a corner of the Parola/Tondo slum of Manila, there is now a real sign of hope.

Rheynell has a bone deformity in his right leg due to polio from very young. We met him and his mother about 2 years ago during our outreach programme at Gate 1 of Parola slum (there are 120 “Gates” which are designated areas of this huge slum comprising 60 to 70 families at each “Gate”). Rheynell has been limping and jumping on his left leg all these years due to the polio that affected his right leg.

We share the joy with you who supported this boy’s journey towards his therapy and rehabilitation. Rheynell is now able to move his right toe and has gotten used to the splint attached to his right leg. He can actually even run and play with the other kids of Gate 1.

The splint will soon be adjusted and serviced for the next 6 months so as to continue stretching the undeveloped bones.

We have seen great progress after all the therapy sessions that Rheynell has undergone. Thanks be to God! And thank you for helping to make what was impossible possible!

“The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor.” Mt 11:5

May God bless you!

Ambrose Wanyonyi and Zacchaeus Okoth,
MCSPA Apprentices

Visiting the Elderly in Benga Parish

3 October 2017 Posted by General News 0 thoughts on “Visiting the Elderly in Benga Parish”

Recently we visited eldery people in Chipati centre in Benga Parish, Malawi. Apart from giving them the sacrament of anointing, we listened to their day to day life. They said they have to walk long distances to fetch water and firewood. Most of these aged people are staying by themselves, simply because their sons and daughters got married and went to far away places. They were happy to be visited by Fr. Fernando because sometimes they spend two or more days without being visited by their fellow village members.

Access to safe drinking water is a problem among them, since they get water from rivers. We agreed with them that the parish can help them to put a borehole, this should be coordinated through the village heads.

These eldery people try to earn their living through simple agricultural activities such as rearing chickens and goats. They also try growing crops like maize and groundnuts.

From Benga Parish we have a program that supports 87 elderly people with some basic essentials such as food and others.

Jona Lupiya

A New Way

21 July 2017 Posted by General News 0 thoughts on “A New Way”

After almost a week of adventure, new experiences, relaxation, disconnection and happiness I have reflected on many things. First of all I have realized how fortunate I am, not only to be able to travel, to have privileges and caprices but simply to have things as basic as a glass of milk for breakfast or a bed where to sleep. The most surprising thing is that the people here, the people of Turkana, the children of the school, are happy with what they have. This is something which surprises me a lot. On the other hand, I have to add in all honesty, that these small “vacations” have strengthened my desire to share with others and my inner strength too. Being surrounded by people with so much talent and strength, you realize that what you can contribute is much more than what you are normally accustomed to give. Thanks to this community, the Missionary Community of Saint Paul the Apostle (MCSPA) and above all thanks to my mother, Belén Madrazo, I have been able to experience these days much more than I expected. In short, I hope to have contributed my bit as the rest of my group. I hope as much as possible that everyone could devote some of their time, effort, and money to these wonderful people because it is very necessary.

Viva Africa, Viva Turkana and Viva MCSPA!

Belén Bolea Madrazo

Another Furrow’s Course

25 June 2017 Posted by General News 0 thoughts on “Another Furrow’s Course”

​One more course of Furrows in the Desert, the 8th one!!!!

On Friday, 23rd June, in Lobur Mission, we celebrated the graduation of 19 turkana trainees that, from January to June, have received agriculture training. They have learned how to prepare land, to make compost, crop rotation, how to use fertilisers and pesticides, theoretical lessons, cooking lessons, irrigation and harvesting… a full cycle.
Every course we are improving and getting more commitment from our trainees and from all the team who participate of the programme. 

We can say that more than 300 turkanas are farmers until now. We continue working, motivating and promoting agriculture in such a place were the climate, the nomadic culture and remote area makes the living conditions very tough.

From today, the new graduates start a new phase in their own places with a farm of 500 m2 for them to be self-reliant

Congratulations to all of them!!!!!
Maque Falgás 

Good Shepherd and Vocations Sunday

7 May 2017 Posted by Church, General News 0 thoughts on “Good Shepherd and Vocations Sunday”

Today the church celebrates the 4th Sunday of Easter, also called Good Shepherd Sunday. In the Gospel of John we hear how Jesus, is the gate through which the shepherds go in to take care of the sheep. In the MCSPA we follow the spirituality of Christ the Good Shepherd in a double dimension calling others to leave everything behind and follow Christ, and feel compassion for those who suffer. Today also is vocation Sunday, let us pray for vocations for the Church and let us be active in promoting vocations to the priesthood and to consecrated life.

We would like to invite and encourage young people to follow the call of Christ in a generous and courageous way.

Don’t be afraid God is always faithful!

Fr. Angel Valdivia, MCSPA

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