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Seeking Deeper Waters

21 February 2020 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Seeking Deeper Waters”

The Source Yubu area in western South Sudan is an immense tropical forest. The annual rainy season lasts for about 8 months, approximately from March to November. And yet the inhabitants of the region endure a number of water-related diseases because many of them depend on open and contaminated water sources.

Following on Fr. Joseph Githinji’s footsteps who drilled several wells in this territory, Fr. Avelino has managed to secure funding for a second borehole at Ave Maria Mission. Today (February 20th), the water aquifer was struck at 92 metres, and the final depth of the well reached 135 metres. We expect a yield between 3,000 to 4,000 litres per hour. 

With the help of a submersible solar-operated pump, clean and sweet water will be brought to the surface for the nursery school, primary school, secondary school, vocational training centre, dispensary and several community supply points at Ngboko village. We thank our heavenly friend, Saint Scholastica, for regularly keeping an eye on our water needs down here!

Fr. Albert Salvans MCSPA

What If Jesus Were A Refugee?

26 December 2019 Posted by General News, News 0 thoughts on “What If Jesus Were A Refugee?”

On 24th December, 51 children were baptized at the Mission of Naturomoe, in Nyangatom, South Ethiopia, close to the Kenya border.

On the same day, a child was born – a baby girl – to one of our catechists. They are refugees from South Sudan, and they live in a dusty plain at the foot of the hills which act as the frontier with their country. Their faith is one of the few things they have not lost. They cannot go back to their country and they are less than 5,000 people, the minimum number required for the settlement to be considered a refugee camp … Hence, they have nowhere to rest, just like Joseph and Mary!

If Jesus were to be born today, would he be a refugee? We can’t know for certain, but, what we know for sure is that he would be standing up for the millions of people that suffer the consequences of wars and forced displacements.

Nyangatom Mission – which was began by the MCSPA about 5 years ago – is in a remote area: it is Ethiopian territory, but many inhabitants are South Sudanese and they live just a few kilometres from Kenya! Here, peace is being preached as the main Good News of the Gospel, and it is so often related with the need for water for survival.

The joy of the people surprises one, because despite their difficult situation, they enjoy moments like the Christmas celebration, and song and dance are so much a part of our Eucharist celebration here. They made a crib out of mud – a crib with a lot of animals! That is the ideal condition! We painted the faces of the children with colours for the celebration. And after that, chocolate for everybody!

The men, hardened by the violent escape from their country, were moved and touched when they saw their children celebrating, and the songs retrieved a certain feeling that hovered between nostalgia and joy.

What If Jesus Were A Refugee?

26 December 2019 Posted by General News, News 0 thoughts on “What If Jesus Were A Refugee?”

On 24th December, 51 children were baptized at the Mission of Naturomoe, in Nyangatom, South Ethiopia, close to the Kenya border.

On the same day, a child was born – a baby girl – to one of our catechists. They are refugees from South Sudan, and they live in a dusty plain at the foot of the hills which act as the frontier with their country. Their faith is one of the few things they have not lost. They cannot go back to their country and they are less than 5,000 people, the minimum number required for the settlement to be considered a refugee camp … Hence, they have nowhere to rest, just like Joseph and Mary!

If Jesus were to be born today, would he be a refugee? We can’t know for certain, but, what we know for sure is that he would be standing up for the millions of people that suffer the consequences of wars and forced displacements.

Nyangatom Mission – which was began by the MCSPA about 5 years ago – is in a remote area: it is Ethiopian territory, but many inhabitants are South Sudanese and they live just a few kilometres from Kenya! Here, peace is being preached as the main Good News of the Gospel, and it is so often related with the need for water for survival.

The joy of the people surprises one, because despite their difficult situation, they enjoy moments like the Christmas celebration, and song and dance are so much a part of our Eucharist celebration here. They made a crib out of mud – a crib with a lot of animals! That is the ideal condition! We painted the faces of the children with colours for the celebration. And after that, chocolate for everybody!

The men, hardened by the violent escape from their country, were moved and touched when they saw their children celebrating, and the songs retrieved a certain feeling that hovered between nostalgia and joy.

Happy Christmas and Blessed New Year 2020

23 December 2019 Posted by General News 0 thoughts on “Happy Christmas and Blessed New Year 2020”

Mission and Vocation Encounter in Emdibir – Ethiopia

19 December 2019 Posted by Church, News 0 thoughts on “Mission and Vocation Encounter in Emdibir – Ethiopia”

Our missionaries and some volunteers from Muke Turi Mission assisted at the Youth Meeting of the Diocese of Emdibir under the motto Vocation and Mission. More than 800 young people came to the event from the different parishes of the Eparchy.

Through music and drama, the youth expressed their ideas on the motto. The MCSPA participated with their testimonies and some songs.

The common vocation of the baptized and the universal mission of the Church were some of the topics exhibited. The Bishop and the organizers thanked the MCSPA deeply for their participation and testimony.

Lourdes Larruy MCSPA

Advent News from Muke Turi

16 December 2019 Posted by education, News, Project 0 thoughts on “Advent News from Muke Turi”

At the St. Joseph’s Mother and Child Center at Muketuri, we welcomed Advent with a play. On 5th December, the children of Grade 3 acted out the passage of Isaiah which describes how the wild beasts would be led in peace under the protection of a little child who announces peace.
In this time of violence and uncertainty in the country, the MCSPA promotes peace through different activities.

Lourdes Larruy MCSPA

Disarm your Minds, Hearts, then do Away with Guns!

16 May 2019 Posted by General News 0 thoughts on “Disarm your Minds, Hearts, then do Away with Guns!”

The 6th Inter-diocesan Conference on Cross-Border Peace and Evangelization took place in Lodwar with about 80 participants in attendance coming from Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia. The theme was on “Reflections on Peaceful Disarmament”. The facilitators insisted on the reality of disarmament saying that it is a process which is tedious and with many challenges. For example, it took 18 years to disarm the Karamoja region of Uganda. Peaceful disarmament should begin with disarming the hearts and minds of the people. We are all called to advocate for a peaceful disarmament in our various regions and countries. The Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle works in conflict prone border areas where most of the people are illegally armed. This conference was therefore relevant to the members, from Todonyang, Kibish and Nyangatom who attended. The Bishop of Lodwar, Rt. Rev. Dominic Kimengich and the Bishop of Maralal, Rt. Rev. Virgilio Pante signed a declaration in the presence of all the delegates in order to disseminate the findings of the conference. They also thanked all participants and organizers of the event.

Wycliffe Ochieng MCSPA


11 May 2019 Posted by education, General News 0 thoughts on “DIOCESE OF LODWAR EDUCATION DAY 2019”

On 11th May 2019, our standard 8 candidate class of 2019 were privileged to attend this year’s education day held in Lodwar. They were accompanied by the school director Fr. Andrew Yakulula and four teachers. All the Catholic sponsored schools were present. The function started with the Holy Mass, presided by His Lordship Bishop Dominic Kimengich, the Bishop of the Diocese of Lodwar. Thereafter, our school was awarded a trophy and two certificates for being the best Catholic run private school in the Diocese of Lodwar for our exemplary performance in the last year’s KCPE examinations.

The function was crowned by speeches from different invited guests. Our beloved bishop urged all the students to put all their efforts in their studies because it’s through education that those who are less fortunate in the society can be able to in the same class as the rich. We were motivated to work extra hard and thus we believe that through prayer and hardwork, we will always achieve the best.

Fr. Andrew Yakulula MCSPA

Happy Easter!

20 April 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Happy Easter!”

I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me.

6 April 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me.”

I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me and have not let my enemies rejoice over me.O Lord, you have raised my soul from the dead, restored me to life from those who sink into the grave.
Sing psalms to the Lord, you who love him, give thanks to his holy name.His anger lasts a moment; his favour all through life.At night there are tears, but joy comes with dawn.
The Lord listened and had pity. The Lord came to my help.For me you have changed my mourning into dancing: O Lord my God, I will thank you for ever.

Psalm 29:2. 4-6. 11-13.

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