Posts tagged "MCC’s"

The New Look of St. John the Evangelist ECD at Kare Edome

10 October 2018 Posted by education 0 thoughts on “The New Look of St. John the Evangelist ECD at Kare Edome”

St. John the Evangelist Kare-Edome Early Childhood Development Centre (ECD) is one of our nurseries at Todonyang Mission. It has 100 children who receive education and meals (breakfast and lunch) from Monday to Saturday.

It is now 1 yearsince the children of Kare-Edome moved from studying under a tree to the present building, and now the ECD is blessed with a new building and a new look. We would like to thank the local community, the parish and the donors who brought St. John the Evangelist ECD to where it is now with a classroom, dining room, an office and a dispensary. It is from there that the children, mothers and the elders are able to receive services like medical attention and feeding programs to combat malnourishment.
The children have a teacher and a helper, and are helped to integrate into the education system at this stage.

The local community is being made aware of the importance of allowing their children to learn, aside from taking care of the family cattle. They are slowly giving in to this but much has to be done still as the customs and beliefs of the community are rather strong.

A borehole was drilled and water is now pumped using solar energy. The families are able to feed their animals as well as have water for their own use. It was possible to set up a garden where people are being taught on farming techniques to grow their own food, hence fighting starvation and malnutrition.
The availability of such facilities has enhanced hygiene and people have made more permanent homes.

This has made the work of evangelisation easier.

We pray that all these projects may forge ahead and that the local families may benefit more.

Josephine Amuma, MCSPA

Work of Our Hands: Let the Earth Produce!

11 August 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Work of Our Hands: Let the Earth Produce!”

At Nariokotome Mission and at all the other MCSPA missions, cultivation of vegetables and fruit, livestock and poultry farming is one of the five main elements that we focus on.

We try and produce food for the mission personnel and also to feed the children at our nutritional units. This year we have been blessed with a good harvest and yield of milk and eggs. Many years ago when I first came to Turkana, I could not believe that agriculture would be possible.

Thanks to our founder, the late Fr. Paco Andreo, who insisted always on planting and transforming this dry and apparently barren place to be a “garden”, where people are able to eat and be lifted from a permanent situation of hunger.

We have been able to harvest plenty of tomatoes and Lucia, the mother of one of our missionaries from Italy, Patrizia Aniballi, taught us to make tomato preserve.

Just as we made tomato preserve, this time round we have also been able to produce and conserve mangoes, and vegetables of different sorts. The women around are eagerly learning this skill.

Thus, the words of Genesis 1:11 may come to pass: “And God said,
‘Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.’ And it was so.”

Thanks to all for supporting our agricultural programmes!!!

Lillian Omari

Inauguración de una Guardería en la misión de Nariokotome.

10 December 2017 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Inauguración de una Guardería en la misión de Nariokotome.”

Aprovechando la visita de de nuestros amigos Juan y Begoña ,  junto con una delegación de IFC , inauguramos el centro materno infantil ( Saint Rita Mother and child center) en Nyjiburin cerca de la misión de nariokotome y donde la MCSPA construyó la primera presa hace 21 años , han sido unos días muy agradables  de convivencia, visitando los distintos proyectos que la IFC llevan apoyando  desde hace 20 años . Muchas gracias  por el apoyo recibido para poder llevar acabo tantas cosas entre el pueblo Turkana y sobre todo por esta larga amistad


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