Posts tagged "DOL"

The Joy of Being A Youth:

6 December 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “The Joy of Being A Youth:”

From the 2nd to 7th Decemeber 2019, the youth from 26 parishes of the Diocese of Lodwar gathered at Queen of Peace Primary School-Lodwar for the 2019 Diocesan Youth Convention. The theme was “YOUTH: AGENTS OF EVANGELIZATION. The event was graced by facilitators from various sectors and different important topics were addressed. We pray and hope that this convention will be helpful to these young people as far as shaping their lives is concerned. The youth from MCSPA run parishes also attended; Nariokotome, Todonyang and Kibish.

Fr. Wycliffe Ochieng, MCSPA

My Vocation As A Missionary: Victor Otieno, MCSPA.

5 October 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “My Vocation As A Missionary: Victor Otieno, MCSPA.”

Growing up it never occurred to me that one day I would be a missionary, my understanding of being missionary was shaped by what I learned in school, to me a missionary was someone who had come from Europe to spread the good news of Christ’s salvation in Africa. 

This totally changed when I met Fr. Alex Campon a Spanish missionary priest of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA), most notable thing I remember in those early days when I began my missionary vocation in Turkana was waking up early in the morning preparing land for growing crops and planting trees with the local nomadic Turkana people in the almost barren land of Turkana which I thought was “madness” at that time little did I know that God was calling me in that way, now I trust that God writes straight in crooked lines. Going for “round masses” as we used to call them helped me hear the life stories of struggle of the local poor nomadic people and I came embrace the invitation that Christ was calling me to follow him through Fr. Alex Campon. It was not only to follow and remain dormant rather it was an invitation to share my life, capacities, and talents consequently from these experiences the Lord planted in me a great desire for missionary vocation.  

Even though at times the work, traveling around in an unforgiving terrain felt like a “punishment” and exhausting, at the end of each day I felt more refreshed and full of life than ever before. In Turkana I became aware of the adventure and the difficulties inherent in following Christ and in the midst of this spiritual transformation of sorts, I was learning and observing first-hand the ministry of long-term development being guided Fr. Alex Campon and the wider community of the MCSPA.

As a missionary in my own country among the poor nomadic people of Turkana, I have come to learn that direct service to the poor requires serious, consistent self-examination, deep prayer, and willingness to be converted and unlearn many things. No one serves perfectly, gives completely or works flawlessly. What is important is that a person knows and experiences the call to missionary vocation as a call from Christ, I don’t serve because it is good to do so, but I serve because I have been called in love and my response is to choose to return love.God created me in love, and has called me to life in service of others. In the poor, in those I work amongst, I see and know the Lord. I see the crucified, suffering Christ more often in the person broken by hunger and struggling to feed themselves, in that elderly person who has no one to take care of him or her, in that abandoned child and in many cases of desperation.

Through these experiences I have developed a burning desire to be more than just a participant in life, but to understand a spiritual calling to serve the Church. The strong presence of God actively working in my life has led me to seek a deep understanding of my personal spiritual growth. I am filled with joy to have responded to the call of Christ to become a missionary and now that I am in my final year of theological studies at Loyola School of Theology (LST) in Manila, almost being ordained deacon it gives me pleasure that I will further my life rooted in Christ and at the same time understand God’s intention for God’s creation and human potential, proclaiming and becoming an authentic witness to the Word of God in an intelligible manner as a future priest to the People of God, in the blessed land of Turkana where my missionary vocation was born.

Victor Otieno, MCSPA.

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My Journey as a Missionary – Brian Werunga, MCSPA.

4 October 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “My Journey as a Missionary – Brian Werunga, MCSPA.”

My journey towards the missionary life started in 2007. I was still at Lodwar High School when I first encountered real missionaries. That is when the whole idea of missionary life began to take shape in me. 

My encounter with Fr. Francis Teo in 2007 was when the seed of a vocation was planted in me. It all began as a friendship that grew day by day and helped shape my vocation as a missionary today and this decision to journey towards the priesthood which I am walking along now.

In 2009 after finishing high school studies, Fr. Francis extended his invitation to me to join him at St. Augustine Cathedral, Lodwar. He was the Rector of the Cathedral at the time. Living with the priests of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA) helped me to see life from a different perspective. I was 19 years old then, and I started asking myself so many questions to which I could not find answers!

I was born in the western part of Kenya near an agricultural town. From there, I moved to Turkana to study. I never really experienced much hardship, at least nothing compared to the challenges that I faced later in the semi-desert of Turkana. Though born and raised in a Catholic family, it never occurred to me that one day I would journey on this missionary life.

Life in the semi-desert of Turkana was a very big challenge for me. Though I am Kenyan, I found it hard to cope up with that and I always wished to return to my hometown. However, I asked myself, “How I could look away from the same people of my country while here was someone who had come from very far and has committed all his life for them?”

This kept on ringing in my head and I felt that I could do something about it. And the way I figured would be for me to be part of the missionary community and do my little part.

My life with Fr. Francis and other priests of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle who were then residing at the St. Augustine Cathedral was a learning experience. I remember Fr. Manuel Hernandez and Fr. Angel Valdivia with whom we shared much time together. Together with Fr. Francis, they helped me mature in my vocation.

Accompanying Fr. Francis for masses to the outstations of the Cathedral Parish and helping to attend to the lines of people who came looking for help at the Cathedral, instilled in me a sense of service. This was part of the whole conversion process that I was undergoing deep within me.

I got exposed to other missions of the MCSPA. Thus I learned many things from the priests and other missionaries. I also learned to love. This was the most interesting part of my vocation. Learning first-hand from the missionaries was one big adventure!

I remember meeting the founder of our community, Fr. Paco, who made an instant impact in my life. From the first encounter with him, I saw a father figure in him. The love and care he showed at the first meeting was something that left me wondering what on earth did he see in me! He encouraged me to search for what would give me real happiness.

In 2012, there were some changes and new plans. Fr. Francis was on his sabbatical and he was to venture into Asia. I left with Fr. Francis to the Philippines where we started, from scratch, to slowly establish our house of study in Metro Manila.

The same year, together with other apprentices, I started philosophy studies at the University of Santo Tomas in Manila. I also registered in a language school for Spanish. We also got involved in, very practical ways, with outreach at the slums of central Manila, at Parola. This also played a big part in the journey of discovery in my life as young missionary.

Nine years have gone by and I find my life changing and the zeal to serve as a missionary increasing. I think I have found my vocation and reason for my happiness, and I look forward to this missionary life.

Now I am in the second part of studies towards the priesthood. I have started theology studies at Loyola School of Theology in Metro Manila. I pray that through God’s grace, the work the Lord began in me on the day I said “Yes!” to this call may be accomplished in His time.

Brian Werunga, MCSPA.

Teachers Empowerment Programme (Turkana STEP)

11 September 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Teachers Empowerment Programme (Turkana STEP)”

The Diocese of Lodwar through the Missionary Community of St Paul the Apostle (MCSPA) and in conjunction with the Strathmore University has been organising a training of directors and head teachers of Catholic private-run schools in the Diocese of Lodwar. This training programme – dubbed Schools and Teachers Empowerment Programme (Turkana STEP) – started last May with the first module. Now we are at the next module which has been running here at Nariokotome Mission.

The emphasis of this training programme is to bring in Catholic identity into the Catholic-run schools with the virtues and ethos of a Christ-centred education. Dimensions of school leadership and improvement of teaching methods are also covered. This training will culminate in May next year when the participants will be awarded with certificates from Strathmore University.

Fr. Steven O – MCSPA

The Mission of Christ, The Prince of Peace, Nyangatom.

8 September 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “The Mission of Christ, The Prince of Peace, Nyangatom.”

On 7th September 2019, Bishop Markos Gebremedhin of the Apostolic Vicariate of Jimma-Bonga (Ethiopia) and Bishop Dominic Kimengich of Lodwar (Kenya), came together to celebrate with the MCSPA team at Nyangatom the first confirmations at the Prince of Peace Catholic Mission in South Ethiopia.

This comes as a result of 5 years of living among the Nyangatom pastoralist people, visiting the villages around and carrying out different pastoral and developmental projects.

Frs. Angel and David have established a humble but notable presence of the Catholic Church among the Nyangatom people.

With this event, we are able to see how the Gospel message is being passed on, and also learn about the Good Shepherd who takes care of and knows his sheep.

These are the fruits that come from the dedicated works which Frs. Angel and David have put in this beautiful land.

Bishop Markos encouraged the South Sudanese refugees, at Tollay Refugee Camp, by telling them that God is always faithful amidst their difficulties. He was faithful to the people of Israel during their exodus from Egypt. In addition, Bishop told the young people who were confirmed that they should not be afraid and that they should be connected to Jesus through the Holy Spirit, be outspoken about their faith and find disciples for Jesus.

Let us pray that the Prince of Peace Mission at Nyangatom will enhance peace along the Kenya-Ethiopian border.

Thank you for continuing the dream of Fr. Paco, who wanted a chain of missions from Kenya all the way to Alexandria (Egypt).

We would like to thank all the people who have made this possible, all those who have supported the mission in various ways (material and prayer). Thank you!

Thanks to all the staff of Nyangatom Mission: the security personel, catechists, the nurse, the driver, the cook and other casual staff. Without your support and friendship, our two priests would not have managed to carry out this mission on their own.

Lastly, thanks to all MCSPA members and apprentices for supporting our men there and having hope in them, who through God’s grace, are able to carry out the mission of Christ beyond.

Lillian Omari – MCSPA

Bishop’s visit – Nariokotome Mission

28 May 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Bishop’s visit – Nariokotome Mission”

Bishop Dominic Kimengich is currently visiting Nariokotome Mission after several days visiting other parishes in the lake deanery, Diocese of Lodwar. He has spent the day visiting the Mission primary school, the constructions taking place at that school. He later on visited St. Rita ECD/Nutritional centre.

The elders of the area and the women with the children in the ECD paid him a courtesy call where issues of social and spiritual development were discussed. The Bishop was gifted with two goats by the elders.

The Bishop finishes his visitation to the Deanery tomorrow with Mass and deanery meeting at Kalokol. It has been a pleasure to have our Shepherd visiting us.

Fr. Denis -MCSPA

Furrows In the Desert Graduation Ceremony

27 May 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Furrows In the Desert Graduation Ceremony”

Today in St. John the Evangelist Lobur Catholic mission, we witnessed young men and women graduating from agricultural course offered by the Farrows In the Desert (FID) project.

This was the 12th graduation since the programme begun 7 years ago. Bishop Dominic Kimengich, The bishop of Lodwar diocese presided over the ceremony today.

As a result of this project there are 120 farmers all over Turkana County who practice active agriculture. Fr. Alex gave a brief history of the programme and also acknowledged the efforts of Frs. Paco and Albert who were the brain child of this wonderful initiative in partnership with other Israeli organizations.

The new graguates were encouraged to cheerfully go and put the knowledge they have received into practice for the betterment of their respective villages.

Such a programme under the watch and direction from the MCSPA are alternative ways to eradicate hunger in Turkana region since it gives an alternative source of livelihood and food security.

Fr. Joseph Githinji

Bishop’s visit to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish-Todonyang

25 May 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Bishop’s visit to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish-Todonyang”

Today, 25th May 2019, there was a great celebration at the Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish in Todonyang. The celebration was marked by several events which include; confirmation of 82 people, blessing of Class 8 2019 candidates, and blessing of the newly completed multipurpose hall (dining hall and kitchen inclusive).

Three years ago, we lost one of the elders from the Dassenech community in the school compound, when all were gathered to celebrate ten years since Todonyang mission re-opened and there was peace.

Today we have remembered that all who lost their lives in this border area from both Turkana and Dassenech communities. We pray that peace will prevail in this corridor and all who pass by Our Lady Queen of Peace School, will be ambassadors of peace wherever they go.

In his homily and speech, Bishop Dominic called all to be peace ambassadors.

Todonyang Integrated Centres was the best in Turkana North in last year’s KCPE exams. We thank all MCSPA members who previously worked in Todonyang and the current ones in the persons of Frs. Andrew and Wycliffe. We also thank the mission staff for making Todonyang what it is today. God bless you all!

Lillian Omari – MCSPA

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