Posts tagged "desert agriculture"

10 Years Assessment Furrows in the Desert

30 January 2022 Posted by News, Project 0 thoughts on “10 Years Assessment Furrows in the Desert”

October 2022 will mark 10 years since the start of the Furrows in the Desert (FID) program. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the MCSPA program management has convened a participatory evaluation to assess the performance of the project during these 10 years, as well as to discuss the direction the program should take in the years to come.

The evaluation took place from 24th to 28th January, during which a team of MCSPA and FID together with external evaluators from the Turkana County, Utawala, Baraka College and others, visited different places to meet with farmers.

We had a very successful mission where the farmers shared their challenges and successes through open discussions about all the different aspects relating to farming, water, irrigation, infrastructures, and marketing among others. So far there are 221 farmers have been trained and 16 additional assistants have been installed in the last 10 years.

The evaluation ended and was crowned with planting trees in the model farm of Furrows in the Desert in order to mark the 10 years for the FID existence in Turkana.

Thanks to all the team involved in the assessment, and especially the Lobur Mission team plus Arava Institute, our Israeli partners for all of these years of effort, that has helped many families begin to realize that fruits can grow in the desert, to produce and improve life.

Fr. Joseph Githinji MCSPA Lobur Mission

16th graduation of Furrows in the Desert Programme

14 December 2021 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “16th graduation of Furrows in the Desert Programme”

On 10th December 2021 took place the 16th graduation of “Furrows in the Desert” Programme of St. John the Evangelist-Lobur Catholic Mission, with the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA) within the umbrella of Caritas Lodwar of the Diocese of Lodwar.

Once more, one more course has ended with an exciting graduation to celebrate the good work of the 13 new farmers. We counted with the presence of representatives of World Relief who have been partnering with the programme for many years and other members of the MCSPA of Kokuselei mission, who are supporters of Furrows in the Desert, were also present. The guest of Honor this year was Eva Laukamp, representing Kindermissionswerk from Germany, accompanying us after six years being one of our major benefactors to thex programme. We want to thank them all and also to the ones that were not able to come but are so important for the programme as TIPA, Rotary International, Foundation Emalaikat, New Ways UK and many others at the local level.

Also, taking advantage of the graduation, many of the members of SITFA (Saint Isidore Turkana Farmers Association) had theor yearly assembly and an ongoing formation workshop to improve and motivate the farmers to continue persevering and giving hope to Turkana showing that to produce food is possible and real.

Congratulations to all the team who makes this program possible and specially to the new farmers!!!!!

Maque Falgas


Furrows in the Desert moves on!

13 June 2021 Posted by News, Project 0 thoughts on “Furrows in the Desert moves on!”

Yesterday, 11th June, in Lobur Mission, we celebrated the 15th graduation of Furrows in the Desert.

Every graduation confirms the success of this program as a way of making a difference in Turkana. Today there are 13 new farmers ready to be self-reliant, producing food and generating income for their own families from agriculture.

We want to thank all the support from the guests, especially from CEC Agriculture Philip Ebei, CEO Agriculture Dr. Jacob Loleia, Director Veterinary Services Dr. Benson Long’or, Ekwakai Lobek Sub-county Administrator, David Lonoko patron Kokuro elites, chief area Ezra, MCSPA Kokuselei Alexy, and Fridah, and the representatives of World Relief and Concern.

Also, to the ones that they were not able to be present, however, they are giving so much support to the graduates through TIPA project from Rotary International. Thanks to them the graduates will be able to start their own farms in their original place.

Thanks to all other partners, Turkana County Government, Arava Institute Israel, Emalaikat Spain, DKA Germany, New Ways UK and others at the local level that support furrows in the desert programme since the beginning, 9 years ago.

Congratulations to the new farmers, and wishing you a good future.

Maque Falgás

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