Posts tagged "Catholic church"

Blessing of the new St. Scholastica Mission in Dakuna, Emdibir, Ethiopia

7 August 2023 Posted by Community, MCSPA, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Blessing of the new St. Scholastica Mission in Dakuna, Emdibir, Ethiopia”

MCSPA members and apprentices are thrilled to announce the blessing of a new mission of our community in Dakuna, Eparchy of Emdibir, Ethiopia (200km approximately west from Addis).

1 year ago, Bishop Musie Gebregiorgis, from Emdibir, invited two of our missionaries, Josephine Amuma and Lydiah Obok to begin a mission in this area.

The occasion was blessed with several diocesan priests, a deacon and a good representation of the religious communities of the Diocese and the local community. Also were present a sound number from the MCSPA communities from Ethiopia, Kenya, Philippines and Spain.

They travelled all the time way from their places to celebrate and accompany Josephine and Lydiah in their new mission.

The feast nicely coincided with the Solemnity of the Transfiguration of Our Lord. Since it is placed on a high hill, the bishop compared Dakuna mission to Mount Tabor; a place where people come to pray and to receive the love from God through his Son. Bishop Musie started the celebration by blessing the house and followed with the Eucharist which took place in the hall of the community complex.

St Scholastica, being the patron saint of the mission, blessed us with a rainy day. A portrait of the saint was also blessed by the bishop.

Josephine Amuma



“For I was hungry and you gave me food”

10 May 2023 Posted by MCSPA, News 0 thoughts on ““For I was hungry and you gave me food””

Dakuna Community Celebrates the Risen Lord

2 May 2023 Posted by Church, Community, MCSPA, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Dakuna Community Celebrates the Risen Lord”

Members of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle and Mary Mother of the Church, have recently started a presence in the Eparchy of Endibir. Located 4 hours southwest of Addis Ababa, a place inhabited by people from the Gurage community, and where there is a big number of Ethiopian Catholics, who follow the Ethiopian eastern rite.

On 16th April 2023, hundreds of catholics, young and old, gathered at Holy Trinity Church, in the village of Dakuna, to celebrate Easter Sunday. During the feast, people celebrated the resurrection of the Lord as well as breaking from the 55 days fasting from animal and dairy products.

Apart from its unique mix of fascinating history, deep-rooted identity, incredible natural wonders and rare wildlife, Ethiopia is well known of maintaining the use of its own calendar which is very similar to the Julian calendar. Most of the Christians in the world celebrated Easter Sunday a week earlier, following the Gregorian calendar.  However, things were different in Ethiopia. Their Easter followed one week later.

Prior to Easter, many Christians commit themselves to extended periods of both personal and communal prayers. This is done with the sole purpose of growing closer to God and to remember Jesus’ life and death.

On Easter Vigil, all Christians of Dakuna had their candles lit to express their faith. Then drums came. And then, the joy of the Risen Lord illuminated the face of all the faithful who were gathered at Holy Trinity Church.

Following the Ethiopian tradition, most people invite their family and friends for a common meal on Easter Sunday. And of course they cannot miss the presence of traditional dishes like injera, dorowot, kitfo and kocho, which altogether give a sweet fragrance to the celebration.

By Lydiah Obok.

Eight Anniversary of the Catholic Mission of Nyangatom

24 November 2022 Posted by MCSPA, Mission 0 thoughts on “Eight Anniversary of the Catholic Mission of Nyangatom”

A day like today just 8 years ago, we blessed the Kakuta mission. It was the first Catholic mission in Ethiopia’s Nyangatom land.

From the year 2011 to 2013, Father David and I were often traveling to Nyangatom from Lokitaung, Turkana.

We usually came and went. Our stays were short and lasted as long as our drinking water and food lasted.

The year 2014 was when we would finally “burn our ships” and we would no longer turn back. After being camped for a few months in the compound of the government’s dispensary in Kakuta, and from where all our belongings were stolen in August, on November 24th we moved our large tents while they were set up, between 6 people, almost like a Holy Week processional image, from the dispensary to the mission.

After the blessing of the compound according to the Catholic rite, the elders blessed us in the Nyangatom style. We ate goat and drank the traditional epun (coffee husk infusion).

Today the Kakuta mission houses the St John XXIII – Ekisil mother and child center, where 50 preschool children learn hygiene habits, eat breakfast and lunch, in addition to receiving a quality education!

These last eight years have flown by. At the same time, it gives us the feeling of having already lived several lives here: both good and bad times! Always being grateful, with the firm hope that it was a mission from God, trusting in Jesus Christ, who from the first moment “guided our steps along the path of La Paz”.

Alakara lowoi!

Angel Valdivia MCSPA

Inauguration of MCSPA house and chapel in Malawi

18 February 2022 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Inauguration of MCSPA house and chapel in Malawi”

On 12th February 2022, in Lilongwe, the capital city of Malawi, was the official opening and blessing of MCSPA chapel and house. The ceremony was led by the newly installed Archbishop of Lilongwe George Desmond. The function was also attended by Fr. Martin of St. Patrick’s Missionary Society; the parish priest of St. Kizito, Chigoneka, in whose territory the MCSPA house is located, Fr. Hodges Mzunga who is the bishop’s secretary. The celebration was also attended by family and friends of the members and Apprentices of MCSPA in Malawi.

This was the second time the new Archbishop pays a visit to the MCSPA. The fist was few months back when he presided over a ceremony to commission 24 catechists were graduating from a three-years training course at Benga Parish.

In his homily at the blessing of the chapel and house in Lilongwe, Archbishop Tambala emphasized on transforming our houses into homes where the virtues of love and reconciliation prevail. Furthermore, he exhorted all to be ready and willing to go out of their comfort zones and be present to the needs of others.

Speaking during the celebration, Fr. Manuel Hernandez, MCSPA, said, “It is significant that we should always have a decent house for God in wherever we are, both for prayers and personal meditation”. In addition, Fr. Fernando Aguirre, the president of MCSPA, thanked family and friends of MCSPA in Malawi for the constant support rendered to the community since its arrival to the country. He said that there is a lot of hope for Malawi and that the future is bright.

In his speech, Archbishop Tambala said, “my relationship with MCSPA did not start yesterday; I knew them back in my Nairobi days when I was a student.” He recommended the works of MCSPA and wished them good luck in Lilongwe Archdiocese as they continue to spread the gospel through their various activities.

This year, MCSPA will be cloaking 10 years since its establishment in Malawi.

By Innocent Letasi Phiri, MCSPA apprentice.

Muketuri’s gearing driven by ongoing engagement

14 February 2022 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Muketuri’s gearing driven by ongoing engagement”

I have been lucky enough to spend ten days in Ethiopia working with Luz, Lourdes, and Blanca. Although the socio-political situation is not entirely hopeful. Ten days in which I have not worked on the usual, ten days of preparing the new government agreement, and the entire 2021 audit, because even though there is COVID-19, the years continue to pass. Ten days in which we continue to see that insatiable desire to try to give the best of each one. Ten days after nine years of “his hand” I continue to see people move forward. Bearing in mind that education is the most powerful thing we could offer to the generations that follow us; that human rights, in many places, are scarce; and that communities who fight for it remain unbreakable.

Zena and her mother continued without giving up. Life awaits them while they eagerly await life, but they do not sit down and wait. They wait while moving, going to and from hospitals. From the program for the malnourished to hugging Lourdes, to thanking Tigist, who are proud of what they have been achieving.

Abebe is calm, happy, doing puzzles (doing and undoing boxes too), walking, eating alone and well, enjoying his classmates, teachers, and mother. Soon, he will be taller than all of us and will no longer be able to sit on our laps as he enjoys doing while crossing his legs as Alemu does.

The other Alemu, the builder, has made a handrail for Zenabu to walk on. At the end of the exercise, he got a bench to rest and laugh, while the teachers applauded him for his great effort.

With a great effort just like all of them, Enat never left them behind. She is the head and the feet of the program for the malnourished; she knows the babies and their families. She weighs, measures, and advises them. She feels so much joy when she releases those who achieve ‘the green’ from the program. She encourages them to continue fighting to go from black to red, from red to yellow, and to reach that much-desired green. 

Many families are so grateful and happy to see us. We have spent all these days eating in the homes of workers, and friends from the center. Shiro, Kai wot, Alicha, Dinich, Kefto… nonstop. The families were so grateful to see us, be with us, and share with us. We are filled with so much gratitude (not so much our stomachs).

The wells continue to generate and improve life. It is necessary to check that they do not break, that they are maintained, and that the structures remain strong. There is Debelo´s area, and now Jesus who will be working with him hand-in-hand to give each other strength and energy.

The special need room, the classes, the kitchen, the dairy (with two pregnant cows), the great team of watchmen, the adolescents who are now scouts, and all the gear at Muketurri continues to turn well as a team, with respect and desire to continue to grow in this great community that all of us have formed.

Warm hugs!

Popy García-Ramos

Letters for the Three Wise Men

3 February 2022 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Letters for the Three Wise Men”

Since November 2021 we invite the children who participate in the activities that we carry out in El Paraiso, Xochimilco to write a letter to send to the Three Wise Men, asking for what they would be very excited to receive.

When we received the letters we saw that most of them asked for clothes, shoes and some simple toy….. we were surprised that they were not just toys… But what caught our attention were letters where they put: Whatever they want to bring me, whatever… .

When we asked these children why they didn’t ask for something they would like to have, they replied: “I don’t want to get my hopes up, I don’t even know if they are going to read my letter… whatever arrives is good if something arrives at all.”

There was a part where we asked what was the greatest wish for 2022 and almost everyone put that their greatest wish was, speaking of members of their family, the health of chronic patients, the rehabilitation of addicts, the improvement in family relationships, reduce the violence in their homes

When looking for sponsors for the 180 letter we had received, we explained that the most important thing in this activity was not the toy or the clothes themselves, but the commitment to restore hope to these children who, because of the place where they were born, make it difficult for them to believe in goodness. of people.

Finally the day came….. and it was wonderful!!! The faces of enthusiasm and hope could be seen in everyone: the children, their parents, the volunteers who helped us distribute them and of course the joy of all those who in one way or another supported us to make this possible.

I believe that the Three Wise Men arrived in El Paraiso this year to leave us all gifts that feed our souls and strengthen our spirits.

Blanca Beltrán


16th graduation of Furrows in the Desert Programme

14 December 2021 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “16th graduation of Furrows in the Desert Programme”

On 10th December 2021 took place the 16th graduation of “Furrows in the Desert” Programme of St. John the Evangelist-Lobur Catholic Mission, with the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA) within the umbrella of Caritas Lodwar of the Diocese of Lodwar.

Once more, one more course has ended with an exciting graduation to celebrate the good work of the 13 new farmers. We counted with the presence of representatives of World Relief who have been partnering with the programme for many years and other members of the MCSPA of Kokuselei mission, who are supporters of Furrows in the Desert, were also present. The guest of Honor this year was Eva Laukamp, representing Kindermissionswerk from Germany, accompanying us after six years being one of our major benefactors to thex programme. We want to thank them all and also to the ones that were not able to come but are so important for the programme as TIPA, Rotary International, Foundation Emalaikat, New Ways UK and many others at the local level.

Also, taking advantage of the graduation, many of the members of SITFA (Saint Isidore Turkana Farmers Association) had theor yearly assembly and an ongoing formation workshop to improve and motivate the farmers to continue persevering and giving hope to Turkana showing that to produce food is possible and real.

Congratulations to all the team who makes this program possible and specially to the new farmers!!!!!

Maque Falgas


The Invisibles

17 June 2021 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “The Invisibles”

In mid-April 2020 we began a food collection campaign to face the economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic contingency, to help the neediest families in El Paraiso and nearby villages in Xochimilco south of Mexico City, where the MCSPA has been working for more than three years.

We launched the campaign among friends, family and collaborators emphasizing what Pope Francis mentioned in St. Peter’s Basilica on March 27: “Like the disciples in the Gospel, we were surprised by unexpected and furious storm. We realized that we were in the same boat, all fragile and disoriented; but at the same time, important and necessary, all called to row together, all in need of mutual comfort”.

The response did not take long, those months we felt wrapped by so many generous hearts, full of hope that we wanted to bring to these families along with a bag of food and hygiene items. Then we became aware that the necessary information about Covid-19 that could have saved several lives had not reached these places.

Sadly this did not surprise us, in El Paraiso, live more than 3,000 migrant families from regions that have been devastated by poverty, insecurity or drug trafficking. Most of these families found nothing more than a piece of land “hidden from the authorities” where they live in wooden, plastic and cardboard rooms without the basic services to live with dignity, the rest is unaffordable for them.

These settlements are called “The invisibles”, they are families that do not appear in the statistics, that are not counted in the urban development plans, is social programs, etc. Officially they do not exist. Here we saw a clear manifestation of what Pope Francis talks about in the apostolic exhortation Evangelli Gaudium and which was already mentioned since 2007 in the V General Conference of the Latin American Episcopate:

“Today everything enters into the game of competitiveness and the law of the strongest. As a consequence of this situation, great masses of the population are excluded and marginalized: without work, without horizons, without a way out. The human being is considered in itself as a consumer good, to be used and then thrown away”.

Faced with this, in addition to the bags of food and hygiene items, we took on the task of bringing workshops about Covid-19, in addition to giving them masks and antibacterial gel necessary to follow the prevention protocols.

With this activities and by inviting people to help us to help these vulnerable families, they become less invisible. We are becoming the “voice of the voiceless” and we are turning the good news of the Gospel into concrete actions, not only the members of the MCSPA who are in charge of the activities, but all the people who have wanted to listen to the cry of these families and who want to be co-responsible with Christ in the construction of the Kingdom of God on earth.

Blanca Beltrán


Girls’ Empowerment Programme in Turkana

10 June 2021 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Girls’ Empowerment Programme in Turkana”

As part of MCSPA safeguarding efforts, Fr. Wycliffe Ochieng is implementing a girls’ empowerment programme along the lake deanery (Lake zone of Turkana County).

This programme is meant to create awareness and prevent sexual abuse among teenage and adolescent girls from poor backgrounds.

Girls get trained on various topics and also receive dignity kits (pads, soap, lotion, mosquito nets, sandals among other items).

If you would like to support this programme you can do it through our website link.

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March 2025