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Double Celebration in Nariokotome: Fairwell of Father Avelino Bassols and Wedding

8 August 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Double Celebration in Nariokotome: Fairwell of Father Avelino Bassols and Wedding”

It was a big celebration yesterday at Nariokotome Mission, when friends of Fr. Avelino along the lake deanery and beyond, came to send him off on mission to South Sudan after working for more than 30 years in Turkana.

Representants from the 17 outstations of Nariokotome were present at the celebration. The church was packed and there was festive moods in the air. Many people came as far a 20 km walking and singing to reach the mission on time for the fairwell mass of Father Avelino, who after 30 years of living and working in Turkana will be going to South Sudan to work there.

Avelino is a real missionary, he has been working with the nomadic families as well as among the fishermen along lake turkana and especially in the Choro Island. He is someone who is always ready to help whoever knocks at his door and will find a solution to everyone who has come to him for help.

We would like to thank him for the great work he has done in Turkana, with the nomads, the fishermen, sponsoring students, building churches, doing pastoral work, visiting the sick, being with the people and the list goes on. “You are a priest forever, a priest like Melchizedek of old”.

We will pray for you wherever you go especially in the mission of South Sudan. Remember that this is not a farewell but rather we are sending you on mission to our bothers and sisters in South Sudan as the mission of Christ has to go on just as you did in Nariokotome Mission.

Lillian Omari

Showers of Blessings at Nariokotome Mission – Lake Deanery Pastoral Visit- Day 5

3 August 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Showers of Blessings at Nariokotome Mission – Lake Deanery Pastoral Visit- Day 5”

Today was the last day of Bishop Dominic’s pastoral visit to the Lake Deanery. He started the day by visiting the St. Joseph’s Mother and Child Educational Center at Nariokotome Mission. This is a small mission school with the aim of giving the best education to all the children who live around the mission.

The Bishop had a brief meeting with the teachers, a session with the children who recited the school history and sang some songs, and then proceeded with the blessing of the new school hall and kitchen which is still under construction.

The Bishop then proceeded to Nachukui one of the 17 out-stations of Nariokotome Mission area. There he blessed the new Nachukui Dispensary and staff houses. This health facility forms part of a wider health programme run by the MCSPA. Bishop asked all the community to work hand-in-hand with the mission especially by supporting the running of the dispensary, especially now that they have a new and beautiful building.

The Bishop then proceeded to the chapel to celebrate the Eucharist with the faithful; 35 young men and women were confirmed.

It was a blessing to have the Bishop visit us in the area and to spend this time with all the faithful. We would like to thank all who organised the visitation of the Bishop, the MCSPA members at Nariokotome, the catechists, the Parish Council and the faithful.

Acts 16:14 “Open our hearts O Lord to accept the words of your Son.”

Lillian Omari


Blessing of St Mary Mother of God Church at Kokuselei – Lake Deanery Pastoral Visitation – Day 4

1 August 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Blessing of St Mary Mother of God Church at Kokuselei – Lake Deanery Pastoral Visitation – Day 4”

The blessing today of the church at Kokuselei – dedicated to Mary, Mother of the Church – was a wonderful celebration. Bishop Dominic opened and blessed the church. This year Pope Francis declared this invocation to the Mother of God a Solemnity in the liturgical calendar of the Church.

Cecilia Puig of the MCSPA gave a brief introduction on the mission of Kokuselei and mentioned all the priests who had passed through Nariokome Mission and served Kokuselei as an outstation of the mission. There came visitors from all over the parish and beyond, religious and priests from other parts of the diocese, the local MP and local political leaders. Many of the faithful had walked for hours to attend and see the big and beautiful church built on a hill in the mountains, with a breathtaking view of a dam and the Morueris mountain range.

The celebration took 4 hours with a lot of singing and dancing. This church will be the center point for all the normads in the Kokuselei valley where catechesis and Christian formation will take place. We would like to thank all who have supported and helped both financially and spiritually for this church to be built.

Thank you all who made this day a success: the MCSPA women community living in Kokuselei, the priests of the mission, the benefactors from around the world, the Church Committee, the catechist and all the parishioners.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!

Lillian Omari


THE JOY OF A NEW PARISH Lake Deanery Pastoral Visitation – Day 2&3

1 August 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “THE JOY OF A NEW PARISH Lake Deanery Pastoral Visitation – Day 2&3”

Today, Bishop Dominic Kimengich celebrated Mass and blessed the new parish of Sts. Joachim and Anne at Kibish.

Prior to the visit to Kibish, the Bishop visited Lomanakeju, Kokuro and Napeikar settlements. These are very remote villages deep in the Ilemi Triangle, close to the borders with South Sudan and Ethiopia.

The Mass was attended by a multitude of Christians from all the outstations of the parish: Lomanakeju, Kokuro, Napeikar, Lokomarinyang, Koyasa, Napak and Kibish. The Church was packed and shook to traditional Turkana music and dance. The Parish Priest, Fr. Wycliffe Ochieng, was accompanied by other MCSPA priests – Fr. Avelino Bassols, Fr. Alex Campon and Fr. Angel Valdivia who came with a team from Ethiopia to represent the new Prince of Peace Catholic Mission in Nyangatom.

The area Member of Parliament Hon. Christopher Nakuleu and other political leaders also graced the occasion. In his homily, the bishop said that the new parish is a very important step towards primary evangelization and cross-border peace efforts in the area. He also said that without peace there cannot be development. Finally leaders, members of the community and also Fr. Angel Valdivia stressed the need of bringing peace to this corridor as soon as possible.

After mass and the presentation of gifts, the bishop blessed the first stone of the new parish and the new plot where the church which will be built in time.

We pray that Sts. Joachim and Anne, the parents of Mary, will protect and help the people of Kibish to be wise and caring so as to bring peace to the people around especially the youth.

God bless our new parish!!!!

Lillian Omari

Lake Deanery Pastoral Visitation – Day 1

29 July 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Lake Deanery Pastoral Visitation – Day 1”

Today, Bishop Dominic Kimengich visited St James Parish, Kaikor, to celebrate their parish feast day. The celebration started with the blessing of the Paediatric Nutrition Centre run by the Marianitas Sisters. After the blessing, all the faithful proceeded in procession to the church for the Eucharistic celebration. The celebration ended with lunch during which members of the Small Christian Communities danced and sang, joined by all who attended the celebration.

The mass was a very colourful celebration during which about 63 young men and women received the sacrament of Confirmation.

We would like to thank Fr. Frederick and Fr. Melchor, Srs. Matilde, Joy, Ruby, Genie and Janet, the catechist, St. James Parish Council and all parishioners of St James who made this day so wonderful.

Lillian Omari

10th Course of Furrows in Desert – Graduation!!!

27 May 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “10th Course of Furrows in Desert – Graduation!!!”

Yesterday, 25th May, saw the graduation of 18 trainees after 5 months of an intense agriculture course. These trainees are full of enthusiasm as they begin work as farmers.

They have been trained from scratch, from preparation of the compost and the land up to harvesting of watermelons, sweet melons, tomatoes, onions, squash etc. They relied on the support of all the members of SITFA (Saint Isidore’s Turkana Farmers Association) who assisted at the graduation as well as they were holding their semestral workshop. The 18 new graduates have registered as members also of this farmers association of Turkana North, the first of its kind. Also, we had the visit of the chief officer of the Ministry of Agriculture accompanied by other County officials.

We wish all the graduates well.


A growing seeds

30 April 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “A growing seeds”

On 24th of April 2018, the members of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle working in Paraíso, Xochimilco in Mexico City, were given 50 free entrance tickets for the cinema through ‘Tiempo para Mejorar’ Civil Association . We accompanied 36 children with 10 parents to the Cinépolis of Cuemanco. This was our second time to take them to the cinema… the most satisfying and impressive thing was seeing the lovely and smiling faces of each one of them especially the children.

Since one year ago every Saturday we have continued teaching them English and Spanish, human values through storytelling and crafts. They also take breakfast together and share little they have among themselves. Together with the children, we have created environment where they feel at home and they have managed to stay together and share everything without prejudices.

We pray and hope that what we have learned and lived together and what we will keep living, will grow and will give fruits in due time… I see these little ones like tiny seeds that have just started to grow!

We would like to thank all those people that have come to help us in Paraíso; the youths and people from different parishes, universities, people of goodwill and friends; and in a very special way the parents of the children in Paraíso for entrusting us their children.

Lots of thanks…

Lydia Imbala


Good Shepherd Sunday – Vocations Day

22 April 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Good Shepherd Sunday – Vocations Day”

On this vocation Sunday let us pray and encourage vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life.

Stand up and Walk

22 April 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Stand up and Walk”

Rheynell Kadusale is a 9-year-old boy from Parola (Tondo), one of the biggest slums of Metro Manila. We came to know him a few years ago while carrying out our teaching apostolate outreach for children in this marginalized area.

Rheynell does not go to school due to a problem he developed on his right leg just after birth. Rheynell’s mother says that this deformity in his right leg came about due to a failure in completing medical vaccination for polio.

Fr. Francis asked Zacchaeus and I to take charge of assisting this child. It has not been easy at all, knocking from door to door to seek medical advice on his case, one which most of the doctors termed as a rare case and declared that amputation would be the only way forward. We tried hard not to go for that option considering Rheynell’s age.

Through prayers and without stopping to find other solutions, we found, at the University of Santo Tomas Hospital, a good doctor who advised us to carry out proper physiotherapy which would last for 12 weeks, and a well-designed prosthetic fitting that would help in stretching his leg before surgery could be performed so as to join all the undeveloped bones.

So that was precisely what Zacchaeus and I have been doing with Rheynell. Accompanied by his mother, Marisa, we have been with him at intense physiotherapy sessions and meetings with the physicians.

Today, for the first time, Rheynell was fitted with the prosthetic … it was a moving moment to see the child try to walk on his own!

Ambrose Wanyonyi, Philosophy Student in Manila

Rain in Turkana

14 April 2018 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Rain in Turkana”

Leviticus 26:4

“I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and trees their fruits”.

We have been blessed to receive plenty of rain this morning in Turkana. The photos are from Nariokotome Mission (MCSPA).

Lillian Omari, MCSPA

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