Posts by lillian

Bishop’s visit – Nariokotome Mission

28 May 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Bishop’s visit – Nariokotome Mission”

Bishop Dominic Kimengich is currently visiting Nariokotome Mission after several days visiting other parishes in the lake deanery, Diocese of Lodwar. He has spent the day visiting the Mission primary school, the constructions taking place at that school. He later on visited St. Rita ECD/Nutritional centre.

The elders of the area and the women with the children in the ECD paid him a courtesy call where issues of social and spiritual development were discussed. The Bishop was gifted with two goats by the elders.

The Bishop finishes his visitation to the Deanery tomorrow with Mass and deanery meeting at Kalokol. It has been a pleasure to have our Shepherd visiting us.

Fr. Denis -MCSPA

Furrows In the Desert Graduation Ceremony

27 May 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Furrows In the Desert Graduation Ceremony”

Today in St. John the Evangelist Lobur Catholic mission, we witnessed young men and women graduating from agricultural course offered by the Farrows In the Desert (FID) project.

This was the 12th graduation since the programme begun 7 years ago. Bishop Dominic Kimengich, The bishop of Lodwar diocese presided over the ceremony today.

As a result of this project there are 120 farmers all over Turkana County who practice active agriculture. Fr. Alex gave a brief history of the programme and also acknowledged the efforts of Frs. Paco and Albert who were the brain child of this wonderful initiative in partnership with other Israeli organizations.

The new graguates were encouraged to cheerfully go and put the knowledge they have received into practice for the betterment of their respective villages.

Such a programme under the watch and direction from the MCSPA are alternative ways to eradicate hunger in Turkana region since it gives an alternative source of livelihood and food security.

Fr. Joseph Githinji

Visit of the MEDs team to Nariokotome Mission and The Diocese of Lodwar

27 May 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Visit of the MEDs team to Nariokotome Mission and The Diocese of Lodwar”

We were blessed to have the MEDs team from Nairobi visiting our health facility in turkana. MEDs is a faith based organisation that supplies quality medicines in the country.

Members of the team were Dr. Jane Masiga Managing Director MEDS, Shadrack Meme Marketing and Business Development Manager, Meshack Thananga Field Officer. During their visit they also enjoyed the priviledge of visiting the cradle of man kind: the place were the fossile of the homo-erectus or nariokotome boy was discovered. They also visited the lake turkana, the largest permanet desert lake in the world. In addition they also visited some of our patients in the dispensary and at their homes.

Now they are able to testify that the medicines that are purchased from them reach the furthest corners of Kenya. They later faciltated a two days workshop for all the medical staff at the DOL thanks to the medical coodinator Sr. Winne.

We are so grateful by their visit. We give thanks to all the donors who support our health program because it is thanks to them that we are able to purchase medicines from Meds and bring health to the community around Nariokotome.

Lillian Omari – MCSPA

Bishop’s visit to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish-Todonyang

25 May 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Bishop’s visit to Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish-Todonyang”

Today, 25th May 2019, there was a great celebration at the Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish in Todonyang. The celebration was marked by several events which include; confirmation of 82 people, blessing of Class 8 2019 candidates, and blessing of the newly completed multipurpose hall (dining hall and kitchen inclusive).

Three years ago, we lost one of the elders from the Dassenech community in the school compound, when all were gathered to celebrate ten years since Todonyang mission re-opened and there was peace.

Today we have remembered that all who lost their lives in this border area from both Turkana and Dassenech communities. We pray that peace will prevail in this corridor and all who pass by Our Lady Queen of Peace School, will be ambassadors of peace wherever they go.

In his homily and speech, Bishop Dominic called all to be peace ambassadors.

Todonyang Integrated Centres was the best in Turkana North in last year’s KCPE exams. We thank all MCSPA members who previously worked in Todonyang and the current ones in the persons of Frs. Andrew and Wycliffe. We also thank the mission staff for making Todonyang what it is today. God bless you all!

Lillian Omari – MCSPA

Conferment of the Minor Orders of Lector and Acolyte on Victor Otieno, MCSPA.

11 April 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Conferment of the Minor Orders of Lector and Acolyte on Victor Otieno, MCSPA.”

With joy and gladness we would like to thank God for Victor Otieno who was installed as Lector and Acolyte by Bishop Dominic Kimegich, Bishop of Lodwar, yesterday at the MCSPA House of Formation at Cubao, Metro Manila (Philippines). It was a joyful moment to see our friends in Manila joining in to witness this occasion. In his homily, the Bishop urged us to be holy servants of God and true witnesses to the Gospel of Christ wherever we are sent, just like the apostles did. We are all baptised and therefore are sent to bring the Good News.

Bishop Dominic, who was in the Philippines briefly to attend other key events, also blessed the House of Formation which is under the patronage of St. Joseph, patron of vocations, and St. Francis Xavier, patron of the missions.

Congratulations Victor for this step made in your journey to the priesthood!

Lillian Omari -MCSPA


26 February 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “BOOST YOUR HEALTH WITH SPIRULINA (STORY PART 1)”

What is Spirulina?

Spirulina is a very nutritious superfood microalgae, which is naturally found in some soda lakes in East Africa, e.g. Lake Turkana. It can be cultivated optimally in waters with a water temperature of approximately 37 degrees Celsius at a pH of approximately 9.5 and corresponding salts in the culture medium. Due to its nutrient profile, the possibility of being grown in otherwise unusable water and the high yields, it is renowned as a “superfood”. At the 1974 UN World Food Conference it was described as “probably the best food for the future”. Spirulina is a nutritious superfood not only with its nutritional profile with many vitamins and minerals, high protein content (65g protein/100g) and energy content (300Kcal/100g), as well as the supply of micronutrients. The vitally important vitamin B family, vitamin E, folic acid as well as iron, zinc and selenium are particularly well represented. But also with its culinary versatility.

As an accompaniment to fish and meat and also for ugali, Spirulina makes a valuable contribution to taste and health. Spirulina is also considered an enormously promising food due to its high rates of harvest, low water and resource consumption and its ability to bind CO2 instead of consuming it. As Spirulina grows with cell division, the growth of Spirulina can easily be modelled according to Levasseuer. After about 120 days, one milligram of Spirulina produces about 1 kilogram. This way of growth makes Spirulina one of the most harvest-full plants to grow. Spirulina can feed 1,250 people on one hectare of arable land; by comparison, high-performance wheat can feed just 144 people per year. One kilogram of dry Spirulina consumes just 166 litres of water in production, while 1 kilogram of beef already consumes 15,000 litres of water, 1 kilogram of rice 5,500 litres. 741 kg CO2 are bound per ton of Spirulina.  

We grow Spirulina in Nariokotome-Anam!

Because here in Nariokotome the water is salty and alkaline, we can grow Spirulina naturally with high quality. It can grow better than in most other places in the world. It is good food for children, elderly, sick and people concerned about their health. Here in Anam, it also has a unique salty and sweet taste. Try it out now! You can get it from Joseph Ekoyan and Thomas Ekiru.

Daniel Kotter

Spirulina Farm at Nariokotome Anam- MCSPA
Spirulina Farm at Nariokotome Anam – Turkana Kenya
Spirulina Farm at Nariokotome Anam- Turkana Kenya ( MCSPA )
Produce of Spirulina from Nariokotome Farm (MCSPA)

6th Death Anniversary of Fr. Paco

16 February 2019 Posted by Church, Community, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “6th Death Anniversary of Fr. Paco”

The members of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA) in different countries remembered their founder who passed on 6 years ago.

At Nariokotome Mission, where Fr. Paco was laid to rest, the villages came in large numbers to remember him, carrying branches while singing and dancing. It was a great celebration as we fondly remembered Fr. Paco as a man who brought light to people, like a lighted candle in a dark room.

Lillian Omari – MCSPA

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