5th Graduation of Furrows in the Desert
16 July 2015 Posted by admin News, Project 0 thoughts on “5th Graduation of Furrows in the Desert”On the 16th of July, in the town of Kaikor, we celebrated the graduation of the 5th batch of trainees of the Furrows in the Desert. A total of 35 new farmers have completed the course and are now working in their own plots back home.
The second workshop for the members of the new Saint Isidore’s Turkana Farmers Association began, with a total number of 82 attendants for three full days with the aim of improving their ability to organise themselves, to encourage self discipline, to foster a team spirit, and to develop their sales and marketing skills.
This program seeks to encourage more families in Turkana to put into practice the new farming techniques taught to provide for themselves and to sell the surplus to meet the needs of others and themselves.
We also bade farewell to Gil, our farm manager, and welcomed Roy, his successor, accompanied by his wife Tikki; while Abdullah, one of our volunteers from South Sudan will be returning home to start a farming project there.
We extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who helped made this programme possible.
Fr. Albert Salvans
16 July 2015