Posts tagged "Religión"

Our Lady Queen of Peace-Parish Communication:

1 August 2016 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Our Lady Queen of Peace-Parish Communication:”

It is with great sorrow and pain in the heart that we inform you of a shocking incident at a well-attended Church function yesterday.  In the presence of several hundreds of people attending the event at Our Lady Queen Of Peace (Todonyang Mission), a Dassanech elder from this neighbouring community in Ethiopia was murdered in cold blood. There were children and adult faithful, the Bishop of Lodwar, Rt. Rev. Dominic Kimengich, and Ethiopian and Kenyan authorities present. Bishop Dominic was presiding over the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the parish, the confirmation of 50 Christians and the blessing of 4 new classrooms. The celebration of the mass had just ended and the fund-raising family day contributions was about to start. The killing of the elder occurred in front of the Pontifical Missionary Children of all the Deanery (over a 100 children) and the children from the Parish school (more than 150). Other persons present in the mission compound were the Orthodox priest and deacon from Koro (Ethiopia); Fr. Goesh Abraha, the Parish Priest of the Catholic Church in Omorate (Ethiopia) with some of his visitors; Fr. Imo Bassols, the parish priest of Lokori Parish, Turkana South, who had come with a delegation of Catholic Men’s Association of Lokori Parish; Fr. Albert Salvans from Lobur Mission and members of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle with visitors from their various missions of Nariokotome, Kokuselei and Todonyang; the Assumption Sisters from Lowarengak Parish, the local MCA and Turkana County authorities and elders of the area.

The motive for the murder is unknown, and it was carried out right before the Kenya Police, GSU and RDU units. Everybody present was shocked and the children of the school were very traumatised. The perpetrator escaped amidst a group of young turkana warriors who appeared to be backing him. The name of the deceased is Mzee Lobakate Lobolemai from Koro village in Ethiopia. Bishop Dominic, Fr. Alex Campón, the parish priest and Caritas Lodwar Director, Fr Goesh Abraha, Fr. Albert, and Scholastica Wamalwa and Patrizia Anniballi from Nariokotome Mission, together with the Ethiopian Orthodox priest and deacon and all the ethiopian delegation (the Deputy Chief Administrator from Omorate was among them) who came to the celebration escorted the body of the deceased back to Koro village where the rituals and prayers for burial where held, headed this time by the Orthodox priest.

Due to this despicable act, the school at Todonyang Mission has been closed and the children sent back home, and all development and pastoral activities of the Parish has been put on hold until security and confidence is restored. We await the security forces of Kenya to apprehend the culprit, dismantle this group of warriors, and return security to the area.

Let us pray from the bottom of our hearts for the end of violence and evil acts. May peace be restored.

Fr. Álex Campón, MCSPA.


Seis graduaciones de Furrows in the Desert!!!!

6 July 2016 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Seis graduaciones de Furrows in the Desert!!!!”

Esto es motivo de felicidad y optimismo. Hemos pasado por muchos retos durante estos 3 años y medio; pero curso a curso vemos como se va consolidando una nueva forma de vida para los turkanas en la que ven la posibilidad de producir alimentos tanto para sus familias como para las comunidades en las que viven y generar su propia economía. Estamos formando agricultores y lo están empezando a integrar en sus vidas. La mejor representación de esto es SITFA (Asociación San Isidro de agricultores en Turkana), creada en 2014. La semana pasada, durante dos días, se han reunido todos los miembros de la Asociación por tercera vez y con la ayuda de dos facilitadores se han dedicado a potenciar el concepto de asociación, a revisar las actividades realizadas durante todo el año e ir dandole forma para presentarse ante los diferentes ministerios y pedir ayudas; el comienzo de su propia independencia. Y como colofón tuvimos la graduación de los 13 alumnos del 6º curso que ahora son graduados y nuevos miembros de SITFA. Una celebración por todo lo alto con representantes del gobierno y otros visitantes que nos acompañaron en un día tan especial en Turkana.

Maque Falgás

Thanks Giving Mass of Fr. Wycliffe Ochieng

15 February 2016 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Thanks Giving Mass of Fr. Wycliffe Ochieng”

Fr. Wycliffe Ochieng celebrated yesterday his thanks giving mass at Our lady of Mercy Mtongwe Parish, Archdiocese of Mombasa, his home parish.  It was a colourful celebration that lasted for several hours. Fr. Wycliffe is the first priest from this Parish. The mass started almost like a wedding! in a procession through the village. This attracted many people.

Let us pray that through his example he may lead others to follow the vocation to priesthood.

Last week he was at his traditional home in Ugunja for thanks giving mass, and there he was made one of the Luo elders.
Thank you all for journeying with him.

Josephine Amuma

MCSPA – Celebration of the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul

25 January 2016 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “MCSPA – Celebration of the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul”

Today, on the Feast of the converstion of St. Paul the Apostle, members of the MCSPA present at Nariokotome Mission celebrated the day with a solemn mass followed by a communal dinner. During the homily, the celebrant priest, Fr. Alex, encouranged all to emulate the missionary zeal portrayed by Saint Paul. Since today marks the end of the week of prayer for Christian unity, Fr. Alex encouranged the congregation to pray for the unity of all Christians. May Saint Paul help us to be courageous and true missionaries ready to give it all for the betterment of God’s glory and Kingdom!

Lillian Omari

Comunidad Misionera de San Pablo Apóstol – Nuevo Grupo de Voluntarios Chilenos en Etiopía

15 January 2016 Posted by Community, General News, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Comunidad Misionera de San Pablo Apóstol – Nuevo Grupo de Voluntarios Chilenos en Etiopía”

El día 7 de enero llegaron a Etiopia 19 voluntarios de Chile a colaborar por dos meses en las cuatro misiones del país: Angar Guten, Muketurri, Nyangatom y Mizan Teferi. Los voluntarios apoyarán el trabajo en las guarderías, programa de pozos y agricultura, aula con niños con necesidades especiales, centros de salud y en todo lo que haga falta. Hasta la fecha 89 chilenos han venido apoyar los proyectos de nuestra Comunidad, estamos muy contentos con su visita y valoramos mucho su tiempo y energía en pos de las comunidades con las que trabajamos.

Valentina Correa

Priestly Ordination of Wycliffe Ochieng

1 January 2016 Posted by Community, General News, News 0 thoughts on “Priestly Ordination of Wycliffe Ochieng”

On December 12th, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Deacon Wycliffe Ochieng was ordained to the priesthood at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle at Nariokotome Mission, Diocese of Lodwar (Turkana), northern Kenya. Wycliffe, who is 33 years old, is a member of the public association of the faithful Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle and Mary, Mother of the Church (MCSPA).

The ordination mass was presided by Rt. Rev. Dominic Kimengich, Bishop of Lodwar, who emphasized the tremendous work of the Community in the north-eastern part of this vast diocese in bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people of Turkana. He praised the number of local African vocations in the MCSPA and asked the faithful to support and pray for them.

In typical Turkana way of celebrating, the mass was very colourful with exuberant singing and dancing. The joy of the people could not have been more apparent! After the mass, there was food for all the people, who came from the different settlements by the lakeshore and the mountains, some a whole night’s trek away. There were visitors from Spain and the UK and also from Mombasa on the Kenyan coast where Wycliffe comes from.

The following day, Sunday 13th December, Fr. Wycliffe celebrated his first mass. The MCSPA asks that you keep him in prayer as he begins his journey as a priest in this mission land.

Fr. Francis Teo


10th Anniversary of Lobur Mission

6 December 2015 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “10th Anniversary of Lobur Mission”

About 10 years ago, in north-eastern Turkana County (coterminous with the Diocese of Lodwar in northern Kenya), Frs. Paco Andreo and Albert Salvans (of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle and Mary, Mother of the Church or MCSPA) were perched atop a heap of huge boulders on a cliff overlooking the flat plains of Kokuro and Meyen and the grey Loriontom Range in the horizon that stretched all the way to the border with Ethiopia and South Sudan. There they dreamt of a new mission …

10 years on, the Mission of St. John the Evangelist at Lobur is a thriving centre of pastoral and socio-development activities; at all the surrounding settlements and beyond, there are nutritional centres (to counter-act the effects of malnutrition among children), earth and rock dams and boreholes (which are so necessary for the mainly pastoralist families that live in this vast area), catechists and centres for the celebration of the Eucharist and sacraments, training in family vegetable farms through the “Furrows in the Desert” programme, cross-border peace initiatives, scholarship funds for students etc.

Hence, it was with great reason and joy that on the 29th of December 2015, a lively celebration was held at the chapel of Lobur Mission to commemorate the 10 years of its founding. Members of the MCSPA from Kenya and Ethiopia were present, together with the faithful from the villages around Lobur Mission.

Let us continue praying for missionaries over the world and the missionary work of the Church especially that of primary evangelization in places where the mercy of God needs to be shown in terms of food, water, shelter, peace, health and education.

Fr. Francis Teo

Anniversary Ordinations – Fr. Antonio, Fr. Francis and Fr. Manuel

16 August 2015 Posted by Community, General News, News 0 thoughts on “Anniversary Ordinations – Fr. Antonio, Fr. Francis and Fr. Manuel”

The members of the MCSPA would like to give thanks to God, on this day of the Assumption of Our Lady, as 18 years ago Fr. Antonio Aguirre, Fr. Francis Teo and Fr. Manuel Hernández were ordained priests for the Diocese of Lodwar. They have been working for many years in Kenya especially in Turkana going to the remotest areas to bring the Good News. To date, Fr. Antonio is in Nariokotome mission, Turkana – Kenya, Fr. Francis is in Manila – Philippines and Fr. Manolo is in Benga Parish – Malawi. We give thanks for their perseverance and example in following the call to which they said YES to, some 18 years ago: “Go out and proclaim the good new to the poor”.


Lillian Omari

Priestly ordination of Fr. Gabriel Nakamu Emuria

16 August 2015 Posted by Church, General News, News 0 thoughts on “Priestly ordination of Fr. Gabriel Nakamu Emuria”

Yesterday on the feast of the Assumption of Our Lady, the Diocese of Lodwar celebrated the priestly ordination of Gabriel Nakamu Emuria, a member of the Apostles of Jesus at Mary Mother of God Church, Kalokol Parish, Lodwar Diocese. It was a colourful celebration presided by Rt. Rev. Dominic Kimengich, Bishop of Lodwar. Members of the MCSPA joined other Christians from all parts of Turkana in this graceful occasion. We sincerely extend our best wishes and prayer to newly ordained Fr. Gabriel Nakamu Emuria!

Lillian Omari

Voluntarios Etiopes en Muketurri

15 August 2015 Posted by Community, General News, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Voluntarios Etiopes en Muketurri”

Durante este mes de julio cinco estudiantes de la Universidad de Addis Abeba han venido como voluntarios a la misión de Muketurri. Junto con las maestras de la guardería han diseñado un programa de reforzamiento de inglés para las profesoras y de ciencias, matemáticas e inglés para nuestros niños. Por las tardes, junto a voluntarias españolas, han apoyado el curso de inglés de verano dirigido a niños de primaria.

Los voluntarios, tres mujeres y cuatro hombres, cursan distintos estudios; planificación y diseño urbano, ingeniería civil, ingeniería química e ingeniería eléctrica. Ellos son parte del grupo fundador de una organización llamada Abet que en amharico quiere decir “responder a una llamada”. ABET es una organización civil de voluntariado que intenta responder diferentes necesidades sociales en Addis Abeba y han participado en actividades recreativas para niños con autismo, campañas para recoger fondos para entregar alimentación a una escuela primaria, acompañamiento de enfermos en el Ethiopian Cancer Institute, entre otros. Durante agosto nos acompañarán a la misión de Andode para continuar su voluntariado.

Ha sido una sopresa mutua el conocernos y compartir el sueño común de dar más oportunidades a niños de Muketuri y alrededores; Para los jóvenes etíopes ha sido un reto ver cómo viven tantas personas en su país, una realidad, para ellos, bastante desconocida desde la capital;

Para los lugareños ha sido una sorpresa también, conocer a jóvenes etíopes, igual que ellos, que de forma voluntaria pasan sus vacaciones apoyando a niños de zonas más necesitadas. Se han creado entre ellos puentes de amistad, en los que, todas las partes se enriquecen. Hemos empezado a hacer planes de que los jóvenes de Abet vengan a Muketuri un fin de semana al mes durante el año. Esto puede ser el inicio de un movimiento de la sociedad etíope, que, desde un cierta clase media que crece timidamente, se acerca a la realidad masiva del país de tanta gente que no tiene ni sus necesidades más básicas solucionadas.

Estamos contentas y agradecidas de encontrarnos con jóvenes etíopes interesados en cambiar la realidad de este país. Creemos que juntos podemos hacer mucho más.

Lourdes Larruy

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