Water and Environment Project – Lobur Mission
12 December 2020 Posted by admin Mission, News, Project 0 thoughts on “Water and Environment Project – Lobur Mission”The MCSPA launched in 2018 a Pump Maintenance Unit (PMU) with the aim to secure the access to water in Turkana North.
The project is run by St. John the Evangelist, Lobur Catholic Mission. Three years down the line, the project has established itself in the area, where about 60 boreholes (30% of the total) are regularly checked, serviced and repaired.
The local communities contribute with a symbolic annual fee while at the same time are trained at the village level on how to maintain these essential facilities.
During 2020 Lobur Mission signed an ambitious three-year contract with a consortium of benefactors, to Improve the security of access to water and the environment management for Turkana North and Kibish sub-counties, with a total land of 17.500 sq. km inhabited by about 100.000 pastoralists.
The contract will now allow to equip the PMU to maintain not only the pumping facilities but the boreholes themselves, providing an integral service. Additionally to this main activity, awareness on rain water harvesting, environmental care, food security and sanitation and hygiene have now been included in the PMU Programme via Capacity Building Activities.
During the first week of December 2020 the first awareness activity took place at St. Eirin’s Nursery School where the following topics were addressed: desert agriculture practices, organic compost making and vegetable and fruits nutritional values, targeting a shift to a more varied and rich diet for the local inhabitants.
31 neo-farmers (23 women), coming from 11 different villages actively participated in a very intense workshop, with the collaboration of the Furrows in the Desert Programme and the Health Department of Lobur Catholic Mission.
Pablo Moñino, Lobur Catholic Mission
Partners consortium: Prince Albert the II of Monaco Foundation, Slovak Aid, UNESCO, Irish News and Emalaikat Foundation.
All the event was broadcasted live by Radio Akicha Lodwar.
Audios with a description of the Project: