28 September 2024 Posted by Tigist Mekonnen education, MCSPA, Project 0 thoughts on “EXPERIENCE AT NYANGATOM MISSION”Last July, a group of 15 Spanish youth had the incredible opportunity to visit the Prince of Peace Mission at Nyangatom, Ethiopia. We set up a summer camp to enhance the educational efforts of the Ekisil Group project, and we returned with our hearts full from all that we experienced.
There’s so much to share about our month at camp that we could go on forever. Each story, every face, every sunset, every moment spent together, each Sunday mass, every morning at camp, every smile, every fun evening, and every shared experience and hug reflected God’s presence on Earth, and that’s what we feel called to share.
With our hearts opened, we are inspired to live in accordance with all that has touched us, to be that face of God that we have seen in others, and to nurture a grateful perspective for the gift of life.
by Pilar Jofre
Volunteer at Nyangatom Mission