MCSPA – Celebration of the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul
25 January 2016 Posted by admin News 0 thoughts on “MCSPA – Celebration of the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul”Today, on the Feast of the converstion of St. Paul the Apostle, members of the MCSPA present at Nariokotome Mission celebrated the day with a solemn mass followed by a communal dinner. During the homily, the celebrant priest, Fr. Alex, encouranged all to emulate the missionary zeal portrayed by Saint Paul. Since today marks the end of the week of prayer for Christian unity, Fr. Alex encouranged the congregation to pray for the unity of all Christians. May Saint Paul help us to be courageous and true missionaries ready to give it all for the betterment of God’s glory and Kingdom!
Lillian Omari