27 April 2021 Posted by blanca News 0 thoughts on “3,000 VIEWS OF THE DOCUMENTARY “I WANT TO BE LIKE GENET””The Valencian Communication Agency Alberto Pla premiered on April 15th the documentary “I want to be like Genet” for the Valencian NGO Moss Solidaria and the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle in Ethiopia.
The project of this documentary arose after many conversations in Ethiopia about the strength of Ethiopian women in the face of adversity. What today would be called their resilience.
In this
documentary, Genet, a 22-year-old girl, tells her story of overcoming adversity
and her vision of how some of us can bring out the best in others.
Mari Olcina, from the NGO Moss Solidaria, and Lourdes Larruy, from the
Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle, present the activities carried out
by MCSPA in the region of Muketuri, on the Ethiopian high plateau, together with
the women who are at the forefront of each activity:
Enat, in charge of the educational classroom for children with disabilities and responsible for the program of care for children with malnutrition; Friwot, preschool teacher at the San José Mother and Child Centre; Yitayish, a former student at the “Maite Iglesias” students’ residence and Deribe, responsible for one of the children’s canteens in the area.
All of them women full of strength and with a great sense of solidarity, who, over the years, have grown and have become references of hope and strength for everyone.
Many volunteers, visitors and supporters have been moved by watching this documentary, recognizing familiar faces, and seeing the evolution of the projects in the 13 years since the MCSPA began its presence in Muketuri. 3,000 views in just one week of the documentary being available.
We hope that this documentary will contribute to the culture of solidarity proposed by Pope Francis in “Frattelli Tutti”, to put us in the place of those who have been born in a part of the planet where survival is a daily struggle.
We would like to thank all the people who have collaborated with their intellectual and economic means, volunteers from Spain, Chile, Mexico, and so many people from numerous places who have us in their prayers.
Lourdes Larruy, MCSPA.
The documentary is available at the following link: https://youtu.be/MPHNO9z8m9c