Posts tagged "fundacion harena"

Solar Light For 120 Families in The Ethiopian Plateau

26 February 2020 Posted by News, Project 0 thoughts on “Solar Light For 120 Families in The Ethiopian Plateau”

During the days 28-30th January, the MCSPA, present in the area of Muketuri, together with a Spanish foundation, called “Fundación Harena”, distributed 120 solar light sets to illuminate the homes in 3 villages, Abo Kaso, Gore Ketema and Jebene. These villages are 21 km, 7 km and 17 km away from Muketuri.

The solar sets have 3 points of fixed lights and one mobile, plus a telephone charger point. The families received a training to install the lights and showed their gratitude y happiness for what will change their lives: to have light in their homes, for cooking, living together and with a great impact in their children´s lives who will be able to study when there is no sun light.

At the 3 villages the people organized a party to celebrate the event with a meal, dances and speeches.
In one of the villages an old women expressed her joy saying:
“we don’t know how to thank all this: first the missionaries brought us the water, a well and after this agriculture with the drop system and then a dining room for children under 7 and pregnant women, and today, with these lights they have given us eyes to see all that we have achieved together!”

Many more families have registered to receive solar light for their homes. We hope to get the funds to extend the program to more people.

Lourdes Larruy MCSPA

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February 2025