Posts tagged "Cristianismo"

Furrow’s 9th Graduation

16 December 2017 Posted by News, Project 0 thoughts on “Furrow’s 9th Graduation”

On 15th December 2017 we celebrated the 9th graduation of Furrows in the Desert Course to train future Turkana farmers to become experts in irrigated desert agriculture. The celebration was colourful and it was attended by those graduating, the Furrows in the Desert team, former trainees, representatives from the MCSPA and members of the local community. Bishop Benson from Outreach Ministries Church in Lodwar also attended with pastor Esikuku from Kerio, since they have contributed to Furrows by sending some trainees, who are going to join an agriculture project run by the same church in Lodwar.

Up to this 9th course there are more than 300 people who have studied at furrows. Those who are still active are organised into a Farmer’s association and they are grouped into different farms, of which more than 40 of them are doing very well. During the speeches Fr. Albert focused on the importance of agriculture in Turkana as a source of alternative livelihood, especially water and food production as the only real and sustainable future for Turkana.

We congratulate all the graduates and thank all the Furrow’s team, the benefactors and all the stakeholders who make this project a reality.

Fr. Angel Valdivia MCSPA

Blessing in Lodwar-Agustinian Recolet Nuns

15 December 2017 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Blessing in Lodwar-Agustinian Recolet Nuns”

The Agustinian Recolet Nuns in Nakwamekwi have blessed and officially opened a new guest house in their compound. This has been thanks to Mr. Tansey a very close friend of the MCSPA.
It is a joy to see that the sisters will have a place to welcome guests who are seeking peace and calm and at the same time a permanent way of sustaining themselves. We wish to thank all who have made this possible.


Blessing of the New Nursery School at Lobur Mission

27 July 2017 Posted by Church, Mission 0 thoughts on “Blessing of the New Nursery School at Lobur Mission”
On Tuesday, 25th July, we received the visit of Bishop Dominic Kimengich in Lobur Mission. He came to bless the new nursery school, Saint Irene Mother and Child Centre, and other facilities such as the new emergency room for the health programme and the future sports court. It was a day full of joy and everybody was happy for the new projects that are starting.
After one and a half years of construction of the nursery school, using only local resources and sustainable building techniques, we are starting a new phase where the children will enjoy their own space to grow in values, creativity and knowledge.
The health programme also continues developing every year. At present, it was necessary to build a room where the critical patients will be able to receive proper medical care.
Finally, the Bishop laid down the foundation stone of the sports court to promote sports and values within the community.
Maque Falgás

MCSPA Family Day in Nairobi

10 July 2017 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “MCSPA Family Day in Nairobi”

Yesterday July 9th was a joyful day as members and apprentices of MCSPA celebrated the Family Day in Nairobi. This event brought together people from different walks of life. It began with Mass celebrated by Fr. Joseph Ekalimon, Vicar General of the Diocese of Lodwar, followed by presentations of videos and testimonies. The same event also marks 30 years of MCSPA’s presence in Turkana as well as the 25th priestly anniversary of Frs. Albert, Fernando and Avelino. We thank all our family members, relatives and friends for their presence and celebrating with us these auspicious milestones. Thank you all and may God bless you!

Fr. Wycliffe Ochieng

Holy Week at MCSPA Missions

14 April 2017 Posted by Church, Community 0 thoughts on “Holy Week at MCSPA Missions”

“The earth shook with the news He’s not here. He is risen! And in that moment, joy replaced despair and life conquered death not just that day, but for eternity.”

Members of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle and Mary Mother of the Church celebrate Holy Week with the christian faithful around the different missions in Turkana, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Malawi, Philippines and Mexico.

As we celebrate the passion death and resurrection of Jesus, we join our hearts with all Christians and people of good around the world to pray together for peace.

Fr. Angel Valdivia MCSPA

Visita del Cardenal de Addis Abeba a Muketurri

16 December 2016 Posted by Church, News 0 thoughts on “Visita del Cardenal de Addis Abeba a Muketurri”

Recientemente el Cardenal de Addis Abeba, Mons. Berhaneyesus Souraphiel visitó la recién inaugurada residencia de estudiantes “Maite Iglesias Home”, en la misión de la MCSPA en Muketuri, Etiopía. El Cardenal visitó también el Saint Joseph Mother and Child Centre, donde incluso hizo bromas con los niños e interactuó con ellos, sacándolos a la pizarra y haciéndoles dibujar y cantar, recordando su pasado como maestro de escuela. También pudo hablar con el comité de padres y reunirse con las profesoras, con las que compartió el desayuno para después bendecir la nueva sala de profesoras. Después visitó el huerto del Centro, el gallinero y la vaquería. En el salón multiusos, las mujeres del taller de costura le prepararon la obligada ceremonia del café. Más tarde las misioneras con el Cardenal visitaron un poblado a 7 km de Muketuri para ver algunos de los huertos donde se producen verduras en la época seca, gracias al programa de excavación de pozos manuales que la MCSPA lleva a cabo enla zona. Los campesinos explicaron las verduras que producen para el consumo familiar y la venta en los mercados locales. Pudimos sacar agua de los pozos manuales, incluso beber agua de ellos y bromear mojándonos unos a otros.. La comida fue en la residencia de estudiantes Maite Iglesias Home, inagurada el pasado 6 de noviembre. El administrador de la provincia se sumó a la comida y pudieron hablar con las estudiantes y animarlas a aprovechar la oportunidad que tienen de poder tener un lugar donde continuar sus estudios secundarios.

Lourdes Larruy MCSPA

Make Kokuselei an Alcohol-free Zone!

21 November 2016 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Make Kokuselei an Alcohol-free Zone!”
Alcohol free zone!!!

Today the children of kokuselei made a move to make their village an “Alcohol-free Zone” with plays and songs. All the villagers were happy to see and listen to the play. We pray and hope that the message was driven home.

Lillian Omari


Celebration at the St. Joseph, Mother and Child Educational Centre Nariokotome (SJMCEC)

20 November 2016 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Celebration at the St. Joseph, Mother and Child Educational Centre Nariokotome (SJMCEC)”

250 children, their parents and the MCSPA members from Nariokotome mission, kokuselei, Todonyang and Lobur Missions attended the end of the year celebration at St. Joseph Mother and Child Educational Centre.

The day started with the holy mass at the school hall. Later there were different games, poems, dances, songs just to mention but a few. The report cards were issued and all the 250 children went home happy with a gift of two.

Thank you parents, teachers, students, the MCSPA family and all who made this day, one to be remembered.

Lillian Omari

Peace Meeting in Napeikar

27 September 2016 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Peace Meeting in Napeikar”

Yesterday, members of mcspa from Todonyang and Lobur missions had a full day Peace meeting at Napeikar village with the County Peace Field Coordinator Johnston Ekamais and subcounty warden, DO Kibish, chiefs, elders and local community representatives.

The result of the talks was that the county government commit themselves to sponsor and lead a Civic Education Campaign in all villages and nomadic settlements of Todonyang-Kibish corridor, beginning on 11th October. This will culminate with a meeting with 5 representatives from each population centre, so that they can adopt a range of measures to bring about peace in the area.

Lobur Mission have committed to re-open all the usual services in the next few days.

Fr. Wycliffe Ochieng, MCSPA.

7th course of Furrows in the Desert Kicks Off

14 August 2016 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “7th course of Furrows in the Desert Kicks Off”

Yesterday morning 13th August, we had the opening ceremony to welcome all the new trainees of the 7th course of Furrows in the Desert. We have a group of 5 women and 3 men. This time round the participants are not so young as in previous courses. They have a great potential, and their maturity can play a good role in spreading their future knowledge in their communities.  This time the number has also reduced, but we still have a lot of hope; they really want to be in the course, they are convinced. We are still waiting for 2 candidates from Nyangatom, the neighbouring tribe from Ethiopia, and 3 more from Turkana.

We had a nice opening accompanied by the team of Furrows, all the staff and the visitors staying now in the mission.

We thank and appreciate all the efforts from everybody who is involved in Furrows in the Desert in one way or another: Missionary Community of Saint Paul the Apostle, Brit Olam,  The Arava Institute of Desert Studies, here and Israel, as well as to all the benefactors who to make this dream possible.

Maque Falgás


Ayer por la mañana, día 13 de agosto, celebramos la apertura del séptimo curso para dar la bienvenida a los nuevos alumnos de Surcos en el Desierto. Tenemos un grupo de 5 mujeres y 3 hombres. La media de edad de los participantes de este curso es mayor que en cursos anteriores. Este grupo tiene un gran potencial, y su madurez puede ayudar a difundir los conocimientos que aprenderán durante el curso en sus pueblos y comunidades. Esta vez el grupo es pequeño pero tienen gran ilusión y realmente quieren estar en el curso. Aun estamos esperando a dos candidatos de Nyangatom, la tribu vecina de Etiopía, y 3 más de Turkana.

Ha sido una bonita ceremonia de apertura, acompañados por todo el equipo de Surcos en el Desierto, los trabajadores del proyecto y algunos de nuestros visitantes que se encuentran ahora en la misión.

Muchas gracias a todos por todo el esfuerzo que se está llevando acabo desde aquí: La Comunidad Misionera de San Pablo Apóstol, Brit Olam, El Instituto Arava de Estudios del Desierto, desde Israel y también a todos los benefactores que hacen posible este proyecto.

Maque Falgás

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