Stand up and Walk

3 October 2018 Posted by General News, News 0 thoughts on “Stand up and Walk”

After many months of struggling, from doctor to doctor, to find the appropriate solution for the young boy, Rheynell Kadusale, from a corner of the Parola/Tondo slum of Manila, there is now a real sign of hope.

Rheynell has a bone deformity in his right leg due to polio from very young. We met him and his mother about 2 years ago during our outreach programme at Gate 1 of Parola slum (there are 120 “Gates” which are designated areas of this huge slum comprising 60 to 70 families at each “Gate”). Rheynell has been limping and jumping on his left leg all these years due to the polio that affected his right leg.

We share the joy with you who supported this boy’s journey towards his therapy and rehabilitation. Rheynell is now able to move his right toe and has gotten used to the splint attached to his right leg. He can actually even run and play with the other kids of Gate 1.

The splint will soon be adjusted and serviced for the next 6 months so as to continue stretching the undeveloped bones.

We have seen great progress after all the therapy sessions that Rheynell has undergone. Thanks be to God! And thank you for helping to make what was impossible possible!

“The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor.” Mt 11:5

May God bless you!

Ambrose Wanyonyi and Zacchaeus Okoth,
MCSPA Apprentices

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