My Vocation Story; Ambrose Emmanuel Wanyonyi,

16 October 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “My Vocation Story; Ambrose Emmanuel Wanyonyi,”

I am Ambrose Wanyonyi and I was born in the western part of Kenya. I spent most of my childhood in a village near Kitale town. I am currently a senior apprentice with the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle, better known by our acronym, MCSPA.

My journey to missionary life dates back 8 years ago, on completion of my high school education. Brian Werunga – whom I knew ever since we were children – at that time had just spent a year with the MCSPA. Brian returned to our village for a couple of days and shared with me the “breaking news”: he had met some missionaries who reside in Turkana, and he was impressed at their generosity in restoring hope to people of this marginalised region of northern Kenya. 

The news about the missionaries did not move me much at first, since I hardly knew much about what missionaries were all about anyway. Nevertheless, I felt somewhat eager to see what all the fuss was about. So in the beginning of 2011, I set off together with Brian to Lodwar and I was introduced to Fr. Francis Teo, a member of the MCSPA, who was then the Vicar General of the Diocese of Lodwar. It all appeared like going and staying with a priest in the parish … it didn’t look anything extraordinary at all!

Then, for my first weekend in this region, we all went up to the remote area to the north of Lodwar, to the mission of Nariokotome. Now, things began to look different! I was able to meet many other members of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle.

While Turkana is generally a semi-arid place, the mission looked different. Here, in the middle of nowhere, there was life! Because of the lack of rain and the apparently barren soil and scorching sun, it may not be easy to agree with me when I say that one could easily fall in love with this place. It is here that my whole understanding of missionary life deepened. Living and learning the charism of the missionary community continues to strengthen my vocation. I have no doubt that this is the correct choice that I have made. 

The unity and bond among people of different nationalities was surprising to me at first, but as time went by, I developed a better understanding of this way of life, a life in common. The love of Christ is felt in the people of the house and living together becomes more and more fulfilling. This closeness is propelled by one purpose, to give all to those who need more than what we need, and to bring them closer to Christ. 

I think this is the one thing that I admire most in my journey with the MCSPA: when you are able to go out of yourself and just give without expecting any returns. I am always touched by the words of Cecilia Puig, a senior member of the MCSPA, “there is much joy in giving than in receiving.” It is in this giving, that I am able to help myself more, and this strengthens my vocation. 

This missionary community or house, as we say, has become my home. It is hard to speak of a material or visible sign that one is being called to follow a vocation as a missionary. I think the recognisable sign is when there is deep joy in simply belonging to or being a part of this house. It is through these 8 years that I have continued to grow more seriously – in mind, heart and soul – in my vocation to the priesthood. I am not yet there, but it is my aim, with the help of God. Fr. Francis, the one who has mentored me throughout and to whom I owe my gratitude, has been the “driver” ever since I started out on my vocation journey. He has given the greatest support to bring me this far. These years have come with challenges of all sorts. However, Fr. Francis has stood by my side to guide me and to help me stand up again and to continue the journey, happier still and with more focus and commitment.

And I know that I need to serve God better from now on.

Ambrose Emmanuel Wanyonyi, – Apprentice, MCSPA

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