My Vocation: Denis Odongo

12 October 2019 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “My Vocation: Denis Odongo”

My journey to being a missionary was one of many curves and turnings. At a very early age I knew that I wanted to be a Priest. At Nakuru where I lived with my family for ten years during my adolescent years is when I discovered my vocation to the Priesthood. Through a very encouraging and concerned Parish Priest I became an altar server and later on joined St. Joseph’s Minor Seminary in Molo.

While at the seminary my vocation became stronger. The rector then was a very gentle and demanding man at the same time. He inspired most of us towards the Priesthood. The said rector is currently my Bishop in the Diocese of Lodwar. All along my idea of the Priesthood was of the diocesan kind since all the Priests that I came across were Diocesan.

This however changed when I went to Turkana through the invitation of a friend of mine to visit Turkana. Turkana was a new discovery to me. It may have been in the same country but it might as well been another country all together. The people, the place, the smells, everything seemed so different and difficult and yet surprisingly exciting.

I met European missionaries so fascinated by the place and doing a lot for the people, my country men. This was a great challenge to me. I felt like, if they can be happy staying in a place that most of us Kenyans shun, a place that we consider difficult and forgotten, I could also be part of the change process, be an agent of hope. I was happy and committed for some time.

However after four years I left the Community, I left Turkana to try a new life. By God’s grace I found my way back to the Community. As they say, the rest is history. I became a missionary through the guidance and support of Albert and many other MCSPA members.

I’m currently working at Nariokotome Mission as the Parish Priest and as the Director of St. Joseph Primary school.

Denis Odongo, MCSPA

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