Letters for the Three Wise Men

3 February 2022 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Letters for the Three Wise Men”

Since November 2021 we invite the children who participate in the activities that we carry out in El Paraiso, Xochimilco to write a letter to send to the Three Wise Men, asking for what they would be very excited to receive.

When we received the letters we saw that most of them asked for clothes, shoes and some simple toy….. we were surprised that they were not just toys… But what caught our attention were letters where they put: Whatever they want to bring me, whatever… .

When we asked these children why they didn’t ask for something they would like to have, they replied: “I don’t want to get my hopes up, I don’t even know if they are going to read my letter… whatever arrives is good if something arrives at all.”

There was a part where we asked what was the greatest wish for 2022 and almost everyone put that their greatest wish was, speaking of members of their family, the health of chronic patients, the rehabilitation of addicts, the improvement in family relationships, reduce the violence in their homes

When looking for sponsors for the 180 letter we had received, we explained that the most important thing in this activity was not the toy or the clothes themselves, but the commitment to restore hope to these children who, because of the place where they were born, make it difficult for them to believe in goodness. of people.

Finally the day came….. and it was wonderful!!! The faces of enthusiasm and hope could be seen in everyone: the children, their parents, the volunteers who helped us distribute them and of course the joy of all those who in one way or another supported us to make this possible.

I believe that the Three Wise Men arrived in El Paraiso this year to leave us all gifts that feed our souls and strengthen our spirits.

Blanca Beltrán


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