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Furrow’s 9th Graduation

16 December 2017 Posted by News, Project 0 thoughts on “Furrow’s 9th Graduation”

On 15th December 2017 we celebrated the 9th graduation of Furrows in the Desert Course to train future Turkana farmers to become experts in irrigated desert agriculture. The celebration was colourful and it was attended by those graduating, the Furrows in the Desert team, former trainees, representatives from the MCSPA and members of the local community. Bishop Benson from Outreach Ministries Church in Lodwar also attended with pastor Esikuku from Kerio, since they have contributed to Furrows by sending some trainees, who are going to join an agriculture project run by the same church in Lodwar.

Up to this 9th course there are more than 300 people who have studied at furrows. Those who are still active are organised into a Farmer’s association and they are grouped into different farms, of which more than 40 of them are doing very well. During the speeches Fr. Albert focused on the importance of agriculture in Turkana as a source of alternative livelihood, especially water and food production as the only real and sustainable future for Turkana.

We congratulate all the graduates and thank all the Furrow’s team, the benefactors and all the stakeholders who make this project a reality.

Fr. Angel Valdivia MCSPA

Blessing in Lodwar-Agustinian Recolet Nuns

15 December 2017 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Blessing in Lodwar-Agustinian Recolet Nuns”

The Agustinian Recolet Nuns in Nakwamekwi have blessed and officially opened a new guest house in their compound. This has been thanks to Mr. Tansey a very close friend of the MCSPA.
It is a joy to see that the sisters will have a place to welcome guests who are seeking peace and calm and at the same time a permanent way of sustaining themselves. We wish to thank all who have made this possible.


Inauguración de una Guardería en la misión de Nariokotome.

10 December 2017 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Inauguración de una Guardería en la misión de Nariokotome.”

Aprovechando la visita de de nuestros amigos Juan y Begoña ,  junto con una delegación de IFC , inauguramos el centro materno infantil ( Saint Rita Mother and child center) en Nyjiburin cerca de la misión de nariokotome y donde la MCSPA construyó la primera presa hace 21 años , han sido unos días muy agradables  de convivencia, visitando los distintos proyectos que la IFC llevan apoyando  desde hace 20 años . Muchas gracias  por el apoyo recibido para poder llevar acabo tantas cosas entre el pueblo Turkana y sobre todo por esta larga amistad


Deworming of Animals in Nyangatom

5 December 2017 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Deworming of Animals in Nyangatom”

Better animal health means better health for people. This is the objective of doing deworming campaigns in pastoralist communities such as Turkana and Nyangatom where the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle is working. Last week, we finished a deworming campaign in Kakuta village, Nyangatom, South West Ethiopia, where members of the MCSPA are present since 2014. This has been thanks to the Veterinary Department of the Local Government of Nyangatom and the College of Veterinaries of Asturias, Spain.  Dr. David Iglesias a veterinary from Oviedo, Asturias, has come for the second time to Kakuta in order to carry out deworming of caprine and bovine life-stock. The objective was to deworm more than 4.000 animals. When animals are dewormed they improve their health and therefore their production of meat and milk in about a 30% more. This means that in pastoralist communities such as Nyangatom, where animals are the most important source of livelihood, improvement of animal health means more production for the people and better health.

Fr. Angel Valdivia MCSPA

World’s Children Day

20 November 2017 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “World’s Children Day”

Today is the World’s Children Day. In Ethiopia, as well as most African countries, it is a very important day because there is still a long way to go before children’s rights are truly achieved. It is also important to keep in mind that the girl-child are at a disadvantage as compared to boys. It is important to recognize that girls also have the right to study, to be trained, to decide what they want to be in their lives and also to decide with whom to share it.

In Ethiopia the girl is the housekeeper, the eldest sister, the cook, the water carrier and also the carrier of wood, most of the times so much that the two thin legs below the bunch of heavy sticks on her back seem they are going to break.

Because of being a girl she will do it barefooted, unlike a boy who would have the advantage to get some shoes.

Because of being a girl a man will choose her as his wife, never the other way round.

Furthermore, because of all these duties she may never go to school. We are also facing the fact that if they want to study, many girls have to move to larger villages or towns and work as servants for families in return for accommodation. This fact makes them spend more time working than studying at school. Sometimes this situation leads to power and/or sexual abuse causing unwanted pregnancies.

Ethiopian society expects their girls to be complacent, obedient and helpful, but we expect much more from them. From the Missionary Community of Saint Paul Apostle we believe that in the future these girls should have a say in this country too. 93% of Ethiopian girls are studying Primary Education, although more than half above the age of 15 years are still illiterate.

Due to these staggering figures, in 2016 we built a Home exclusively for girls in Muketurri so that they can continue their Secondary Studies and can give up being servants.

In Maite Iglesias Home we want to empower the girls who are studying now. In addition to be a home for them, it is also a meeting place where everybody can share their opinions, read books because there is a library, work and contribute to a lot of things. We want to make them aware that they are the society’s engine.

It is true that in this country more and more girls start going to school and women start working. However you can still see certain old practices, such as female genital mutilation or arranged marriages, which are not eradicated yet.

So, most of our efforts are focused on small villages. We are sure that Ethiopian girls will manage to rule their own life without our help. They must try to succeed in changing their world all together.

Sofía garcía- Ramos Fojón (Popy)

Psychologist and technician of international cooperation


12 November 2017 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “LET’S GO FISHING”

Todonyang Mission, has received three new fishing boats courtesy of the friends of Todonyang. This is a great additional asset to the rising population of Turkana fishermen and women along the shores of Lake Turkana.
“Let’s go fishing”, a slogan used by the beneficiaries of the said boats and by those already having the fishing boats, has ensured steady increase in food production. Thriving fish business has attracted lots of people from various parts of this dry landscape. The pastoralists who were affected by the drought late last year are neither left behind. The lake has become a stable source of food and family income.

Cosmus Onyango


The Face of Christ

14 August 2017 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “The Face of Christ”

Miles and miles of dry riverbeds
Sparse and thorny trees abound
You look and look but cannot find
A single soul around.

But then a tyre punctures
We stop to check it out
Suddenly the goat herds come running
Shiny happy faces not even a little pout!

It is the smiles of these special people
I take home with me today
They who have so little
Yet they have so much to say

The old grandma with missing teeth
Whose grip is really strong
The schoolkids in hand-me-downs
Who sing their pitch perfect songs

The dancing congregation
Who jump with such energy
The little babe on her sister’s hip
Who is suddenly thrust at me.

The missionaries of MCSPA
Who give their very lives
To make sure that their charges here
Not just survive but thrive!

These amazing people fill my heart
And move me to the core
They teach me not to grumble
‘Cos life is so much more

They teach me about gratitude
For every blessing big and small
That I should not seek more, but less
To be able to hear His call.

They teach me that though life is hard
And they have nothing much
They find joy in the smallest things,
A smile, a hug, a touch

They teach me He’s not just in my friends
But in strangers everywhere
And in the desert I found His face
His passion, His cross, His care.

I find the missions inspiring
Each with a beauty of their own
Nariokotome, Kokuselei, Todonyang, Lobur
Each day my respect has grown

The fathers and their volunteers
Show it doesn’t matter
They can do a million things
Though they are few in number

Their actions show unconditional love
They make concrete Christ’s words and teaching
Thank you my friends for your great love
You are awesome and inspiring!

By Elayne Ho

Elayne and her husband Stephen visited the MCSPA missions in Turkana, Kenya, in June 2017, together with another couple Michael and Hun Ching; both couples are from Singapore. Their stay in Turkana was short but very intense, as the poem above, written from the heart, demonstrates.

Blessing of the Church of Nariokotome Anam and the Dispensary of Nariokotome

30 July 2017 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Blessing of the Church of Nariokotome Anam and the Dispensary of Nariokotome”

Blessing of the Church of Nariokotome Anam and the Dispensary of Nariokotome

​Yesterday, July 28th, we received many blessings in the mission of Nariokotome, the mother house of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle and Mother Mary of the Church.

The first blessing came the day before as it rained abundantly throughout the whole area.

On Friday, the celebrations began in the morning at Nariokotome Anam, where Bishop Dominic Kimengich blessed the new Church of St. Peter the Fisherman. In his homily, the Bishop exhorted the parishioners, mostly fishermen in Lake Turkana, to always pass by through this beautiful church to pray before going fishing, so that God could bless their fishing. Bishop Dominic also told everyone to stay peaceful during the next general elections in Kenya on 8th of August.

Next, the Bishop blessed the new Via Crucis and Centre for the Youth, built with the beautiful and sustainable technique called Super Adobe.

In the afternoon we celebrated the blessing of the new Nariokotome dispensary, which continues to provide health care for hundreds of people throughout a vast area of ​​coverage. This new structure, built thanks to friends and benefactors from Germany, Italy and Spain, will greatly improve medical care throughout the area.

Both blessings of the Church and the dispensary are part and parcel of the work that the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle carries out in Turkana and wherever we are present. This work is also the work of the Catholic Church, to work for the Kingdom of God, especially in the most remote areas and with the most vulnerable people.

Fr. Angel Valdivia López

Missionary Sisters from the Philippines for Turkana

25 July 2017 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Missionary Sisters from the Philippines for Turkana”

In 2013, the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA) in Manila, through our missionary animation work in the Philippines, first encountered the Missionary Sisters of the Lord’s Table of San Jose Antique in the Visayas (Central Philippines) and encouraged them in their missionary vocation to explore the possibility of coming to work and live in Turkana. 
Finally, on Monday, July 24, the Diocese of Lodwar welcomed three of these sisters (who are also called the Mensa Domini Sisters) from Antique at a special mass at Kaaleng chapel in the vast parish of St James, Kaikor. After the welcome mass, presided by Bishop Dominic Kimengich, with the local community, we all proceeded to the newly refurbished house of the sisters for the blessing and housewarming! It is a simple house atop a hill and possesses a magnificent view of the area. Sr Joy Pon-An,  a high school teacher and who heads the new community in Lodwar Diocese, says, “We are at home!”

On the same note, the people of Kaaleng were also reminded by Bishop Dominic that the two fide donum priests from the Diocese of Antique, Frs. Frederick and Melchor, are now half a year working and settling down in the parish at Kaikor. This is another “missionary gift” from the Philippines to the Diocese of Lodwar.

May the Good Shepherd bless these missionary enterprises so that they may bear much evangelical fruit not only for the people of Kaikor but also for the local church in Antique in the Visayas!

By Fr. Francis Teo 

MCSPA Family Day in Nairobi

10 July 2017 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “MCSPA Family Day in Nairobi”

Yesterday July 9th was a joyful day as members and apprentices of MCSPA celebrated the Family Day in Nairobi. This event brought together people from different walks of life. It began with Mass celebrated by Fr. Joseph Ekalimon, Vicar General of the Diocese of Lodwar, followed by presentations of videos and testimonies. The same event also marks 30 years of MCSPA’s presence in Turkana as well as the 25th priestly anniversary of Frs. Albert, Fernando and Avelino. We thank all our family members, relatives and friends for their presence and celebrating with us these auspicious milestones. Thank you all and may God bless you!

Fr. Wycliffe Ochieng

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