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Priestly Ordination of Zacchaeus Okoth in Nariokotome

24 June 2023 Posted by Church, Community, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Priestly Ordination of Zacchaeus Okoth in Nariokotome”

Today, on the solemnity of the birthday of Saint John the Baptist, June 24, the MCSPA and the Catholic Church in Turkana rejoice with the gift of the newly ordained missionary priest Zacchaeus Okoth. The ordination ceremony took place at a beautiful church of St. Paul the Apostle in Nariokotome, Kenya. The atmosphere was filled with happiness and prayer, with family, friends, faithful and well-wishers who came to witness the great occasion as Zacchaeus, who has undergone years of formation, is finally ordained priest by Msgr. John Mbinda, Bishop of the Diocese of Lodwar.

The ordination ceremony was followed by a cheerful celebration, during which the newly ordained priest received the congratulations and blessings of the priests, members of the MCSPA, family, and friends. It has been a graceful day of celebration for the MCSPA, as it welcomes a new missionary into its fold, who will carry on the charism of the community in the style of Saint Paul, and spread the word of God to the ends of the earth.

The celebration ended with the thanksgiving procession and a reception for everyone. We wish Zacchaeus well in his mission, praying that the spirit of God will be with him always. We also pray to God, through the intercession of St. Joseph, that the example of Zacchaeus may inspire and touch the hearts of many young people, to be brave to leave everything behind and follow a missionary vocation.

Michael Mwangi Aprendiz MCSPA

Dakuna Community Celebrates the Risen Lord

2 May 2023 Posted by Church, Community, MCSPA, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Dakuna Community Celebrates the Risen Lord”

Members of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle and Mary Mother of the Church, have recently started a presence in the Eparchy of Endibir. Located 4 hours southwest of Addis Ababa, a place inhabited by people from the Gurage community, and where there is a big number of Ethiopian Catholics, who follow the Ethiopian eastern rite.

On 16th April 2023, hundreds of catholics, young and old, gathered at Holy Trinity Church, in the village of Dakuna, to celebrate Easter Sunday. During the feast, people celebrated the resurrection of the Lord as well as breaking from the 55 days fasting from animal and dairy products.

Apart from its unique mix of fascinating history, deep-rooted identity, incredible natural wonders and rare wildlife, Ethiopia is well known of maintaining the use of its own calendar which is very similar to the Julian calendar. Most of the Christians in the world celebrated Easter Sunday a week earlier, following the Gregorian calendar.  However, things were different in Ethiopia. Their Easter followed one week later.

Prior to Easter, many Christians commit themselves to extended periods of both personal and communal prayers. This is done with the sole purpose of growing closer to God and to remember Jesus’ life and death.

On Easter Vigil, all Christians of Dakuna had their candles lit to express their faith. Then drums came. And then, the joy of the Risen Lord illuminated the face of all the faithful who were gathered at Holy Trinity Church.

Following the Ethiopian tradition, most people invite their family and friends for a common meal on Easter Sunday. And of course they cannot miss the presence of traditional dishes like injera, dorowot, kitfo and kocho, which altogether give a sweet fragrance to the celebration.

By Lydiah Obok.

Celebración de la Pascua en Mombo, Malawi

2 May 2023 Posted by Church, Community, MCSPA, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Celebración de la Pascua en Mombo, Malawi”

La Pascua estuvo llena de vida en la iglesia de Mombo, parroquia de Benga, Malawi. Los cristianos cantaban con alegría que “Ha resucitado”. “Ya no está en la tumba”! Luego tuvimos 37 bautismos que incluyeron confirmaciones. Fue emotivo ver a una pareja de ancianos recibir los sacramentos. Sus débiles rodillas me recordaron nuestra fe floja. Pero con la alegría que vibraba en la iglesia abarrotada, nuestra fe se elevó y los sacramentos dieron a esta pareja de ancianos una esperanza renovada. Que la luz pascual nos fortalezca en nuestra fe débil.

P. Steven Ochieng


Journey with Mother Mary

26 February 2023 Posted by Mission, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Journey with Mother Mary”

Yesterday we started a procession with Mother Mary in preparations for our centenary celebrations of Ave Maria Parish, in South Sudan, on the 1st of May. The image of Our Lady will visit all our outstations in the two parishes, Ave Maria in Ngboko and St. Thomas in Source Yubu.

Enjoy some photos of our 3 hour rosary procession at Ave Maria.

Let’s Join our hands in prayer and ask God to grant us peace in South Sudan.

Lillian Omari MCSPA

Eight Anniversary of the Catholic Mission of Nyangatom

24 November 2022 Posted by MCSPA, Mission 0 thoughts on “Eight Anniversary of the Catholic Mission of Nyangatom”

A day like today just 8 years ago, we blessed the Kakuta mission. It was the first Catholic mission in Ethiopia’s Nyangatom land.

From the year 2011 to 2013, Father David and I were often traveling to Nyangatom from Lokitaung, Turkana.

We usually came and went. Our stays were short and lasted as long as our drinking water and food lasted.

The year 2014 was when we would finally “burn our ships” and we would no longer turn back. After being camped for a few months in the compound of the government’s dispensary in Kakuta, and from where all our belongings were stolen in August, on November 24th we moved our large tents while they were set up, between 6 people, almost like a Holy Week processional image, from the dispensary to the mission.

After the blessing of the compound according to the Catholic rite, the elders blessed us in the Nyangatom style. We ate goat and drank the traditional epun (coffee husk infusion).

Today the Kakuta mission houses the St John XXIII – Ekisil mother and child center, where 50 preschool children learn hygiene habits, eat breakfast and lunch, in addition to receiving a quality education!

These last eight years have flown by. At the same time, it gives us the feeling of having already lived several lives here: both good and bad times! Always being grateful, with the firm hope that it was a mission from God, trusting in Jesus Christ, who from the first moment “guided our steps along the path of La Paz”.

Alakara lowoi!

Angel Valdivia MCSPA

Sacred Heart of Jesus, bring us Peace

1 October 2021 Posted by Church, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Sacred Heart of Jesus, bring us Peace”

This week, we blessed the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that was placed at the entrance of Source Yubu to protect the area, especially during these difficult times. The Sacred Heart of Jesus movement, the children of the private and the government schools in the area attended the celebration.

Unlike Tombura, in Source Yubu there has been no conflict so far. However, there are more than 3000 internally displaced persons and tight security by the local militias. All roads to Tombura are blocked to prevent any possible attack.

We ask the Sacred Heart of Jesus to bring peace to this land and its people.

Lillian Omari MCSPA

Boats for Peace

17 July 2021 Posted by Mission, News, Project 0 thoughts on “Boats for Peace”

When we rebuilt the mission of Our Lady Queen of Peace Todonyang 14 years ago, after many many years of being a “no-go-zone”, our main aim was to bring peace in the area. However, peace has been built and also destroyed on several occasions.

As MCSPA members living and working in Todonyang we will not stop striving to bring peace. Apart from the school, which is one of the main projects we run in the mission, we have been for many years building and distributing boats.

This year we are planning to build 18 more boats and distribute them to several families that will have from then on an income. With these boats, families will be able to take their children to Todonyang integrated school, and these same children will be one day the peace promotors in the area. These are not mere boats but boats that build peace and bring life.

Lillian Omari MCSPA

Non-violent Communication Training in Kibish

22 June 2021 Posted by Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Non-violent Communication Training in Kibish”

Last week we held a workshop on peace and non-violent communication in Kibish. The talks were conducted by Fr Fredrick Rubbino from the Philippines and two other facilitators from Nairobi. Those who attended the workshop were only the Turkana community.

During the workshop, the elderly, both men and women, expressed their deep longing for peace. Some seem tired of these wars, and they are now pleading for peace. The ongoing violent conflict is emotionally affecting the people of all communities living in the area. At the sound of the gun, a life or livelyhood could be lost from either one of the three confronted communities, Turkana, Nyangatom, or Toposa. Young herders usually carry out the raids, and unfortunately, youth from both sides were absent during the peace talks. So those who attended agreed to share what they learned before bringing them together.

After the conference, we had a peaceful pilgrimage to the Ethiopian side. We were highly welcomed by the elders from the Nyangatom community and the security forces from the Ethiopian side. During the encounter, elders from both sides shared the pain the constant killings and raids among the three communities. Elders were also informed that clearing the bush from the Kenyan side of the border towards the Ethiopian border has started. The opening of the way is meant to benefit the two communities, especially to enhance peaceful interaction and trading.

We started a dialogue, which has to continue, and we pray that that they will reach some agreement and attain peace in this wonderful and fertile region. Let’s keep on praying and working for peace since this is the only way of bringing together the three communities for their common good for the generations to come.

Fr. Joseph Githinji MCSPA

Corpus Christi Feast In Ave Maria, South Sudan

3 June 2021 Posted by Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Corpus Christi Feast In Ave Maria, South Sudan”

Today on the feast of Corpus Christi, Fr. Avelino Bassols celebrated the Mass and did a solemn procession at Ave Maria Parish, South Sudan.

He was accompanied by many the parishioners and the children from the parish schools. The Holy Sacrament was adorned with beautiful traditional ornaments made from palms and branches from the surrounding forest. The community of South Sudan always keeps their faith as the most important thing in their lifes, in spite of being affected by so many hardships.

In this important feast of the Body and the Blood of Christ, let us celebrate Christ who gives himself really and truly to us every time we receive him in the Eucharist. What a great gift and opportunity to become better human beings and better Christians!

The Visit of the Three Kings in our Missions

6 January 2021 Posted by Church, Mission 0 thoughts on “The Visit of the Three Kings in our Missions”

Today the MCSPA missions in Kenya and South Sudan, we were lucky to have houses blessed by the Three Kings. They visited us on the day of Epiphany, when the three wise men visited the child Jesus. It is an honour indeed to have such blessings!

We pray for so many children around the world, who through the hard work of singing carols from house to house on the 6th of January, collect money to help many children to have a proper health care, food and education.

Let’s encourage our children to continue supporting other children all over the world who are less priviledge, especially during this time of the pandemic.

CHILDREN HELPING CHILDREN should be our motto in all our educational institutions.

Lillian Omari – MCSPA

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