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Comunidad Misionera de San Pablo Apóstol – Nuevo Grupo de Voluntarios Chilenos en Etiopía

15 January 2016 Posted by Community, General News, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Comunidad Misionera de San Pablo Apóstol – Nuevo Grupo de Voluntarios Chilenos en Etiopía”

El día 7 de enero llegaron a Etiopia 19 voluntarios de Chile a colaborar por dos meses en las cuatro misiones del país: Angar Guten, Muketurri, Nyangatom y Mizan Teferi. Los voluntarios apoyarán el trabajo en las guarderías, programa de pozos y agricultura, aula con niños con necesidades especiales, centros de salud y en todo lo que haga falta. Hasta la fecha 89 chilenos han venido apoyar los proyectos de nuestra Comunidad, estamos muy contentos con su visita y valoramos mucho su tiempo y energía en pos de las comunidades con las que trabajamos.

Valentina Correa

Priestly Ordination of Wycliffe Ochieng

1 January 2016 Posted by Community, General News, News 0 thoughts on “Priestly Ordination of Wycliffe Ochieng”

On December 12th, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Deacon Wycliffe Ochieng was ordained to the priesthood at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle at Nariokotome Mission, Diocese of Lodwar (Turkana), northern Kenya. Wycliffe, who is 33 years old, is a member of the public association of the faithful Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle and Mary, Mother of the Church (MCSPA).

The ordination mass was presided by Rt. Rev. Dominic Kimengich, Bishop of Lodwar, who emphasized the tremendous work of the Community in the north-eastern part of this vast diocese in bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people of Turkana. He praised the number of local African vocations in the MCSPA and asked the faithful to support and pray for them.

In typical Turkana way of celebrating, the mass was very colourful with exuberant singing and dancing. The joy of the people could not have been more apparent! After the mass, there was food for all the people, who came from the different settlements by the lakeshore and the mountains, some a whole night’s trek away. There were visitors from Spain and the UK and also from Mombasa on the Kenyan coast where Wycliffe comes from.

The following day, Sunday 13th December, Fr. Wycliffe celebrated his first mass. The MCSPA asks that you keep him in prayer as he begins his journey as a priest in this mission land.

Fr. Francis Teo


Emergencia Alimentaria en Malawi

28 November 2015 Posted by General News, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Emergencia Alimentaria en Malawi”

La Comunidad misionera de San Pablo Apóstol hace frente a una Emergencia alimentaria en Malawi. La MCSPA a través de la parroquia de Benga ha comenzado una campaña de emergencia para la distribución de alimentos que pretende paliar la hambruna que afecta la zona donde trabaja debido a las malas cosechas de este año. A través de la campaña de emergencia y con la colaboración de diferentes entidades internacionales un mínimo de 1700 personas recibirán alimentos durante 4 meses hasta que los beneficiarios puedan volver a cosechar alimentos de sus campos.

Manuel Hernández MCSPA

Outreach Program at Parola, Central Manila, Philippines

26 November 2015 Posted by Community, General News 0 thoughts on “Outreach Program at Parola, Central Manila, Philippines”

Every Monday and Wednesday 4 of our collaborators take the jeepney, the local filipino public transport, after their classes at the University of Santo Tomas, Manila, to Parola, a sprawling slum area at the Pier District of Manila where thousands of families live in deplorable conditions.

After braving the traffic for hours in the heat and humidity, they arrive to a windowless chapel with a falling roof to wait for the children whom they teach Basic Education and English. With no fans still available and sweating profusely, the children run towards the Centre with a great excitement to learn. It clearly shows in their little faces that it is a day they have been waiting for – they are so eager to learn. It is a challenging task but the collaborators show diligence and patience with the children as they go through the lessons.

Learning and conversing in English, they build up confidence among these children, educating them in a positive way as they gradually become aware of their possibilities and passion for education.

Fr. Steven Ochieng


Health and Nutrition at Nariokotome

10 November 2015 Posted by General News, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Health and Nutrition at Nariokotome”

Healthy mind leaves in a healthy body, so they say! This is what happens at St. Joseph Mother and Child Centre in Nariokotome Mission. The children attending classes everyday in the morning are given a healthy bowl of porridge before kick-starting their day in class. The program is meant to give them a balanced capacity to concentrate in class. The help from people of good will and our benefactors have seen the success of this noble work. We sincerely thank them for their efforts and continuous support.

Lillian Omari

A prayer for rain

1 October 2015 Posted by Community, General News, News 0 thoughts on “A prayer for rain”

On 30th Sept 2015 Fr. Avelino and Deacon Wycliffe, through the invitation of the village elders, went to Kokuselei for prayers on rain. It was such a wonderful celebration; real inculturation (a mixture of Catholic faith and Turkana culture). The prayers included marching to the top of the mount and invoking the intercessions of St. Scholastica (the patron Saint of Rain). After the prayers, three goats were killed and we had the Akiriket. That same night we had some rains in Nariokotome and light showers in the mountainous region of Kokuselei. It was a real blessing and we pray that God sends us more rains in this land of Turkana.

Deacon Wycliffe

Lake Deanary Youth Festival

31 August 2015 Posted by General News, News 0 thoughts on “Lake Deanary Youth Festival”

From the 25th to the 28th of August, 120 youth from the Lake Deanery area gathered at Nariokotome Mission for their annual youth festival.

This year’s theme was the Eucharist. The speakers for the event were Fr. Albert Salvans who spoke about “Eucharist and Communion”, Joseph Ekutan about “Reverence for the Eucharist”, and Diana Trompetero on “Eucharist and Friendship” and finally Bishop Dominic Kimengich about “The Eucharistic Congress”.

Most of the youth participated on the talks and lots of interesting points were shared.

There were also sports, music  and drama competitions, where all the parishes showed their talents and most of them went back with lots of certificates.

On the 27th afternoon we all went to Lodwar to attend the Diocesan Eucharistic Congress. This started with the vigil at St. Augustine’s Cathedral and on the 28th, the feast of St. Augustine, about 500 people made a procession from the Cathedral to the Jubilee Shrine carrying the Blessed Sacrament. It was a very emotional and joyful procession with all the Pontifical Missionary Children and the Christian faithful singing at the top of their voices.

We would like to thank all the youth from St Joseph the Worker Lowarengak Parish, St. Denis Kataboi Parish, St. James Kaikor Parish, St. Paul Nariokotome Mission and St. Mark Lokitaung Parish who attended the festival. Also our sincere appreciation to the ones who organized the festival: Fr. Avelino Bassols, Lillian Omari, Deacon Wycliffe Ochieng and Peter Chege.


Lillian Omari


Anniversary Ordinations – Fr. Antonio, Fr. Francis and Fr. Manuel

16 August 2015 Posted by Community, General News, News 0 thoughts on “Anniversary Ordinations – Fr. Antonio, Fr. Francis and Fr. Manuel”

The members of the MCSPA would like to give thanks to God, on this day of the Assumption of Our Lady, as 18 years ago Fr. Antonio Aguirre, Fr. Francis Teo and Fr. Manuel Hernández were ordained priests for the Diocese of Lodwar. They have been working for many years in Kenya especially in Turkana going to the remotest areas to bring the Good News. To date, Fr. Antonio is in Nariokotome mission, Turkana – Kenya, Fr. Francis is in Manila – Philippines and Fr. Manolo is in Benga Parish – Malawi. We give thanks for their perseverance and example in following the call to which they said YES to, some 18 years ago: “Go out and proclaim the good new to the poor”.


Lillian Omari

Priestly ordination of Fr. Gabriel Nakamu Emuria

16 August 2015 Posted by Church, General News, News 0 thoughts on “Priestly ordination of Fr. Gabriel Nakamu Emuria”

Yesterday on the feast of the Assumption of Our Lady, the Diocese of Lodwar celebrated the priestly ordination of Gabriel Nakamu Emuria, a member of the Apostles of Jesus at Mary Mother of God Church, Kalokol Parish, Lodwar Diocese. It was a colourful celebration presided by Rt. Rev. Dominic Kimengich, Bishop of Lodwar. Members of the MCSPA joined other Christians from all parts of Turkana in this graceful occasion. We sincerely extend our best wishes and prayer to newly ordained Fr. Gabriel Nakamu Emuria!

Lillian Omari

Voluntarios Etiopes en Muketurri

15 August 2015 Posted by Community, General News, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Voluntarios Etiopes en Muketurri”

Durante este mes de julio cinco estudiantes de la Universidad de Addis Abeba han venido como voluntarios a la misión de Muketurri. Junto con las maestras de la guardería han diseñado un programa de reforzamiento de inglés para las profesoras y de ciencias, matemáticas e inglés para nuestros niños. Por las tardes, junto a voluntarias españolas, han apoyado el curso de inglés de verano dirigido a niños de primaria.

Los voluntarios, tres mujeres y cuatro hombres, cursan distintos estudios; planificación y diseño urbano, ingeniería civil, ingeniería química e ingeniería eléctrica. Ellos son parte del grupo fundador de una organización llamada Abet que en amharico quiere decir “responder a una llamada”. ABET es una organización civil de voluntariado que intenta responder diferentes necesidades sociales en Addis Abeba y han participado en actividades recreativas para niños con autismo, campañas para recoger fondos para entregar alimentación a una escuela primaria, acompañamiento de enfermos en el Ethiopian Cancer Institute, entre otros. Durante agosto nos acompañarán a la misión de Andode para continuar su voluntariado.

Ha sido una sopresa mutua el conocernos y compartir el sueño común de dar más oportunidades a niños de Muketuri y alrededores; Para los jóvenes etíopes ha sido un reto ver cómo viven tantas personas en su país, una realidad, para ellos, bastante desconocida desde la capital;

Para los lugareños ha sido una sorpresa también, conocer a jóvenes etíopes, igual que ellos, que de forma voluntaria pasan sus vacaciones apoyando a niños de zonas más necesitadas. Se han creado entre ellos puentes de amistad, en los que, todas las partes se enriquecen. Hemos empezado a hacer planes de que los jóvenes de Abet vengan a Muketuri un fin de semana al mes durante el año. Esto puede ser el inicio de un movimiento de la sociedad etíope, que, desde un cierta clase media que crece timidamente, se acerca a la realidad masiva del país de tanta gente que no tiene ni sus necesidades más básicas solucionadas.

Estamos contentas y agradecidas de encontrarnos con jóvenes etíopes interesados en cambiar la realidad de este país. Creemos que juntos podemos hacer mucho más.

Lourdes Larruy

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