I was living in Malawi with the members of MCSPA for six months. These six months were one of the greatest times of my life.
I observed, that going to Africa, going to an economically poor country like Malawi changed myself more than I maybe changed the feeling of the people living in Benga.
The members of MCSPA tought me that to help and to serve people in need can open your heart, not only to their needs and problems but also to your own belief and spirituality. Being back in Germany I still feel the connection to the people in Benga.
Furthermore I am able to feel new connections to people more intensively here in Germany, because I have really learned that beside all our individual problems in daily life, at the end of the day we all want the same – we all want to be loved, accepted and part of a community. I am more than thankfull for this experience and life lesson.
Valentino Amian