Posts tagged "Nariokotome"

Thirst for a Mission

3 March 2024 Posted by MCSPA, Mission 0 thoughts on “Thirst for a Mission”

Monday the 26th of February 2024 was a special day for the Christians of Nariamawoi Outstation under Nariokotome Mission. They waited excitedly for the arrival of Rt. Rev. John Mbinda, Bishop of the Diocese of Lodwar. Very few had seen him in person. Thus expectations were high … what significance would this visit bring? They had been singing and praying for close to 3 hours before the bishop arrived and when his car finally pulled up the dusty tracks, it was all ululations, singing and dancing!

The visit was important as some members of MCSPA at Nariokotome Mission had spent years attending to this desolate community. A water dam had been built, a bore hole dug, a nursery school built and a thriving Christian community established. The Christians however still thirst for more. They thirst for a more permanent presence of pastoral agents in their area, they thirst for more education for their children, they thirst for the Word of God on a more regular basis.

The bishop was happy with the progress made thus far and gave his blessing for the construction of a primary school, the establishment of a sisters’ convent and the building of a permanent church structure. Support will be sought from friends and benefactors to help provide these structure that will help quench the “thirst” of this community. On their part the Christian community of Nariamawoi have provided land for these developments and are very supportive of these initiatives.

A religious sisters’ congregation, the Mensa Domini Sisters from the Philippines, has been approached and they have shown great interest for this mission at Nariamawoi. The sisters are willing to run the future primary school, establish a formation house at Nariamawoi and take care of the pastoral needs in the area.

We pray for the success of this project and look forward to transforming the lives of the people in Nariamawoi, and in so doing help quench their thirst.

By Fr. Denis Odongo, MCSPA
Parish Priest, Nariokotome Mission, Turkana, Kenya


Actions Speak Louder Than Words

1 March 2024 Posted by MCSPA, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Actions Speak Louder Than Words”

The inauguration of a building housing the new Operating Room took place near the Dispensary of Nariokotome Mission on February 23.

The building was blessed by Frs. Antonio Aguirre and Zacchaeus Okoth and officially opened by Dr. José Luis Gil and his wife Angelina Ruiz de Temiño, and Dr. Paco Galván and his wife Lola, who have been part of this project since its inception and represented all those involved in it but who could not attend the ceremony.

This project consists of an isolated building which boasts two fully-equipped operating rooms for minor outpatient surgeries. In addition, the building also has a patient recovery room for both surgical patients and for pregnant and postpartum women. Likewise, multi-purpose rooms were built for consultations and nutrition-related programs coordinated by Scholastica Wamalwa and the Health Team of Nariokotome Dispensary.

With this news, we would like to thank the efforts of all those who contributed to the development of this project, especially the missionaries at Nariokotome Mission.

We also want to thank the people who in one way or another have been part of this project, such as Jorge, Victoria, Luis Carlos, María Jesús, Begoña, Alfredo, and many other doctors, architects, engineers, and different benefactors who have made this reality possible.

It was through the Founder of the MCSPA, Fr. Francisco “Paco” Andreo who spread his enthusiasm for Turkana in 2006 to his doctor-friend, Dr. Ana Mañas, and together with her husband, Dr. Emilio Cuevas, also a traumatologist, that we created a bond of friendship and collaboration. We thank the dedication of Emilio and Ana, who continue to come to Nariokotome every year, bringing with them relatives, friends and various collaborators.

We end this news report with a saying much quoted by Paco: “Actions speak louder than words”. Today, this has been fulfilled!

By Scholastica Wamalwa, Doctor Ana Mañas and a team of friends and doctors from Spain

Ordenación Sacerdotal de Zacchaeus Okoth en Nariokotome

24 June 2023 Posted by Church, Community, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Ordenación Sacerdotal de Zacchaeus Okoth en Nariokotome”

Hoy, en la solemnidad del nacimiento de San Juan Bautista, el 24 de junio, la MCSPA y la Iglesia Católica en Turkana se regocijan con el regalo del recién ordenado sacerdote misionero Zacchaeus Okoth. La ceremonia de ordenación tuvo lugar la hermosa iglesia de San Pablo Apóstol en Nariokotome, Kenia. El ambiente estaba lleno de alegría y oración, con familiares, amigos, fieles y simpatizantes que vinieron a presenciar la gran ocasión cuando Zaqueo, quien ha pasado por años de formación, ha sido finalmente ordenado sacerdote por Mons. John Mbinda, obispo de la diócesis de Lodwar.

La ceremonia de ordenación fue seguida de una alegre celebración, durante la cual el sacerdote recién ordenado recibió las felicitaciones y bendiciones de los sacerdotes, miembros de la MCSPA, familiares y amigos. Ha sido un día de celebración lleno de gracia para la MCSPA, ya que acoge en su redil a un nuevo misionero, que continuará el carisma de la comunidad al estilo de San Pablo, y llevará la palabra de Dios hasta los confines de la tierra.

La celebración finalizó con una procesión de acción de gracias y recepción para todos. Deseamos a Zaqueo lo mejor en su misión, orando para que el espíritu de Dios esté siempre con él. También roguemos a Dios, por intercesión de San José, que el ejemplo de Zaqueo inspire y toque el corazón de muchos jóvenes, a ser valientes para dejar todo atrás y seguir una vocación misionera.

Michael Mwangi Aprendiz de la MCSPA

Priestly Ordination of Zacchaeus Okoth in Nariokotome

24 June 2023 Posted by Church, Community, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Priestly Ordination of Zacchaeus Okoth in Nariokotome”

Today, on the solemnity of the birthday of Saint John the Baptist, June 24, the MCSPA and the Catholic Church in Turkana rejoice with the gift of the newly ordained missionary priest Zacchaeus Okoth. The ordination ceremony took place at a beautiful church of St. Paul the Apostle in Nariokotome, Kenya. The atmosphere was filled with happiness and prayer, with family, friends, faithful and well-wishers who came to witness the great occasion as Zacchaeus, who has undergone years of formation, is finally ordained priest by Msgr. John Mbinda, Bishop of the Diocese of Lodwar.

The ordination ceremony was followed by a cheerful celebration, during which the newly ordained priest received the congratulations and blessings of the priests, members of the MCSPA, family, and friends. It has been a graceful day of celebration for the MCSPA, as it welcomes a new missionary into its fold, who will carry on the charism of the community in the style of Saint Paul, and spread the word of God to the ends of the earth.

The celebration ended with the thanksgiving procession and a reception for everyone. We wish Zacchaeus well in his mission, praying that the spirit of God will be with him always. We also pray to God, through the intercession of St. Joseph, that the example of Zacchaeus may inspire and touch the hearts of many young people, to be brave to leave everything behind and follow a missionary vocation.

Michael Mwangi Aprendiz MCSPA

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March 2025