Posts tagged "Lobur"

Bishop John Mbinda’s Pastoral Visit to Lobur Mission

3 March 2024 Posted by Community, MCSPA, Mission 0 thoughts on “Bishop John Mbinda’s Pastoral Visit to Lobur Mission”

Lobur Mission marked a memorable day on February 27 when the faithful celebrated the blessing and official opening of St. Irene’s Primary School by Rt. Rev. John Mbinda, Bishop of Lodwar, who arrived a day earlier to performances by pupils from the school. The MCSPA members gave an animated and interesting account of the historical trajectory of this mission.

St. Irene’s Primary School was initiated in 2018 with only a small number of children. It has progressed from nursery to Class 1, and now reaching up to Class 5 and with a total intake of 207 pupils with the support of well-wishers from Spain who generously funded the entire project under the supervision of Maque Falgas, a member of the Secular Branch of the MCSPA. The construction of the new buildings commenced in 2021 involving the participation of the villagers. The school is expected to bring about a significant change in the education sector within the parish and also to act as a peace-building initiative in the Ilemi Triangle, a border region shared by Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan.

After the blessing of the school, Bishop Mbinda also conferred the sacrament of Confirmation on 150 candidates from the different out-stations within Sts. Joachim and Anne Parish. This number attests to the vibrant and growing Christian community in the area, serving as an optimistic indicator of a successful endeavour of evangelization. Special thanks go to Fr. Joseph Githinji, the Parish Priest, and Fr. Andrew Yakulula, the Assistant Priest, for dedicating their zeal and energy to the missionary work taking place at Lobur Mission.

The bishop expressed his appreciation for the large number confirmands and for all the initiatives that led to the construction and opening of St. Irene’s Primary School. It is our hope that the faith may continue to grow among the people of this region and that peaceful co-existence may become a reality.

By Louis Mkweza, MCSPA Apprentice
St. John the Evangelist Lobur Mission, Turkana, Kenya.

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March 2025