Good Shepherd and Vocations Sunday
7 May 2017 Posted by admin Church, General News 0 thoughts on “Good Shepherd and Vocations Sunday”Today the church celebrates the 4th Sunday of Easter, also called Good Shepherd Sunday. In the Gospel of John we hear how Jesus, is the gate through which the shepherds go in to take care of the sheep. In the MCSPA we follow the spirituality of Christ the Good Shepherd in a double dimension calling others to leave everything behind and follow Christ, and feel compassion for those who suffer. Today also is vocation Sunday, let us pray for vocations for the Church and let us be active in promoting vocations to the priesthood and to consecrated life.
We would like to invite and encourage young people to follow the call of Christ in a generous and courageous way.
Don’t be afraid God is always faithful!
Fr. Angel Valdivia, MCSPA