Today was the last day of Bishop Dominic’s pastoral visit to the Lake Deanery. He started the day by visiting the St. Joseph’s Mother and Child Educational Center at Nariokotome Mission. This is a small mission school with the aim of giving the best education to all the children who live around the mission.
The Bishop had a brief meeting with the teachers, a session with the children who recited the school history and sang some songs, and then proceeded with the blessing of the new school hall and kitchen which is still under construction.
The Bishop then proceeded to Nachukui one of the 17 out-stations of Nariokotome Mission area. There he blessed the new Nachukui Dispensary and staff houses. This health facility forms part of a wider health programme run by the MCSPA. Bishop asked all the community to work hand-in-hand with the mission especially by supporting the running of the dispensary, especially now that they have a new and beautiful building.
The Bishop then proceeded to the chapel to celebrate the Eucharist with the faithful; 35 young men and women were confirmed.
It was a blessing to have the Bishop visit us in the area and to spend this time with all the faithful. We would like to thank all who organised the visitation of the Bishop, the MCSPA members at Nariokotome, the catechists, the Parish Council and the faithful.
Acts 16:14 “Open our hearts O Lord to accept the words of your Son.”
Lillian Omari