May 25th, International Africa Day

25 May 2021 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “May 25th, International Africa Day”

What Africa do you want to know? Ancestral Africa, the one that hides the history of the origin of life? Or modern Africa? Which awakens the world of technology, glass and steel buildings, and high-end cars.
In the day of Africa, I am left with beautiful Africa, the Human and that of the great fauna, the one with the colors terracotta, orange, blue and green, the immense, majestic, spectacular, and soft Africa. The Africa that everything envelops and excites us and makes us fall in love and tears our souls to shreds. That Africa of its people, its nature, its landscape made of greens, reds, blacks, and yellows, like the colors of its flags, its clothes, it is their patient and abrupt lives.
When you open your mind and let Africa envelop you with all its strength, you will never forget it, and you will always return. It will always go with you wherever you go.
In the day of Africa, I find myself in this land that slips through my fingers like a handful of warm and moving sand.
All of Africa is the spectacle of life, survival, beauty, penetrating music, intense smells, sour flavors, bitter beer, and life on the street, among the people. African so punished by some and so loved by others.
What does Africa have that subjugates us and makes us fall in love until we understand that we are insignificant?
I am left with young Africa, which will save the world from ending up dying of old and stubbornness. The one that will renew its history and will be the Africa of the African men and women, the Africa that will return to its origin, will wake up one day and say that life grows in it!
From Ethiopia, Africa, with respect to this great continent and especially its people.

Marí Olcina


From MOSSolidaria NGO, we thank the MCSPA for the opportunity to participate in their projects MAY 25, INTERNATIONAL AFRICA DAY.


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