Celebration of the Life of Paco: MANILA HOUSE
18 February 2024 Posted by Tigist Mekonnen Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Celebration of the Life of Paco: MANILA HOUSE”The MCSPA at Manila, today, commemorated the 11th Anniversary of the passing of Paco whose original inspiration is fully alive in the vibrance of a life lived in common and with the charity.
We began the celebrations with the blessing and planting of 3 trees: a pomegranate, a jack-fruit tree, and a rambutan, symbols of the universality of fruit trees mirrored in the MCSPA.
At the Eucharistic celebration, we remembered Paco for his zeal and commitment to looking for vocations. In one of his profound letters that was read by Fr. Francis, Paco emphasizes the need for seeking vocations in our house and in the Church at large, fruits of our commitment to tirelessly calling others to follow Christ.
As a concrete symbol of our commitment in following Paco’s footsteps and example, we are planting these three different fruit trees here in the compound of the St. Joseph and St. Francis Xavier Formation House of Theology so that we may participate with him in receiving the graces of God in our lives. These trees are indeed symbols of fruitfulness, growth, and commitment – 3 important elements at the very core of our vocation. We remember Paco for his most passionate initiatives when he was in Turkana, Kenya, planting fruit trees whenever and wherever feasible and possible.
For Paco, a concrete way to apply the gospel values was to transform the desert into a garden, a flourishing, fruitful garden.
May St. Paul the Apostle, our protector and guide, through the intercession of Paco, our shepherd in faith, strengthen and sustain us so that we may remain fully alive and humbly follow the charism of the MCSPA – Paco’s charism – to the full.
By Cosmus Onyango, Apprentice
MCSPA Manila, Philippines.