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Celebration of the Life of Paco: MANILA HOUSE

18 February 2024 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Celebration of the Life of Paco: MANILA HOUSE”

The MCSPA at Manila, today, commemorated the 11th Anniversary of the passing of Paco whose original inspiration is fully alive in the vibrance of a life lived in common and with the charity. 

We began the celebrations with the blessing and planting of 3 trees: a pomegranate, a jack-fruit tree, and a rambutan, symbols of the universality of fruit trees mirrored in the MCSPA. 

At the Eucharistic celebration, we remembered Paco for his zeal and commitment to looking for vocations. In one of his profound letters that was read by Fr. Francis, Paco emphasizes the need for seeking vocations in our house and in the Church at large, fruits of our commitment to tirelessly calling others to follow Christ.

As a concrete symbol of our commitment in following Paco’s footsteps and example, we are planting these three different fruit trees here in the compound of the St. Joseph and St. Francis Xavier Formation House of Theology so that we may participate with him in receiving the graces of God in our lives. These trees are indeed symbols of fruitfulness, growth, and commitment – 3 important elements at the very core of our vocation. We remember Paco for his most passionate initiatives when he was in Turkana, Kenya, planting fruit trees whenever and wherever feasible and possible. 

For Paco, a concrete way to apply the gospel values was to transform the desert into a garden, a flourishing, fruitful garden.

May St. Paul the Apostle, our protector and guide, through the intercession of Paco, our shepherd in faith, strengthen and sustain us so that we may remain fully alive and humbly follow the charism of the MCSPA – Paco’s charism – to the full.


By Cosmus Onyango, Apprentice

MCSPA Manila, Philippines.

Ronas Garden, Manila Philippines

4 December 2023 Posted by Community, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Ronas Garden, Manila Philippines”

Ronas Garden is the squatter area with probably the worst conditions among the depressed areas of Barangay Loyola Heights in Quezon City. This area is between Xavierville Avenue and Apostol Street. The only entrance and exit gate is a narrow pathway between the two high cement walls. The number of families in this slum area is recorded as 350 adults. The majority of these families are young mothers who gave birth at an early age. Most of them are unemployed while some secure casual jobs as cooks, caregivers, gardeners and drivers (for the men), offered by some well-to-do families in the neighbourhoods. 

It is in this context that the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostles (MCSPA), under the guidance of Fr. Francis and Fr. Alex saw the need to engage the community in some ways that could help to boost their basic needs. We devised a programme of milk distribution to supplement the diet of the malnourished children in this slum. The programme involves supplying specific powdered milk recommended by the paediatricians on a monthly basis to the children, and as well as monitoring their growth and giving moral support to the mothers. The quantity supplied is enough to last them till the next supply. The genuine smiles of both mothers and children during the distribution signifies their appreciation and that acts as a source of encouragement for us to keep this programme going.

The resilience, hard work, and determination of the young mothers striving to raise their children gives us motivation to reach out to this community and share with them the little we have, as we have seen and believe that there is more joy in giving than in receiving. Currently we have a total of twenty children in the programme aged between 4 and 7 years old who have carefully selected from the most needy families. We intend to increase the number of the beneficiaries in the near future depending on the capacity and the available resources.

Zackayo and Teddy.



Blessing of Holy Trinity Church Chikowa, Malawi

15 June 2023 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Blessing of Holy Trinity Church Chikowa, Malawi”

On Sunday, June 4th, 2023 the Catholic Church celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. The importance of this Solemnity was well embraced in Benga parish where people from all walks of life gathered as we blessed the renovated Holy Trinity, Chikowa Church. The church which was officially established in the year 1965 is located in the hilly areas between Nkhotakota and Ntchisi districts and it is a center for about 13 outstations. The church building has been under renovation beginning in mid-2022.

The celebration was presided over by Father Steven Ochieng of the MissionaryCommunity of St. Paul the Apostle, the Parish Priest of Benga Parish. In his homily, Fr. Steven emphasized the love that the Triune God shows to us human beings. He encouraged the people of Chikowa to remain united as the Holy Trinity, though in 3 persons, remains one God. “As people who are guided by the Most Holy Trinity, we must always beunited asthe Holy Trinityis oneGod. When we are united we will be identified as true Christians. We cannot accuse one another of witchcraft if we are united. We earn favor in God’s sight if we live in harmony with one another”  said Fr. Steven.

Also in attendance were some notable figures of theNkhotakoka and Ntchisi districts. Chiefs, Traditional Authorities Mwansambo and Kasakula, and a representative for the member of parliament for Nkhotakota South constituency did not miss out on such a great event . In addressing the people gathered,  Traditional Authority Mwansambo acknowledged that the church and the local government work hand in hand in promoting development. He said that construction of churches and other religious institutions is one of the signs a society needs when it comes to development. “When the number of churches increase in an area it means that people are not only focused on the worldly things but also on their relationship with God. It also shows that morality will be promoted in the area as the church isalso the source of moral code.” He, therefore, urged the people of his area to act in a way the church teaches them. The T.A. said that generosity is one of the acts that we as Christians ought to portray at all times even to strangers for God loves every individual without looking at their status. He further said that a Christian should always follow the footsteps of Christ who was crucified for the sins of all.

Indeed, it was a beautiful occasionfor the people of Chikowa Centre. The celebration was rounded up with lunch for all the congregants.

Daniel Jepter, MCSPA Apprentice.

Visit of Ethiopian Bishops to Madrid

28 May 2023 Posted by General News, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Visit of Ethiopian Bishops to Madrid”

This past week, a delegation of the Catholic Church in Ethiopia made up of the Cardinal Archbishop of Addis Ababa, H.E. Berhaneyesus Souraphiel, Msgr. Markos Gebremedhin, Bishop of Jimma-Bonga, Msgr. Seyoum Fransua Bishop of Hossana, and Msgr. Lesane-Christos Matheos, Bishop of Bahar-Dar, visited Madrid for three days.

They passed through Spain on their way back from a forum for the Bishops, which took place in in Lisbon, and the congregation Work of the Church hosted them those days while passing through Spain.

Members of the MCSPA have been able to organize several meetings in Madrid so that the Bishops could present the reality and needs of their country.

They visited Cáritas Spain, Ayuda a la Iglesia Necesidad, Cáritas Madrid, Manos Unidas, and Fondo para la Nueva Evangelización, as well as the Pontifical Mission Societies, and the Mission Delegation of Madrid. We thank them for their interest and support for the Church of Ethiopia, through their support of multiple projects, and its commitment to the future.

On Tuesday, the delegation of Bishops, MCSPA missionaries, secular members and volunteers from the MCSPA, were able to visit the Cardinal of Madrid, Don Carlos Osoro.

During the visit Jesús and Sara, volunteers from the mission of Muketurri, Ethiopia, and Mónica Falgás, secular member of the MCSPA, explained their commitment to the community and the missions of Ethiopia, as well as their commitment to the local church in Madrid through of the parish of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Pio XII, Madrid.

Don Carlos, was interested in the situation of the church and Ethiopia. Cardinal Berhaneyesus made an introduction to the situation of peace after the war in Tigray, and then each bishop explained about his diocese. The bishops explained that they are finishing a strategic plan for the next 10 years and that the main objective of this plan will be to invest heavily in education, as the main instrument of change in Ethiopian society.

That same afternoon, the bishops were able to celebrate mass in the parish of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Pio XII. Many people attended the mass, including the director of the pontifical mission works, Father José María Calderón, and the mission delegate of the archdiocese of Madrid. Father Calderón also invited some Orthodox Ethiopians who live in Madrid, and who gather to pray in his parish.

A lot of young people came to mass, and there was a very missionary atmosphere. The cardinal spoke about the similarities between Ethiopia and Spain as two countries with a very ancient Christian tradition. After the mass there was a time to chat and greet everyone in the church and outside the church.

The bishops have sincerely and earnestly thanked the logistical support of the MCSPA while in Madrid since their regions are in great need of support and solidarity from the universal Church.

Fr. Angel Valdivia MCSPA

Quality and clean water for communities and schools

12 March 2023 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Quality and clean water for communities and schools”

Benga parish lies to the east of Nkhotakota district in Malawi. The area is adversily challenged with deforestation and constrained water resources. Parents and children walk long distances to access water points.

In some instances, community members draw an safe water in rivers and wells which have health implications.  Children absentism in Nkhotakota Schools was high as children could spent long time on the queue to access and draw water.

In addition, some Schools did not have boreholes thus affecting the in School feeding program and lowered hygiene and sanitation.

MCSPA through engagement of community members, head teachers, teachers’ advisors, district education managers together; identified the needs of granting safe and clean water to communities and Schools around Benga parish.

Water is life and a recipe for smooth running of MCSPA in School feeding program. efficient and effective delivery of the in School feeding program, MCSPA has complemented the feeding program in Schools by drilling Boreholes. Kacheula School plus 8 other Schools have clean water now. Quality and clean water in its entirety for an integral part and development of Schools and the communities.

The community has the ownership of the boreholes and through their financial contribution manage to maintain the boreholes and are trained in WASH program to heighten hygiene and sanitation in Schools.

P. Steven Ochieng


Journey with Mother Mary

26 February 2023 Posted by Mission, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Journey with Mother Mary”

Yesterday we started a procession with Mother Mary in preparations for our centenary celebrations of Ave Maria Parish, in South Sudan, on the 1st of May. The image of Our Lady will visit all our outstations in the two parishes, Ave Maria in Ngboko and St. Thomas in Source Yubu.

Enjoy some photos of our 3 hour rosary procession at Ave Maria.

Let’s Join our hands in prayer and ask God to grant us peace in South Sudan.

Lillian Omari MCSPA

Speech given on the 10th Anniversary of the Death of Fr. Francisco Andreo (Paco) by Fr. Steven Ochieng

22 February 2023 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Speech given on the 10th Anniversary of the Death of Fr. Francisco Andreo (Paco) by Fr. Steven Ochieng”

It has been ten years since Paco left us yet as we have seen, his memories and life are still very much imprinted in ours. That means that he truly lives for ever! To talk of Paco, is not easy since he influenced and changed the lives of so many people, as Fernando said yesterday, there are very many versions of the Man! These versions of Paco also changed with the passing of years, and nobody can do justice to his persona since we all experienced him in different shades. That is why allow me to give my version and my understanding of my experience having lived with Paco for 20 years! Though somehow some aspects do stand out!!

It was in 1993, when I was only 20 years old when Paco met me in the streets of Nairobi, near Jamuhuri Estate. This encounter started a relationship that would change my life; it’s a journey that has been repeated in this house. It involved eggs from Othaya house, and it would lead to my visit of Turkana in that same year. It was then that I was attracted to this missionary community; then followed a call to leave everything and follow Christ.

In these years, I experienced 4 kinds of love in him that have been in turn infectious towards us.

Tender love
It was Paco’s tender love that revealed to me the love of Christ at first-hand. It was his tenderness that marked my soul and changed me. It was not only to me but mostly to the poor, to the elderly and to the downtrodden. He did not see people as trees, (as in the story of Mark 8:22-26) or a landscape. He saw people as they were, people.

In many ways he was like the Samaritan man in the story of the good Samaritan: He cared and patched the wounds of those whom he met and were broken. Many times, he was also the father in the story of the prodigal son, who received us with open arms when we had wasted love. How many times did that happen to me?

He loved everybody and paid attention to all, either you were the excavator driver, or a waiter, Paco would pay attention to you. He did that to me and that is why I am here; he saw in me that which I didn’t see in myself, and being from different cultures and race, I was for him his sheep as was the rest. He treated people as Christ treated us, selflessly.

Tough love
Paco combined and sewed together the tender love with tough love. He was tough, no doubt since he insisted on truth and honesty from us. He did not entertain mediocrity. This made us be aware of our weaknesses. He did not sugar-coat it, he said it as it was; he called a spade a spade, in this way he did not allow us to shipwreck our lives, since for him truth telling was more important than peace keeping. By peace keeping I mean being politically correct. His tough love stood out and this for those who were with him did help us to bring the best version of ourselves!

Sacrificial love
In this fusing of tender and tough love, Paco also portrayed the sacrificial love to us in many ways. He always put us first before himself. I remember once we were visiting the Nuncio in Spain and Paco immediately mentioned that we didn’t have a good reputation, but the Nuncio was quick to respond that we do not need a good reputation here on earth but rather in heaven. He didn’t mind sacrificing his reputation for what was right. Paco dedicated his life for us so that we might live, he dedicated his energies so that the world might become a garden. Until his last breath he was out there working making manure and gabions even when he was very sick, there was no self-gratification, but rather to build a community of Christ, a community that is to do good, as in the words of evangelist Mark (Mark 8:34-35), “whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it” this sacrificial love was not just a feeling but an action. And that is why MCSPA members we are ready to go out to the most challenging missions, to places where few would rather venture, since this sacrificial love has been infused in us by Paco. As Paco found his strength in the Lord, so shall we.

Radical love
Lastly Paco combined the tender love, tough love, and sacrificial love with radical love. In the tempest of trouble, he would not defend himself. He would rather turn the other cheek than fight. Even when we suffered division, he was ready to give everything! For Paco there was no bare minimum, it was all or nothing. A dam had to be bigger. If we had to support someone, there was never halfway, it must be all the way! As in Matthew 22:37-40, Paco loved with all his heart, soul, and mind. And these lessons we have learnt well, we go beyond the call of duty. In living this radical love, we try to break the vicious cycle of hunger, war, and drought and not to be indifferent in the middle of people’s suffering.

Paco was tough with us, so that we can live and be a sign of this love in the world, in the places where we work. It’s been ten years since you left us, you showed us that this is the best way to imitate Christ; as written in your tombstone, “to be a good shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep”. You too were the good shepherd who lied down your life for your sheep. Continue watching over us, continue resting in peace!

Fr. Steven Ochieng MCSPA

Nyangatom 2022 Veterinary Campaign

18 December 2022 Posted by Project, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Nyangatom 2022 Veterinary Campaign”

Very recently we had the visit of the Asturian veterinarians David Iglesias, Esteban Iglesias and Carlos Iglesias to Nyangatom, Ethiopia. Their last visit was in 2019, since then they could not come due to the pandemic and local sociopolitical problems. Once again, they have resumed the annual deworming campaign for the Nyangatom animals.

The team has had the significant help of local veterinary assistants and the support of the mission team.

It has been about 10 days of intense work and more than 15,000 goats and sheep have been dewormed. Many more could have been done, but due to the severe drought that is currently hitting the Horn of Africa, many of the herds and their herdsmen have migrated to mountainous grazing areas located north of the Nyangatom region, within the Omo national park, where there is no accessibility.

Despite this, we are very happy with the result and with the good reception by many local herders. We have been able to successfully complete the areas of Kakuta, Lorau, Lomuria, Naturomoe and Kaderinyang, benefiting about 5,000 people.

In addition, the veterinarians were able to carry out castrations of dogs, which will help reduce diseases with a high incidence in the area transmitted by these animals to humans, such as tapeworms, hydatid cysts, rabies and others.

We have experienced a multitude of anecdotes in a short time, and we have had very direct contact in the daily life, both full of difficulties and joys, of this very authentic Nyangatom people.

We thank the veterinary team from Spain, and all those people and institutions that have supported this much-needed project, remembering that the health of human beings is closely linked to the health of animals.

Thank you very much!

Fr. Angel Valdivia. MCSPA

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