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*A Tribute to Fr. Paco on his 12th Death Anniversary*

16 February 2025 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “*A Tribute to Fr. Paco on his 12th Death Anniversary*”

We are neither adrift in memories
Nor trapped by illusions
Marks this unique anniversary
A rebuilding of your efforts
Within our community of kindred spirits
Gathering us here
To honour your life’s meaningful deeds.
Your spirit lingers in every whispering leaf,
A gentle reminder that your work lives on.

The trees give LIFE
Manifestations of your will
Planted abundantly in Turkana’s soil
As apprentices in all our missions
We now tread in your footsteps
Striving towards the essence of your vision
YOUR VISION guides us
Like the sun nurturing new growth
Lighting the path for those who follow

A calling that nurtures life …
There you rest
In eternal peace, yet ever present
In every sapling, we find the echo of your dreams
A testament that your spirit endures
Rooted deeply within us all.

By Louis P. Mkweza
Junior Apprentice (MALAWI)

*Escuela Ideo’s Visit to Turkana and Nyangatom*

27 July 2024 Posted by education, MCSPA, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “*Escuela Ideo’s Visit to Turkana and Nyangatom*”

Three years ago, some members of a school in Madrid, Escuela Ideo, visited Turkana. We had the opportunity to show them our missions and schools, and from there, we began to explore forms of collaboration on how to share methodologies based on Kenya’s new curriculum. This year, we started an online pilot program focused on teacher collaboration to implement these new methods and adapt them to the reality of Turkana. This July it culminated with the visit of eight of their teachers to the four educational centers of the MCSPA in Turkana (Kenya) and one at Nyangatom (Ethiopia).

It has been truly enriching for both parties, as there has been a lot of interaction – despite the short few days – which has helped us to focus and see the reality of each center. The eight members of Escuela Ideo departed happy and motivated to continue seeking synergies to support us in our educational project.

By Maque Falgas
MCSPA Secular Branch Member
Lobur Mission (Kenya)



Mount Carmel Deanery Recollection at Lobur Mission

17 May 2024 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Mount Carmel Deanery Recollection at Lobur Mission”

Today was a very special day at Lobur Mission as we had our deanery recollection which began in the morning with a walk to the Risen Christ statue and ended in the afternoon, graced with Mass celebrated by Fr. Andrew Yakulula and a beautiful homily from Deacon Stephen Iyerio. We cherished it as a profoundly important day because it afforded us the chance to examine our consciences, seek forgiveness, renew our spiritual lives, and deepen our faith and above all to continue offering our lives in the service of all those in need.

The recollection was attended by the visiting priest from Lokitaung Parish, the Marianitas Sisters, the Mensa Domini Sisters (fondly known as the “Yellow Sisters”), and priests from Kaikor parish. We gathered as one, ascending the mountain slowly, engaging in heartfelt interactions. Standing at the top of the mountain, we were all captivated by the breathtaking view of Lobur Mission. It was a moment of serene introspection and shared smiles. Then, we descended the mountain, where we joined in the Rosary prayer, adoration and the Eucharistic celebration.

We fortified our bonds as we shared our food, drinks and stories over lunch. This time has helped us individually by reflecting and healing and stepping back from our daily routines and focusing on the spiritual life since we learned a lot from each other. We are grateful for this day and we hope and pray that we have all been re-energised to continue carrying out our apostolates in our missions and beyond.

By Louis Mkweza, MCSPA Apprentice
Lobur Mission, Turkana, Kenya



Rosary for Peace

17 May 2024 Posted by Church, MCSPA, Mission, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Rosary for Peace”

At Ave Maria Mission in South Sudan, we have started the Rosary for Peace. These times of insecurity in the Tombura area and this being the month of Mary, we are holding the recitation of the rosary and a daily procession while praying for peace to prevail in the area.

We invite you all, dear friends, to join us in countering violence by praying the Rosary. May Mother Mary hear our prayers!


by Lillian Omari, MCSPA
Ave Maria Mission,
South Sudan


Children’s Day

8 May 2024 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Children’s Day”

On April 30, Children’s Day was celebrated in Mexico, an official date established by President Álvaro Obregon in 1924, after the signing of the Geneva Declaration. Since then, all over Mexico, this day is celebrated by giving away toys and carrying out activities in schools and other institutions. At the El Paraíso mission we were not left behind. The intentions were two-fold: firstly, like everywhere else in the world, it is to recognise the rights of all minors and to acknowledge that one day we too were children with our own dreams.

A second and equally important intention was to help rebuild the social fabric that has been damaged by violence and neglect. El Paraiso is a place that is an amalgam of people who come from different parts of the Mexican Republic and who come with their backpacks laden with their history, culture and tradition, fleeing poverty or violence in their places of origin.

During these 7 years we have discovered that through the creation of traditions while reinforcing those that exist, values, models, ideas and other variables that help to build the social fabric of community building and thus making us one: recognising themselves and at the same time recognising the other. The aim is to move away from being a mere island in the asphalt jungle that is Mexico City, and to be a living cell that brings life to others. So, through traditions such as Children’s Day, Mother’s Day, the feast days of Saints, Epiphany and Christmas Day among other festivities, we reinforce what we all want: unity between all the people of the neighbourhood, so that those who have more can see those who have less, so that everyone feels responsible for each other.

Our gratitude goes to all those who make this task possible: the students and teachers of the UMV and volunteers who offered us this occasion, the gifts and the piñatas, the activities and for simply being there … and leaving behind a little bit of yourselves.


By Luz María, MCSPA
Mexico City


Ave Maria Mission Eye Campaign: Making a Difference in the Lives of Hundreds!

14 April 2024 Posted by MCSPA, News, Project, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Ave Maria Mission Eye Campaign: Making a Difference in the Lives of Hundreds!”

A 5-day eye campaign, organized by Ave Maria Mission in collaboration with volunteer ophthalmologists and healthcare workers from Spain, has just concluded, leaving a lasting impact on hundreds of lives in the community.

The campaign, which took place from April 08 till 12, provided free eye examinations, medications, as well as surgeries for individuals who lacked access to proper healthcare. Many residents in Tombura and Ezo County areas struggle with untreated cataracts, glaucoma and other eye problems that adversely affect their daily lives.

One of the beneficiaries expressed her gratitude, saying, “For years I’ve been struggling to see clearly, making it so difficult for me to work in the fields. Thanks to Ave Maria Mission and the Spanish eye-doctors, I can now see the rows of seedlings I plant and the crops I harvest. It’s a life-changing difference.”

Over the 5 days, the Ave Maria Mission Eye Campaign served 421 patients with 92 successful surgeries, treated 91 cataract cases and 1 case of pterygium or “surfer’s eye” … thus, sight for many were restored and the overall well-being of the community improved. The success of the initiative highlights the critical role such outreach programs play in bridging healthcare gaps and empowering individuals.

Ave Maria Mission is committed to continuing its efforts to provide essential medical services to the needy. The Spanish ophthalmologists are already planning future eye care campaigns even as they prepare to go to Nzara (another nearby county) to carry out the same program as at Ave Maria Mission for another 2 days. Thus we work towards a future where everyone has access to quality vision-care.

Peter Sokakulo,
Ave Maria Mission,
[South Sudan]

Celebration of the life of Paco: MIZAN TEFERI MISSION

19 February 2024 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Celebration of the life of Paco: MIZAN TEFERI MISSION”

Today, 15th of February 2024, we celebrated the 11th Death Anniversary of Fr. Francisco Andreo in the Mission of Mizan Teferi.

The celebration began with a prayer and Sarai gave a brief history of the life of Paco, founder of the MCSPA. She explained how Paco was an example for all of us in charity and generosity, highlighting the love he had for Africa.

Paco was also very insistent in planting fruit trees as a way of turning the desert into a garden. For this reason, in the morning, an activity with the children was carried out in which each child planted a papaya seed in a water bottle, committing themselves to taking care of it until it bore fruit.

In the afternoon, during the ceremony, some avocado and lemon seedlings were blessed with water from the River Jordan and one seedling was planted in the school compound. Each person added a handful of soil to this avocado plant.

Later, everyone had some tea, bread and bananas under the mango tree at the mission. The ceremony concluded with the distribution of more seedlings which the people joyfully took back to their homes.

By Amanda Falgas Apprentice
Mizan Teferi, Ethiopia.


Celebration of the Life of Paco: NARIOKOTOME MISSION

19 February 2024 Posted by Mission, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Celebration of the Life of Paco: NARIOKOTOME MISSION”

On this day 15th of February 2024 we celebrate 11 years anniversary since the passing on of Fr. Francisco Andreo (Paco), who founded the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA).

In attendance of the anniversary mass presided by Fr. Andrew Yakulula were members of MCSPA missions in Turkana; Nariokotome, Kokuselei, Lobur, Todonyang and Christian faithful from the area. The mass procession began after the blessing of the tomb at his place of rest and was animated by students from Nariokotome Girls Secondary School in collaboration with pupils from St. Joseph Primary School-Nariokotome. Fr. Antonio Aguirre and Scholastica Wamalwa gave insightful personal encounters with Fr. Paco.

Having come from a humble background, Fr. Paco understood the importance and the value of having the basic amenities provided to the less fortunate wherever he went.  He mobilized the MCSPA members and non-members around him by ensuring that people had enough food, water, education, primary healthcare especially the most vulnerable; children and the elderly. Through these small acts of mercy, he planted a seed into people’s hearts that later blossomed to shade all those touched by MCSPA.

His compassion and resilience in his missionary work is what attracted many to follow Christ the Good Shepherd and to continue in his footsteps. Many can attest to seeing God’s work of mercy in all that he did. Today, 400 trees of different types (donated by friends and families members) were blessed in order to continue the work he started of turning the desert into a beautiful garden. 

Eleven years after his demise, members of the MCSPA around the world have continued his legacy of evangelization by ensuring that the dignity of the less fortunate is uplifted. 

Let us continue praying for vocations, that we may be ready to leave behind everything as Fr. Paco did to spread God’s work of love around the world. Let us not keep the treasure to ourselves but invite others to come and follow in his footsteps.

 May Fr. Paco’s legacy be lived forever. ‘Whatsoever you did to one of these little ones, that you did to me’ (Mt. 25:40).


By Samuel Kapua and MCSPA Communication team, Turkana



Celebration of the Life of Paco: BENGA MISSION

18 February 2024 Posted by Mission, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Celebration of the Life of Paco: BENGA MISSION”

Today, on 15th February 2024, we gathered to honour the memory of Paco on the 11th anniversary of his passing. Paco left behind a legacy of kindness, inspiration and service that continues to resonate deeply with the members, apprentices as well as friends and collaborators of the MCSPA.

The commemoration began with a moving Eucharistic cerebration, where we came together to reflect on paco’s life and the impact he had on the members of our community. As part of the ceremony, there was a special blessing of seedlings that symbolize growth, and the continued presence of paco among us. 

Following the mass, we gathered to revisit the original sources of paco’s inspiration. Those that had a physical contact with him in our case Fernando and Manolo, shared their experience. It was a time of reflection and gratitude for the blessings paco brought into the lives of many members of the MCSPA.

As the morning progressed, a group of enthusiastic men and women joined us to collect trees. Together, we participated in another ceremony for blessing of seedlings. Then, with hands united, we embarked on the noble task of planting fruit trees at the mission to symbolize abundance, nourishment and the growth of our collective efforts in honour of Paco.

In the evening, we shared a beautiful meal that was followed by a film in which various members of the MCSPA shared their experiences of our Founder.


By Stephano Sambiri Ziba

Apprentice of the MCSPA



Celebration of the Life of Paco: MUKETURI MISSION

18 February 2024 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Celebration of the Life of Paco: MUKETURI MISSION”

On 15th of February 2024, we held a celebration at Muketuri’s Holy Family Chapel to commemorate the 11th death anniversary of Fr. Francisco Andreo, or Paco as he preferred to be called, the founder of the MCSPA. The Scouts Group and some friends and volunteers from Chile and Spain accompanied the members present from Muketuri and our mission in Mexico for the occasion.

The Liturgy of the Word was celebrated, and Lourdes talked about the life of Fr. Paco and the charism of MCSPA in the reflection. She remarked that for Paco it was important to be a group comprising of people from different countries and cultures, united in sharing in people’s suffering and searching for specific ways of alleviating the pain and suffering.

The celebration was also centered on the ceremony of planting a tree in memory of Fr. Paco as a way of emphasizing the idea that life must continue, and we grow by carrying on the values and teachings of those who have left us. 

This message also helped to transmit the importance of unity, growth and community involvement in preserving Paco’s legacy.

 After the ceremony, lunch was shared by all present as we continued to share memories of Paco.


By Tigist Mekonnen





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March 2025