Posts in Project

Celebrating the Opening of a New Well in Mukaturi

21 November 2023 Posted by MCSPA, News, Project 0 thoughts on “Celebrating the Opening of a New Well in Mukaturi”

We celebrated the drilling of the well and the installation of taps in the village of Mechela Wortu, Muketuri, Ethiopia.

We were invited for lunch where they slaughtered a sheep and made two huge traditional breads.
During the prayers, people continuously thanked having clean water, which has changed their lives. One man explained: “Many people speak of you, most are surprised at how you love children that are not your own, especially the ones with disabilities… They say that you love the children more than their own parents!”

68 families are benefitting from this well which has been drilled up to 72 meters, with solar panels that supply energy to the pump that pumps the water to the tank with a capacity of 10,000 liters, and from there to the taps.

Before, the girls used to fetch water from hand-dug holes in the land, this water is brown due to its uncleanness. One day a missionary went to the village with a bottle of water in her hand, people were scandalized as they believed that she was carrying alcohol so early in the morning. This is because, for them, water was brown and the only thing of such clear color was the traditional alcohol they make called ‘arake’.
Many young girls can go to school now that they have water close to them and don’t have to walk for kilometers to collect the water like before.

At the end of the celebration everyone danced and repeatedly blessed us saying: “God grant you a long life!”

A Road that Leads to Hope

27 October 2023 Posted by Community, Project 0 thoughts on “A Road that Leads to Hope”

Greetings from Naturomoe Prince of Peace Catholic Mission. We wish to share with you the progress of the road construction to Naita. This is an essential connector project for the communities of southwest Ethiopia, northwest Kenya, and eastern Equatoria state in South Sudan. The main aim is to bring peace and development to isolated communities based around the Naita range that have suffered from conflict and marginalization for decades. This project has been one of our main priorities since the members of the Missionary Community of St. Paul started working almost 10 years ago in Nyangatom. We intend to give access to basic social-pastoral services to the people. The work is about to reach its goal, as we can see the Naita Mountain very close by.

Constant meetings with the local people and the leaders of the Nyangatom Woreda (local government) have been very important to ensure that the work is efficient, and security is provided for the sugar factory Omo 5 bulldozer and its operators. In a recent meeting with the local community of Lotuko, a Ngikoporea was very encouraging. The people are willing to cooperate with the mission and the local government in whatever it takes, to bring the road project to fulfillment.

One can tell from the excitement of the people that they have longed for something very fundamental in their lives. They are hopeful of getting socio-pastoral services with the completion of the project. The people believe that before the road was opened, they never existed. It is now that they know they exist because they are able to see people coming to them. Speaking in one of the encounters, an elder emphasized that the opening of the road will help to bring peace among three conflicting communities namely; Turkana (of Kenya), Toposa (South Sudan), and Nyangatom (Ethiopia). He said in a very emotional manner: “We have been hearing about the coming of the road for the past 10-15 years. Now I am very sure that we will have access to socio-pastoral services such as health, water, education, and pastoral attention. Before the road was started it was like we never existed. We were forgotten and is like we never existed. I am very happy today because I know that we exist as human beings. We can see people coming closer to us”.

We hope that once the project is finished, we will be able to reach out to them easily. We hope to open outstations and bring the Gospel to them, go periodically for mobile clinics, and provide them with water as it is one of the biggest challenges that the people face.


Daniel Jepter, apprentice of the MCSPA



Onwards with Education in Riokomor and Kokuselei

20 October 2023 Posted by Community, education, MCSPA, Mission, Project 0 thoughts on “Onwards with Education in Riokomor and Kokuselei”

These days we are especially attentive to our students from Riokomor and Kokuselei who are taking their national exams in the public schools of these two places.

They have all been part of a journey started by the families of these children and the MCSPA missionaries present in these communities. It is a journey in which we all continue to learn that only generosity in favor of the little ones will guarantee a better present and future, especially when water, nutrition, and health are assured.

We are happy that many of them are completing their primary school studies and that, little by little, they can open the doors to new opportunities to improve the lives of their families and communities.

We thank all those who make it possible for children and young people in this beautiful place in the north of Turkana to have the possibility of studying. And we encourage more people to join us and support the education of all of them, so full of talent and enthusiasm to improve!

Clean Water in St Joseph Mother and Child Centre, Mizan Teferi, Ethiopia

15 October 2023 Posted by MCSPA, Project 0 thoughts on “Clean Water in St Joseph Mother and Child Centre, Mizan Teferi, Ethiopia”

Since its opening in 2006, the Mother and Child Centre of St Joseph of the Mountain in Mizan Teferi, has a manually dug well that offers water for cleaning and watering plants; it also receives a supply of clean water from the town which only arrives for a few hours once a week. Sometimes this supply of water breaks down, having our Mother and Child Center without water for a month. Also, this water has been seen to not be enough for the demand required by 200 children that attend the center daily.
Thanks to the help of the parish of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Madrid, we have been able to perforate a well of 60 meters of depth inside our center. Also, with the help of the diocese of Rottenburg and a charity race organized by the parish in Madrid, we were able to buy and install the submersible pump with its pipes and water tank, that can store and distribute up to 10,000 liters of water.
Through this project, we are able to improve the health of the community, especially focusing on these 200 children that can now take clean water daily, avoiding many illnesses and parasites that are extremely common in the area.



Summary of Activities in ‘El Paraiso’ Mexico

8 October 2023 Posted by Community, education, MCSPA, Mission, Project 0 thoughts on “Summary of Activities in ‘El Paraiso’ Mexico”

Dear friends and family,
We would like to share with you the summary updates of the activities that we have done in the previous months in ‘El Paraiso’:

Psychological support to families:

  • A professor and some of the students of Psychopedagogy from Emiliano Zapata University visit us every 15 days, organising some activities with the children and youth.
  • Two outings have been organised to visit Cumbres High School, north campus, together with children and mothers from Paraiso. Activities such as; celebrations, sports games and recreation, impacted positively on coexistence and the creation of bonds of friendship between youth, children and their families

. We would like to thank all the friends who took part in the Children’s Day celebration, where 150 people attended joyfully. 

  • UVM students and professors also conduct workshops with the youth and children twice a week to implement Psychosocial intervention. Moreover, constant visits by Psychologists and therapists provide psychological support to different groups of people and individuals in Paraiso, as well as sharing some advice to the most committed volunteers.

Health and Nutrition:

  • Hygiene evaluations, reviews and workshops on dental health have been carried out by a Dentist every 15 days. We are looking forward to receiving more support to provide dental treatments.
  • Students and teachers from Cumbres high school, implemented a study among people with a high level of diabetes, they formulated evaluations, and specific care guidelines in each case and supported several families with glucometers and lancets.
  • Slowly, we continue to equip the dispensary with medicine donations. Through this, we have a “mini pharmacy” in which patients can get medical prescriptions.

We continue with our support for the chronically ill people with their treatments, physiotherapy, transport and shopping of medicines.

  • With the collaboration of UVM-Medicine University and some friends, we distributed 60 pantries to different families in Paraiso.

Veterinary Campaign:

  • The organisation of a cat and dog sterilisation campaign was done in Paraiso. To make the campaign successful, 100 animals had to be sterilised, we achieved 122!

Housing Programme:

  • With the special collaboration of ‘Dibujando otra Realidad, AC’, training was offered to the families on the construction of houses. So far, we are almost finishing another wooden house. 9 houses were built with the help of ‘Moviendo a Más’ group and  ‘Un techo para mi país’ in El Paraíso.

We thank God for allowing us to achieve an impact on the actions of love, hope and solidarity between the families, friends and close collaborators of the MCSPA in Mexico for supporting the mission of El Paraíso in Xochimilco in its different dimensions. Lastly, we also extend our gratitude to appreciate all the collaborators from different trenches of the world for the love and support that keeps us going.


Rehabilitation of Lobur Solar Water Pump

21 August 2023 Posted by News, Project 0 thoughts on “Rehabilitation of Lobur Solar Water Pump”

On the 17th of February 2023, the village of Lobur experienced a very strong wind which caused a lot of damage to the village. Within the damages, there were the solar panels of Lobur village water point which were blown away. This destroyed all panels of 200W 24VDC Crystalline solar and the structure.

Once we had the funds, the MCSPA Pump Maintenance Unit (PMU) team went to the ground and reinforced the structure. We purchased all the solar panels and they were transported from Lodwar to Lobur (210 kms away). The team fixed all the panels at the site and did a pump test to check if it worked. After the test, the pump gave a yield of 5000 liters of water per hour. The community of Lobur were glad to have water once again in their taps. There is much water now for both human consumption and for the consumption of hundreds of animals around. Water availability in Lobur villages is restored after 4 months of absence. This is a great joy. On behalf of Lobur community, we would like to thank New Ways UK who have made this possible with your support.

One Year of Caring for the Elderly at Benga´s Agogo Center.

27 July 2023 Posted by MCSPA, Project 0 thoughts on “One Year of Caring for the Elderly at Benga´s Agogo Center.”

If one wanders into one of the buildings in Benga Parish, Malawi, the odds of finding two or more elderly people moving stones around a wooden board are quite high. One does wonder what game they play. This game is called Bao, a traditional Eastern African game. Besides its traditional value, the beauty of the game lies in its possibility of anyone joining in due to its simplicity.

This building would be the agogo center which was inaugurated a year ago. Agogo is a Chichewa word for elderly. Non-coincidentally, this anniversary coincides with the day of St. Joachim and St. Anne, grandparents of Jesus Christ and patrons of the elderly.

A special mass was celebrated to commemorate the anniversary. In his homily, Father Manuel Hernández emphasized on the Pope’s message about the often-forgotten elder members of society. As His Holiness reminds us the unmeasurable value of the elderly, we at Benga Parish thank those who sponsor the agogos and the center. Grandparents are the pillars of society and its families. They have put an enormous amount of effort into shaping the next generations, and nevertheless often find themselves forgotten in the hardest stage of their life.

It was in order to counteract the common occurrence of neglect, which is further highlighted by youth’s constant preoccupation with technology, studies, work, etc… that the agogo project was initiated. The project includes house building, food and sanitary products distribution, medical care as well as water and power access. All the basic needs met, the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle identified the lack of companionship as the toughest challenge faced by the elderly, hence the agogo center.

But what is this center ? It is a multi-purpose building which includes a kitchen, entertainment space, physiotherapy room and showers. The center welcomes the agogos every day. They often arrive early morning, have breakfast and bathe themselves. The morning is spent on weaving, knitting, playing bao, watching tv, listening to music, and perhaps most importantly, talking between themselves or to volunteers. Lunch normally happens at around 12:30, and they can rest or engage in similar activities to the morning ones before departing for their homes before sunset. The whole program includes over 300 people, but only those within walking distance of the building can afford to come to the center daily.

St Joachim and St. Anne are set as role models of generosity, devotion and matrimonial love by the Church. They constantly remind us to honor our grandparents and the elderly at large. Yestarday, around 90 people attended the special function in the honor of Virgin Mary’s parents. After the elderly were greeted and offered seats, a beautiful mass presided by Father Manuel Hernández followed. Once the mass had ended, the celebrations continued as seminarians, agogos, volunteers, sisters and the other attendees engaged in traditional singing and dancing. Before concluding, everyone was served lunch while enjoying each other’s company.

The Missionary community of St. Paul the Apostle is thankful to everyone who’s made the project possible as it is a pleasure to witness the joy all the effort bears. The success of the project so far has grown the desire to maintain and improve the program, which is dependent on more people becoming Godparents to these elderly.


By Innocent Phiri, Marcos Urgoiti and Cecilia Keller.

Improving Learning Through Chess

20 July 2023 Posted by education, General News, MCSPA, Mission, News, Project 0 thoughts on “Improving Learning Through Chess”


This month, we have enjoyed promoting chess practice in two of our missions in Turkana. We want to help develop the skills of this game to positively impact the children’s academic level and the teachers’ work.

Thanks to Colombian friends and other benefactors of the Kokuselei mission, we have been able to inaugurate 3 chess clubs in Todonyang, Riokomor, and Kokuselei. And to celebrate the First Chess Tournament at the Don Bosco Center in Kokuselei with amazing results and a very good experience for all.




Generosity and Perseverance to Overcome Child Malnutrition

9 June 2023 Posted by education, News, Project 0 thoughts on “Generosity and Perseverance to Overcome Child Malnutrition”

Last Friday, at Startup Lions ICT Hub Loropio, we MCSPA missionaries of the Kokuselei mission held a two-day workshop with the 40 women volunteers of the committees responsible for our eleven Mother-Child Centers and the child-care agents of each centre. This celebration marked 15 years since the nutrition program was firmly established and has been running throughout in the mountain area of Nariokotome Parish. Two days in which we celebrated the generosity and perseverance of many people who have participated in concrete ways to the success of the program: hundreds of Turkana children every year who can eat twice a day and grow up healthy!

Our special thanks to the men and women of the committees of our mother-child centers, who have voluntarily and cheerfully served and unconditionally loved the children. All the families in more than 14 communities covered by the Kokuselei mission appreciate that these volunteers take on the daily responsibility of preparing breakfast, lunch and assisting in the daily hygiene of the children in a part of Kenya where hunger is still the main challenge to be solved.

We all thank the benefactors who have been part of starting and maintaining these children’s centres, thanks to which infant mortality caused by hunger has been reduced in this area. Our thanks also to the child-care agents, young women and men who help us to monitor the nutrition and health of the children and with various educational activities in each centre.

As missionaries, we want to continue to serve the most vulnerable and respond concretely to the needs of the children of Turkana.  And we trust that these children’s centres will continue to encourage their communities to transmit the virtues of generosity and perseverance, both essential to achieve true development.

Diana Trompetero MCSPA

Mechela KG Inaugurates New Facility

24 January 2023 Posted by Project 0 thoughts on “Mechela KG Inaugurates New Facility”

For Mechela Kindergarten, Under Muketuri mission in Ethiopia, 15th of January 2023 will remain a remarkable day as they inaugurated new kitchen and toilets within its fence. The whole village of Mechela, young and old, gathered at the compound of Mechela Kindergaten to celebrate the opening of its new facility. From the entrance of the kindergarten, one could clearly see the grass which was spread on the ground to mark a traditional fragrance of the celebration.

The Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA) has always believed that integral education is a key to transform lives. With that intention, MCSPA has emphasized on quality education from the early stage of a child. It is equally important to note that poor health of children does not only compromise growth of the child but also result into educational setbacks and lowerperformance of the student. As a result, MCSPA rendered it an imperative to run centers which cater for the two principle needs of the students. Thus, education and nutrition. Mechela is an example of such centers which operate as an education unit and at the same time as a nutrition hub. The two-fold needs of the children are given a priority.

For some time, Mechela lacked proper facility like a kitchen and toilets to meet the required delivery of quality education to the children. This compromised the dream of MCSPA to always compliment education with pleasant nutrition and health of the student. Consequently, Josephine Amuma took an initiative to close this gap through a construction of a kitchen and toilets. Now the Kindergarten is also equipped with its own vegetable shamba (garden) and a wire fence to ensure its security.

Speaking during the inauguration ceremony, Fr. Fernando stresses that, ¨A child’s early years are the foundation for his or her future development, providing a strong base for lifelong learning and learning abilities, including cognitive and social development. ¨ He also explained in simple terms the importance of early childhood education as an essential building block of a child’s future success.

Josephine was delighted with the collaboration of the local community. In her speech, she urged them to continue with the same spirit of commitment. She also assured them that children are the stronghold of the future, therefore worthy investing in them.

The ceremony reached its climax when the representatives of MCSPA shared a common meal with the local community of Mechela. As per tradition, the community had prepared njera, typical Ethiopian food, for lunch. During the meal, different performances were done by the children and the scouts from Muketuri. The cerebration ended with a coffee ceremony to mark its significance.

By Innocent Letasi

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