Posts in General News

Water for Igukura

25 February 2025 Posted by General News, MCSPA, News, Project 0 thoughts on “Water for Igukura”

On February 8th, we celebrated the drilling of a 90 meters well with the installation of a solar pump, a 10,000-liter water tank, a fountain with 8 taps, and a drinking point for animals in the village of Igukura, in Wuchale Woreda, Ethiopia.

93 families, now have enough water to meet their basic needs like health, hygiene, and nutrition.

The impact of bringing water to a community is bigger than we can imagine. A grandmother from the village told us that without enough water, they were at risk of all sorts of diseases like cholera, skin infections, stomach issues, and infections during childbirth because of poor hygiene. Now that water is closer, women and girls won’t have to walk for kilometers carrying 20 liters on their backs, facing all sorts of dangers along the way, not to mention suffering from back pain, problems during pregnancy and childbirth.

Another big plus is that they’ll now be able to grow vegetables for their families to eat and also sell, which will improve their nutrition and bring in some extra income. This will help families afford things like sending kids to school and paying for medical expenses.

A big thank you to all who made this possible and helped improve the lives of the people in Igukura.

by Blanca Beltran, MCSPA


Tamaisan News

2 September 2024 Posted by General News, Project 0 thoughts on “Tamaisan News”

For the second consecutive year, we conducted the Tamaisan summer camp at Lobur Mission. We welcomed boys and girls from the schools of the four MCSPA missions in Turkana. Unfortunately, we could not include children from Nyangatom because of the swollen river which made its crossing dangerous.

From Spain, we were joined by a group of 13 monitors who worked tirelessly for three weeks. The first week was dedicated to the preparation of the camp, setting up the space and organising materials, while the following two weeks were devoted to the camp activities.

During the camp, the children were divided into six teams, each with approximately 18 participants, supervised by two Spanish monitors and a young Turkana. Additionally, we had a team of cooks, as the food logistics were extensive, providing three meals a day. We also had the support of two security officers.
Throughout the year, we meticulously worked on planning every detail of the camp. This year, the camp was structured into two thematic weeks: the first dedicated to values and the second to different cultures. To explore these themes, various activities were organised, including sports, crafts, informational sessions, and dances. We also dedicated a special day to peace, one of the main topics addressed throughout the camp.

It has been a very meaningful experience for all the children who participated. Our goal is to foster an environment of unity and peace to promote a culture of peace that contributes to the transformation of the region.

By Maque Falgas, MCSPA Secular Branch

The Life-Giving Rains of Turkana

13 March 2024 Posted by General News, MCSPA 0 thoughts on “The Life-Giving Rains of Turkana”

In the vast semi-arid land of Turkana, where drought is common-place, showers become a pure source of happiness the moment it pours … much like the transformative power of the Word of God in our lives. God’s Word too bears fruit in plenty, as Isaiah points out: “For as the rain and snow come down from heaven, and do not return there until they have watered the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and succeed in the thing for which I sent it.” (Is 55:10-11)

Turkana, the northern region of Kenya, has always been known as the “harsh” land … often a desolate expanse, with straggling trees and vegetation. At this time of the year, the sun beats down relentlessly, scorching the earth; the wind whips up the dust devils, which spiral across the dry landscape. It rains once or twice in a year or, on some years, it fails to rain at all.

That is why even light showers will transform the land. Imagine how it would be if this land was receiving rains every day or month, it would be teeming with life!

At the start of this year, we began to experience something peculiar. The rains have indeed been falling albeit sporadically, and this has brought happiness to the people. The landscape has been transformed … an expanse of soft green has pleasantly covered the land; observing this from the top of Lobur Mission especially, the terrain appears amazingly changed. The gentle breeze produces undulating waves on the carpet of grass and flowers. Every tree has fresh buds and newly-formed leaves, while millions of little insects teem in the vegetation. The dust cover is gone, and the livestock have something fresh to feed on.

This transformative power of rain on all living creatures illustrates the power of God’s Word in our daily lives, as the Prophet Isaiah rightly pointed out. We do not find peace, joy and happiness when our hearts are dry like a barren land, with selfish forces, akin to the strong, hot winds, making us harbour intentions that are unhealthy and unkind towards others.

But when God’s Word sinks into us and we interiorise it, we too are transformed. We learn to love … and many others find comfort in us because of the new life gained, very much like the newly-sprouted shoots and branches that host birds and insects.

Thus, those who receive God’s Word have the capacity to make the lives of others better and more noble. Just as rain transforms the barren terrain into a flourishing landscape, the values of the Gospel have the power to bring abundance and fruitfulness into our lives, nurturing the seeds of hope and kindness that is sown in the soil of our existence. The Word of God, like the rains in Turkana, has the potential to turn barren lifelessness into a harvest of virtues, bringing forth the fruits of love, compassion and joy in abundance.

We are much privileged to be receiving His Word every day in our lives. Therefore, like the barren land soaking in the rains that fall from the heavens, may our hearts too thirst and yearn for the Word of God daily and be transformed by it so that we may attain newness of life in and with Christ.

By Louis Mkweza, MCSPA Apprentice.
St. John Evangelist, Lobur Mission, Turkana, Kenya.

Dermatological Project at Nariokotome Mission

25 February 2024 Posted by General News, Mission, News, Project 0 thoughts on “Dermatological Project at Nariokotome Mission”

On 22 February 2024, we inaugurated the Derma Nariokotome Project which aims to support the local population of Nariokotome by manufacturing soaps and creams that help improve health and control skin diseases.

This initiative is sponsored by Cantabria Labs. The premises of Derma Nariokotome was blessed by Frs. Antonio Aguirre and Zacchaeus Okoth. For the inauguration Patrizia Aniballi, Scholastica Wamalwa, Lenny Jilo, Lydia Imbala and Lucia Blasi were present. We also had a small representation from Cantabria Labs: Antonio Matji, Marta Domínguez, Tere Sanz, Toñi García, and Pepa Sardinero.

Derma Nariokotome has as its patrons Sts. Cosmas and Damian, two physician-pharmacist saints who devoted their lives to helping the sick by providing them with “miraculous remedies”. In return, these saints only asked to speak of Jesus, becoming physicians of both body and soul.

Lenny Jilo will be in charge of the project with Samuel Kapua as director. Samuel is trained to formulate and manufacture everything needed; he was educated at the mission since he was a child, thanks to a sponsorship by Cantabria Labs, which also continues to support us in development and education projects in the Nariokotome area.

By Patrizia Aniballi, Lenny Jilo and representatives from Cantabria Labs.
Nariokotome Mission




Improving Learning Through Chess

20 July 2023 Posted by education, General News, MCSPA, Mission, News, Project 0 thoughts on “Improving Learning Through Chess”


This month, we have enjoyed promoting chess practice in two of our missions in Turkana. We want to help develop the skills of this game to positively impact the children’s academic level and the teachers’ work.

Thanks to Colombian friends and other benefactors of the Kokuselei mission, we have been able to inaugurate 3 chess clubs in Todonyang, Riokomor, and Kokuselei. And to celebrate the First Chess Tournament at the Don Bosco Center in Kokuselei with amazing results and a very good experience for all.




Visit of Ethiopian Bishops to Madrid

28 May 2023 Posted by General News, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Visit of Ethiopian Bishops to Madrid”

This past week, a delegation of the Catholic Church in Ethiopia made up of the Cardinal Archbishop of Addis Ababa, H.E. Berhaneyesus Souraphiel, Msgr. Markos Gebremedhin, Bishop of Jimma-Bonga, Msgr. Seyoum Fransua Bishop of Hossana, and Msgr. Lesane-Christos Matheos, Bishop of Bahar-Dar, visited Madrid for three days.

They passed through Spain on their way back from a forum for the Bishops, which took place in in Lisbon, and the congregation Work of the Church hosted them those days while passing through Spain.

Members of the MCSPA have been able to organize several meetings in Madrid so that the Bishops could present the reality and needs of their country.

They visited Cáritas Spain, Ayuda a la Iglesia Necesidad, Cáritas Madrid, Manos Unidas, and Fondo para la Nueva Evangelización, as well as the Pontifical Mission Societies, and the Mission Delegation of Madrid. We thank them for their interest and support for the Church of Ethiopia, through their support of multiple projects, and its commitment to the future.

On Tuesday, the delegation of Bishops, MCSPA missionaries, secular members and volunteers from the MCSPA, were able to visit the Cardinal of Madrid, Don Carlos Osoro.

During the visit Jesús and Sara, volunteers from the mission of Muketurri, Ethiopia, and Mónica Falgás, secular member of the MCSPA, explained their commitment to the community and the missions of Ethiopia, as well as their commitment to the local church in Madrid through of the parish of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Pio XII, Madrid.

Don Carlos, was interested in the situation of the church and Ethiopia. Cardinal Berhaneyesus made an introduction to the situation of peace after the war in Tigray, and then each bishop explained about his diocese. The bishops explained that they are finishing a strategic plan for the next 10 years and that the main objective of this plan will be to invest heavily in education, as the main instrument of change in Ethiopian society.

That same afternoon, the bishops were able to celebrate mass in the parish of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Pio XII. Many people attended the mass, including the director of the pontifical mission works, Father José María Calderón, and the mission delegate of the archdiocese of Madrid. Father Calderón also invited some Orthodox Ethiopians who live in Madrid, and who gather to pray in his parish.

A lot of young people came to mass, and there was a very missionary atmosphere. The cardinal spoke about the similarities between Ethiopia and Spain as two countries with a very ancient Christian tradition. After the mass there was a time to chat and greet everyone in the church and outside the church.

The bishops have sincerely and earnestly thanked the logistical support of the MCSPA while in Madrid since their regions are in great need of support and solidarity from the universal Church.

Fr. Angel Valdivia MCSPA

10th anniversary of the death of Fr. Francisco Andreo (Paco) founder of MCSPA

19 February 2023 Posted by General News 0 thoughts on “10th anniversary of the death of Fr. Francisco Andreo (Paco) founder of MCSPA”

The MCSPA have celebrated on 15th February the 10th anniversary of the death of its founder, Fr. Francisco Andreo (Paco).

He died in Nariokotome mission after a long illness at the age of 71. His legacy remains behind with a community that is present in 4 African countries, namely Malawi, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya. The MCSPA is also present in Colombia, Mexico, Philippines and Germany.

Fr. Paco, touched the life’s of many and invited many to leave everything behind and follow Christ and be compassionate as he was. The charism of Paco and the MCSPA was forged after many years working in Turkana, feeding the hungry, giving water to the thirsty and healing the sick.

The anniversary was attended by a multitude of people from everywhere, and the Mass was presided by Rt. Rev. Dominic Kimengich, the former bishop of Lodwar and now bishop of Eldoret.

We continue praying for Fr. Paco’s eternal rest as we ask for his intercession to continue being faithful to the charism of the MCSPA.


Fr. Ángel Valdivia MCSPA

Football for Peace in Tombura-Yambio Diocese held at Ave Maria Mission

8 November 2022 Posted by General News, MCSPA 0 thoughts on “Football for Peace in Tombura-Yambio Diocese held at Ave Maria Mission”

Since last Friday we hosted 200 young soccer players from Ave Maria parish, Catholic Diocese of Tombura- Yambio, in South Sudan.

We had workshops on how to play soccer as a team without fighting or hurting each other, team building and friendship.
Players came from the following villages; Tombura, Nabanga, Akpa, Dingimo, Mozungu, Bambú, Sabamile, Ave Maria, Bariguna, Hia Matará, Rii Yubu, Bariguna. In most of these towns there were massacres last year, and now through sports we are trying to help young people reconcile and learn to live together peacefully.

Thank you the deputy Commissioner of Tombura, the Paramount chief and the Sultan for building bridges for peace.

Let’s embrace peace wherever we go and this time football for peace one of the ways of reconciliation.

Lillian – MCSPA

#mcspa #AveMariaMission #TomburaYambioDiocese #FootballForPeace

Celebrating PEACE

25 July 2022 Posted by General News 0 thoughts on “Celebrating PEACE”

Today marks one year since peace was restored between the Nyangatom and the Turkana.

A huge gathering took place in Lokwamunyen, Ethiopia. The youth from both communities danced and sung traditional songs. Everybody was cheerful and joyful.

The meeting was organized by IPC, a local NGO from Nyangatom and supported by African Union and GTZ. Authorities from Jinka Zone and Nyangatom Woreda accompanied the government representatives from Kenya, especially Turkana county and Kibish sub- county.

One culture, one language, one people the Turkana or the Nyangatom.

We continue praying for peace all over the world especially around the missions where MCSPA are working.

Lillian Omari MCSPA

Mary’s Meals visit to Lobur

22 June 2022 Posted by General News 0 thoughts on “Mary’s Meals visit to Lobur”

Today we have received the visit of Mary’s Meal Kenya from which we receive the help to feed 1,834 children with 1 meal a day in our territory of Lobur Mission alone.

Thank you for this important contribution to the Turkana children.

Maque Falgás

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March 2025