Posts in Community

Dakuna Community Celebrates the Risen Lord

2 May 2023 Posted by Church, Community, MCSPA, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Dakuna Community Celebrates the Risen Lord”

Members of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle and Mary Mother of the Church, have recently started a presence in the Eparchy of Endibir. Located 4 hours southwest of Addis Ababa, a place inhabited by people from the Gurage community, and where there is a big number of Ethiopian Catholics, who follow the Ethiopian eastern rite.

On 16th April 2023, hundreds of catholics, young and old, gathered at Holy Trinity Church, in the village of Dakuna, to celebrate Easter Sunday. During the feast, people celebrated the resurrection of the Lord as well as breaking from the 55 days fasting from animal and dairy products.

Apart from its unique mix of fascinating history, deep-rooted identity, incredible natural wonders and rare wildlife, Ethiopia is well known of maintaining the use of its own calendar which is very similar to the Julian calendar. Most of the Christians in the world celebrated Easter Sunday a week earlier, following the Gregorian calendar.  However, things were different in Ethiopia. Their Easter followed one week later.

Prior to Easter, many Christians commit themselves to extended periods of both personal and communal prayers. This is done with the sole purpose of growing closer to God and to remember Jesus’ life and death.

On Easter Vigil, all Christians of Dakuna had their candles lit to express their faith. Then drums came. And then, the joy of the Risen Lord illuminated the face of all the faithful who were gathered at Holy Trinity Church.

Following the Ethiopian tradition, most people invite their family and friends for a common meal on Easter Sunday. And of course they cannot miss the presence of traditional dishes like injera, dorowot, kitfo and kocho, which altogether give a sweet fragrance to the celebration.

By Lydiah Obok.

Celebración de la Pascua en Mombo, Malawi

2 May 2023 Posted by Church, Community, MCSPA, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Celebración de la Pascua en Mombo, Malawi”

La Pascua estuvo llena de vida en la iglesia de Mombo, parroquia de Benga, Malawi. Los cristianos cantaban con alegría que “Ha resucitado”. “Ya no está en la tumba”! Luego tuvimos 37 bautismos que incluyeron confirmaciones. Fue emotivo ver a una pareja de ancianos recibir los sacramentos. Sus débiles rodillas me recordaron nuestra fe floja. Pero con la alegría que vibraba en la iglesia abarrotada, nuestra fe se elevó y los sacramentos dieron a esta pareja de ancianos una esperanza renovada. Que la luz pascual nos fortalezca en nuestra fe débil.

P. Steven Ochieng


Ordination of Fr. Victor Otieno

22 December 2020 Posted by Community, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Ordination of Fr. Victor Otieno”

On Saturday, the Missionary Community of St Paul the Apostle, the family members and friends together with the faithful from the lake deanery of the Diocese of Lodwar, celebrated a very wonderful priestly Ordination of Fr. Victor Otieno. It was presided by Bishop Dominic Kimengich, currently the Bishop of Eldoret Diocese and the Apostolic Administrator of Lodwar Diocese. The celebration was graced and honoured by all those who attended the celebration in spite of the covid-19 restrictions. The Pontifical Missionary Children (PMC) recited beautiful poems of encouragement to celebrate the newly ordained priest.

Lourdes Larruy, representing all the member of the MCSPA, gave her testimony during the ordination about Victor, highlighting of his patience, calmness and humility during his life in the community. She explained how some years back they got a road accident in Ethiopia and despite the trouble, Victor remained calm. In January, right before his departure to the Philippines after the MCSPA General Assembly, he was involved in another accident that left him badly injured. However, we thank God that after 10 months of recovery process, “the broken Victor” can walk once again. In a nutshell, we can be sure that God wanted Fr. Victor to serve Him as a priest. We are grateful for his life and vocation.

Fr. Victor has come from very far, prior to his Ordination. He discovered his vocation through the invitation of Fr. Alex, and he spend some years in Lobur Mission learning missionary life in practice. He then pursued his philosophical studies at the University of South Africa (UNISA), and later joined Loyola School of Theology in Manila Philippines. During that time, he did several pastoral visitations and experiences in different countries which have made him appreciate the universality of the Church. He is prepared for pastoral duty at Sts. Joachim and Ann Catholic Parish Kibish where he has been appointed while residing at Lobur Catholic Mission together with Fr Alex Campón and Fr Joseph Githinji.

Let us rejoice and be glad!

Fr. Joseph Githinji MCSPA

Ordination of Deacon Victor Owino Otieno

17 December 2020 Posted by Community, News 0 thoughts on “Ordination of Deacon Victor Owino Otieno”

On 19th December 10:00 a.m. (EAT) Deacon Victor Owino Otieno will be ordained priest.

For those who are unable to attend because of Covid 19 restrictions, you can follow us via zoom under the following link.

MCSPA IT is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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Passcode: 989665

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” Mat 18:20

The Love for My Mission

9 October 2020 Posted by Community, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “The Love for My Mission”

The mission I carry is not personal but for Christ. When I see the needs of others which are more than mine, I become encouraged.

On the other hand, personal and community prayers are like fuel for my vocation. Love of mission and love for service. Trying to do good to others and being surrounded by people who see my needs at every single moment, helps me to keep moving even in challenging moments.

Fr. Joseph Githinji MCSPA

Letter from Ave Maria Mission, South Sudan

14 April 2020 Posted by Community, News 0 thoughts on “Letter from Ave Maria Mission, South Sudan”

Dear friends,

I write to you from Ave Maria Mission in Mboko, Tombura-Yambio region in South Sudan. I came here to visit our missionaries and also to discover the possibility for mission work here. We were among the last persons allowed to enter the country just before it went into lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Now there is no turning back, I will be here until the borders are opened again … God knows when!

At the moment there are apparently only 2 suspected cases of infection in South Sudan. I pray for many of you who are now either locked down or have your movements restricted. There are many who have lost their loved ones because of this virus. We pray that during these hard times, we may be strong and united in faith and spirit.

The few weeks that I have spent here in South Sudan have been wonderful and I am learning many things. I arrived with the preconceived idea that this was a poor country because of what I had seen in the media. During the flight from Juba to Yambio I could only see whole forests of mango trees laden with fruit. In Yambio town and later on at Ave Maria Mission, there were again plenty of mangoes even on the ground and no one even bothered to pick them!

As I am living in Turkana, I have the urge to pick the mangoes and carry them with me to the house to make mango juice or dry them and keep them for later. It is not good to let these precious fruits go to waste!

The most striking moments have been these last three days of the Paschal Triduum. We could not celebrate mass in the outstations because of the need for social distance. However many people have been coming to the mission, walking sometimes for 6 to 9 km, to see if perhaps the priest would allow them to attend mass at the mission. Some of the faithful cried when they heard that there would not be masses over Easter.

But we thank God that despite all this, they went back home affirmed in their faith.

Happy Easter of the Resurrection to all!

Lillian Omari, MCSPA

Ordination to the Diaconate of Victor Otieno

27 October 2019 Posted by Community, News 0 thoughts on “Ordination to the Diaconate of Victor Otieno”

This morning of the 26th of October, in the stunning Church of the Gesu at Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines), our brother Victor Otieno Owino was ordained to the order of deacon for the Diocese of Lodwar. Victor is a member of the MCSPA and has been pursuing his Theological studies at Loyola School of Theology which is affiliated to the Society of Jesus while continuing to receive his formation at the MCSPA’s St Joseph and St Francis Xavier Formation House in Cubao.

The ordaining prelate was the Most Rev. Sofronio Bancud of the Diocese of Cabanatuan (Philippines). Victor was ordained together with 8 other candidates from the Society of Jesus. In his homily, the bishop expounded on the roles of the deacon in the life of the Church.

There were representatives of the MCSPA as well as family and friends from Kenya, Malaysia, Spain, Singapore and the Philippines. For the MCSPA, it is the first time that we have had an ordination to the diaconate of one of our members from the community in the Philippines.

We thank all who have accompanied Victor in this journey for their unfailing support for him and the fledgling MCSPA Community here in Manila.

Brian Werunga, MCSPA

My Missionary Vocation: A Call to Commitment for the Poor

11 October 2019 Posted by Community, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “My Missionary Vocation: A Call to Commitment for the Poor”

I want to briefly share the testimony of my vocation in this Extraordinary Missionary Month, especially with so many young people in the world who have had the good fortune of growing up in countries and families that have given us so much. I am Colombian, and I grew up with wonderful parents and brothers with whom I joyfully lived my Catholic faith since I was a child. In addition, I grew up in one of the many parishes of the Archdiocese of Bogota, where the example of good priests attracts many to follow Christ unconditionally.
However, in spite of having so much love from people close to me, a strange dissatisfaction filled my life during the years I lived at the university. The pain of so many people in my country in permanent war and the suffering of so many people in the world, made me feel grateful for everything I had, but at the same time left my heart thirsty, hungry. Nothing satisfied me. My psychology studies did not quench my thirst for justice, my thirst to wanting to be part of God’s plan of goodness for all. Many books, much theory, but little practice, little love. Those were difficult moments: intense longings to want to change the world and not knowing how. Amidst so much confusion and dissatisfaction of a young woman from Bogota who had had everything, God put my happiness on my path, and in the most unexpected way.
A woman, a nurse and missionary in Africa for many years, invited me to be part of an exceptional family: the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle. With Cecilia’s enthusiasm, and that of many other missionaries in the group, my life found a living Jesus: transformer of a world that cries out for justice and love. I cannot forget Father Francisco Andreo – Paco-, who revolutionized all my schemes since I met him. With him, the Gospel began to be for me something alive, active, concrete, thanks to his exceptional love for those in most need and especially for Africa. The way he committed himself, from beginning to end, to those who suffer marked my vocation forever. His trust in God was amazing, and his faith in the transformation of people and places oppressed by despair continues, even today, to impel my life.
There are no words to say thanks for those moments (17 years ago) when God filled me with strength to say, “Yes, I follow you, unconditionally and for life to go where you need me”. And here I am, in a corner of Africa called Turkana, full of amazing people in the midst of extreme poverty, hunger, lack of water and scarcity of opportunities, who are slowly building a more dignified present and future, despite the countless challenges.
What a blessing to have received the mission of turning this remote place of the Turkana desert into a garden! What a joy to be part of a missionary family that wants to commit itself completely to the most underprivileged, accompanying them in a permanent way to announce to them a Christ who loves them here and now. And what a joy to find on this journey, so many generous people who help us to build the Kingdom of God.
I recognize that the faith in God of the people from Turkana and maturing together our faith in Christ, has been my great joy and an enormous responsibility that I share with my companions on the road in the mission of Kokuselei. Lay missionaries like me, with whom we are building a living and young Church in the midst of numerous people full of enthusiasm for making God present in their lives. People who need to be accompanied, shepherded, towards paths of hope, faith and love.
Here in Africa, hundreds of people are in need of good shepherds who will take them where there is life, where Jesus is. But we lack hands, missionary priests and missionary women who want to leave their own land to reach so many who are waiting for the concrete message of God’s love. Young people who want to leave everything to follow Christ and who are willing to be sent where they are needed. Young people who want to overcome ties and who are ready to walk against the direction of a world that often closes the doors to true love.
I am happy and I know that whoever follows Christ one hundred percent is happy. As a missionary, I hope that this Extraordinary Missionary Month will sow in the hearts of so many young Catholics around the world the seed of a fearless love and a love committed to the proclamation of Jesus among those in most need. I pray for vocations that will cross borders and join the universal mission of the Church.

Diana Trompetero, MCSPA

Blessing of the New Buildings of Naturomoe and the First Stone of the New Church

10 September 2019 Posted by Church, Community, News 0 thoughts on “Blessing of the New Buildings of Naturomoe and the First Stone of the New Church”

On Sunday 8th of September the community of Naturomoe gathered together to celebrate the blessing of the first buildings and the first stone of the new Church at the Prince of Peace Catholic Mission.

The celebration was attended by many people and it was very colorful. Those in attendance were South Sudanese rebels and refugees, representatives from Kakuta community, regional authorities, MCSPA members and mission staff.

The occasion started with the celebration of the Holy Mass presided by Bishop Dominic Kimengich, accompanied by Bishop Markos Gebremedhin. During his homily, Bishop Dominic expressed his happiness of seing that, what started as a dream during his first visit to the area 6 years ago was now becoming a reality.

He also stressed that it was very important that people from three different countries were present, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Kenya. And that if not brought together by God, we could have been fighting and calling each other enemies. However, thanks to the realisation of the mission, we can now stay together as brothers and sisters.

At the end of the Mass Lourdes Larruy explained the pre-history of how the mission started: 20 years ago it began as a suggestion of Mons. Silvano Tomasi, the then Apostolic Nuntio to Ethiopia, to Fr. Paco and the MCSPA members. The Nuntio said that if our community had missions in the north of Kenya, and in Wolega, Ethiopia, we could easily open a mission half way. Then this became also the dream of Fr. Paco, our founder, as he envisioned having missions as centres of life, in the style of our missions in Turkana, from Turkana to Alexandria.

After the mass the community proceeded in procession to the site where the future church will be built. The first stone was blessed and the church was dedicated to Mary Mother of the Church. Afterwards, we proceeded to the blessing of the technical buildings and staff houses.

We hope that these buildings will give the necessary logistic support to the missionaries and staff of the mission, to carry out apostolic work from Naturomoe, aimed at spreading the Good News through practical help.

We give thanks to all the friends and benefactors especially to Misso Aachen and the Nazareth Trust for supporting this project, and for all those who in one way or another have been part of this dream with your help and prayers.

Fr. Angel Valdivia MCSPA

Blessing of St. John XXIII Day Care Centre for Small Children in Kakuta

10 September 2019 Posted by Church, Community, education, News 0 thoughts on “Blessing of St. John XXIII Day Care Centre for Small Children in Kakuta”

On the afternoon of 7th September 2019, Bishops Markos Gebremedhin from Jimma-Bonga, Ethiopia, and Dominic Kimengich from Lodwar, Kenya, blessed the new St. John XXIII – Ekisil (Peace) Day care Centre for Small Children in Kakuta, Nyangatom, Ethiopia.

The celebration was very colorful and joyful as the people of Kakuta gathered to receive the two bishops, the fathers and the representatives of the MCSPA team who attended the celebration, with dances and songs.

The Day-care centre will cater for children from 3 to 6 years of age through different activities such as pre-school education, songs, health and higiene, agriculture, nutrition and peace education.

In addition the centre aims to be a place of encounter with the parents of the children, where relevant information will be shared with them, especially towards improving the education of the small children.

The new school is still in the process of being constructed. So far we have been able to complete one classroom, with a second one under construction, and the fence. We thank all the benefactors and friends who have been supporting this project, especially Trekking for Kids, Fundación Kyrene and Ekisil Group.

We continue asking for your prayers and support to be able to provide a better life for the children of Kakuta.

Fr. David Escrich MCSPA

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