Posts in Community

A Day of Celebration in Nyangatom, Ethiopia

30 December 2023 Posted by Church, Community, MCSPA, Mission 0 thoughts on “A Day of Celebration in Nyangatom, Ethiopia”

Greetings from the Prince of Peace Catholic mission at Nyangatom, Ethiopia. It is our hope that everybody is happy with the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are also very happy to share with everybody the great news of the opening of our newly built Assembly Hall, built on the top of Naturomoe Hill, and the dedication of the mission to the Prince of Peace and Our Lady of the Embrace. The new building has been blessed by His Lordship Markos Gebremedhin, Bishop of Jimma-Bonga Apostolic Vicariate. Also in attendance were the Apostolic Nuncio to Ethiopia, Archbishop Antoaine Camillieri, and Msgr. John Mbinda CSSP, Bishop of Lodwar Diocese, Kenya.

The name Naturomoe is a Nyangatom word that means “the enemies have escaped”, and indeed, up to recent times, this was a place of violent conflict and a corridor used by cattle rustlers from different communities such as the Turkana of Kenya, Nyangatom of Ethiopia and Toposa of South Sudan. They could meet in this place just to fight.

Thanks to God’s divine Mercy, this reality has been changing for the last two years.

Today we are so happy because the blessing of the new Hall and the dedication of the Mission to the Prince of Peace and Our Lady of the Embrace gives the peace of God a chance to be well rooted in this area where before nobody dreamt of building a permanent house.

The goal of our mission is evangelization and fostering peace and development.

It is our hope that with the new building of the local community will be able to gain cohesion and peace that comes from the heart.

Our sincere gratitudes goes to those who have helped us achieve such a milestone.

We wish everybody a very happy and blessed holidays and a prosperous new year 2024.











Ronas Garden, Manila Philippines

4 December 2023 Posted by Community, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Ronas Garden, Manila Philippines”

Ronas Garden is the squatter area with probably the worst conditions among the depressed areas of Barangay Loyola Heights in Quezon City. This area is between Xavierville Avenue and Apostol Street. The only entrance and exit gate is a narrow pathway between the two high cement walls. The number of families in this slum area is recorded as 350 adults. The majority of these families are young mothers who gave birth at an early age. Most of them are unemployed while some secure casual jobs as cooks, caregivers, gardeners and drivers (for the men), offered by some well-to-do families in the neighbourhoods. 

It is in this context that the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostles (MCSPA), under the guidance of Fr. Francis and Fr. Alex saw the need to engage the community in some ways that could help to boost their basic needs. We devised a programme of milk distribution to supplement the diet of the malnourished children in this slum. The programme involves supplying specific powdered milk recommended by the paediatricians on a monthly basis to the children, and as well as monitoring their growth and giving moral support to the mothers. The quantity supplied is enough to last them till the next supply. The genuine smiles of both mothers and children during the distribution signifies their appreciation and that acts as a source of encouragement for us to keep this programme going.

The resilience, hard work, and determination of the young mothers striving to raise their children gives us motivation to reach out to this community and share with them the little we have, as we have seen and believe that there is more joy in giving than in receiving. Currently we have a total of twenty children in the programme aged between 4 and 7 years old who have carefully selected from the most needy families. We intend to increase the number of the beneficiaries in the near future depending on the capacity and the available resources.

Zackayo and Teddy.



A Road that Leads to Hope

27 October 2023 Posted by Community, Project 0 thoughts on “A Road that Leads to Hope”

Greetings from Naturomoe Prince of Peace Catholic Mission. We wish to share with you the progress of the road construction to Naita. This is an essential connector project for the communities of southwest Ethiopia, northwest Kenya, and eastern Equatoria state in South Sudan. The main aim is to bring peace and development to isolated communities based around the Naita range that have suffered from conflict and marginalization for decades. This project has been one of our main priorities since the members of the Missionary Community of St. Paul started working almost 10 years ago in Nyangatom. We intend to give access to basic social-pastoral services to the people. The work is about to reach its goal, as we can see the Naita Mountain very close by.

Constant meetings with the local people and the leaders of the Nyangatom Woreda (local government) have been very important to ensure that the work is efficient, and security is provided for the sugar factory Omo 5 bulldozer and its operators. In a recent meeting with the local community of Lotuko, a Ngikoporea was very encouraging. The people are willing to cooperate with the mission and the local government in whatever it takes, to bring the road project to fulfillment.

One can tell from the excitement of the people that they have longed for something very fundamental in their lives. They are hopeful of getting socio-pastoral services with the completion of the project. The people believe that before the road was opened, they never existed. It is now that they know they exist because they are able to see people coming to them. Speaking in one of the encounters, an elder emphasized that the opening of the road will help to bring peace among three conflicting communities namely; Turkana (of Kenya), Toposa (South Sudan), and Nyangatom (Ethiopia). He said in a very emotional manner: “We have been hearing about the coming of the road for the past 10-15 years. Now I am very sure that we will have access to socio-pastoral services such as health, water, education, and pastoral attention. Before the road was started it was like we never existed. We were forgotten and is like we never existed. I am very happy today because I know that we exist as human beings. We can see people coming closer to us”.

We hope that once the project is finished, we will be able to reach out to them easily. We hope to open outstations and bring the Gospel to them, go periodically for mobile clinics, and provide them with water as it is one of the biggest challenges that the people face.


Daniel Jepter, apprentice of the MCSPA



Onwards with Education in Riokomor and Kokuselei

20 October 2023 Posted by Community, education, MCSPA, Mission, Project 0 thoughts on “Onwards with Education in Riokomor and Kokuselei”

These days we are especially attentive to our students from Riokomor and Kokuselei who are taking their national exams in the public schools of these two places.

They have all been part of a journey started by the families of these children and the MCSPA missionaries present in these communities. It is a journey in which we all continue to learn that only generosity in favor of the little ones will guarantee a better present and future, especially when water, nutrition, and health are assured.

We are happy that many of them are completing their primary school studies and that, little by little, they can open the doors to new opportunities to improve the lives of their families and communities.

We thank all those who make it possible for children and young people in this beautiful place in the north of Turkana to have the possibility of studying. And we encourage more people to join us and support the education of all of them, so full of talent and enthusiasm to improve!

Summary of Activities in ‘El Paraiso’ Mexico

8 October 2023 Posted by Community, education, MCSPA, Mission, Project 0 thoughts on “Summary of Activities in ‘El Paraiso’ Mexico”

Dear friends and family,
We would like to share with you the summary updates of the activities that we have done in the previous months in ‘El Paraiso’:

Psychological support to families:

  • A professor and some of the students of Psychopedagogy from Emiliano Zapata University visit us every 15 days, organising some activities with the children and youth.
  • Two outings have been organised to visit Cumbres High School, north campus, together with children and mothers from Paraiso. Activities such as; celebrations, sports games and recreation, impacted positively on coexistence and the creation of bonds of friendship between youth, children and their families

. We would like to thank all the friends who took part in the Children’s Day celebration, where 150 people attended joyfully. 

  • UVM students and professors also conduct workshops with the youth and children twice a week to implement Psychosocial intervention. Moreover, constant visits by Psychologists and therapists provide psychological support to different groups of people and individuals in Paraiso, as well as sharing some advice to the most committed volunteers.

Health and Nutrition:

  • Hygiene evaluations, reviews and workshops on dental health have been carried out by a Dentist every 15 days. We are looking forward to receiving more support to provide dental treatments.
  • Students and teachers from Cumbres high school, implemented a study among people with a high level of diabetes, they formulated evaluations, and specific care guidelines in each case and supported several families with glucometers and lancets.
  • Slowly, we continue to equip the dispensary with medicine donations. Through this, we have a “mini pharmacy” in which patients can get medical prescriptions.

We continue with our support for the chronically ill people with their treatments, physiotherapy, transport and shopping of medicines.

  • With the collaboration of UVM-Medicine University and some friends, we distributed 60 pantries to different families in Paraiso.

Veterinary Campaign:

  • The organisation of a cat and dog sterilisation campaign was done in Paraiso. To make the campaign successful, 100 animals had to be sterilised, we achieved 122!

Housing Programme:

  • With the special collaboration of ‘Dibujando otra Realidad, AC’, training was offered to the families on the construction of houses. So far, we are almost finishing another wooden house. 9 houses were built with the help of ‘Moviendo a Más’ group and  ‘Un techo para mi país’ in El Paraíso.

We thank God for allowing us to achieve an impact on the actions of love, hope and solidarity between the families, friends and close collaborators of the MCSPA in Mexico for supporting the mission of El Paraíso in Xochimilco in its different dimensions. Lastly, we also extend our gratitude to appreciate all the collaborators from different trenches of the world for the love and support that keeps us going.


“… However, he also offered us a supportive shoulder to lean on.”

4 September 2023 Posted by Community, MCSPA 0 thoughts on ““… However, he also offered us a supportive shoulder to lean on.””



The Legion of Mary Came on a Pilgrimage to Ave Maria Mission.

16 August 2023 Posted by Church, Community, MCSPA 0 thoughts on “The Legion of Mary Came on a Pilgrimage to Ave Maria Mission.”

The group of the Legion of Mary organized a wonderful pilgrimage to Ave Maria mission in the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio (CDTY), on the 11th of August 2023 for the celebration of the Assumption of the most Blessed virgin Mary on the 15th of August today whereby the new members devoted themselves to the Blessed virgin Mary and the old members renewed their devotion.
This is an annual incident in the month of August that all the members of the Legion of Mary from all the outstations of Ave Maria Parish come walking while carrying their food stuffs and sleeping mats, some as far as 54 Kilometers. They come together for prayers and the priest in charge teach them on what to do in their various places. The group of the Legion of Mary is one of the devotional groups in the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio (CDTY) which consists of both adults and children who have a special devotion to the most Blessed Virgin Mary, the total number of the legion of Mary who turned up for the pilgrimage this year are 207 which 51 of them are the new members who devoted themselves earlier today in the Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Avellino Bassols the parish priest of Ave Maria Parish, who preached to them about humility, as Mary humbled herself to go and stay with her kinswoman Elizabeth after she got the news from Angel Gabriel and he encouraged them to continue praying for peace in the country as the church of Ave Maria is preparing to launch its centenary celebration on the 8th of December this year.
The members of the Legion of Mary were extremely excited to have new members who have made up their minds to devote themselves to the Blessed Virgin Mary and also to have their pilgrimage in Ave Maria church which is the second largest church in South Sudan, a proposed shrine of Mother Mary in the country.


Blessing of the new St. Scholastica Mission in Dakuna, Emdibir, Ethiopia

7 August 2023 Posted by Community, MCSPA, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Blessing of the new St. Scholastica Mission in Dakuna, Emdibir, Ethiopia”

MCSPA members and apprentices are thrilled to announce the blessing of a new mission of our community in Dakuna, Eparchy of Emdibir, Ethiopia (200km approximately west from Addis).

1 year ago, Bishop Musie Gebregiorgis, from Emdibir, invited two of our missionaries, Josephine Amuma and Lydiah Obok to begin a mission in this area.

The occasion was blessed with several diocesan priests, a deacon and a good representation of the religious communities of the Diocese and the local community. Also were present a sound number from the MCSPA communities from Ethiopia, Kenya, Philippines and Spain.

They travelled all the time way from their places to celebrate and accompany Josephine and Lydiah in their new mission.

The feast nicely coincided with the Solemnity of the Transfiguration of Our Lord. Since it is placed on a high hill, the bishop compared Dakuna mission to Mount Tabor; a place where people come to pray and to receive the love from God through his Son. Bishop Musie started the celebration by blessing the house and followed with the Eucharist which took place in the hall of the community complex.

St Scholastica, being the patron saint of the mission, blessed us with a rainy day. A portrait of the saint was also blessed by the bishop.

Josephine Amuma



Ordenación Sacerdotal de Zacchaeus Okoth en Nariokotome

24 June 2023 Posted by Church, Community, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Ordenación Sacerdotal de Zacchaeus Okoth en Nariokotome”

Hoy, en la solemnidad del nacimiento de San Juan Bautista, el 24 de junio, la MCSPA y la Iglesia Católica en Turkana se regocijan con el regalo del recién ordenado sacerdote misionero Zacchaeus Okoth. La ceremonia de ordenación tuvo lugar la hermosa iglesia de San Pablo Apóstol en Nariokotome, Kenia. El ambiente estaba lleno de alegría y oración, con familiares, amigos, fieles y simpatizantes que vinieron a presenciar la gran ocasión cuando Zaqueo, quien ha pasado por años de formación, ha sido finalmente ordenado sacerdote por Mons. John Mbinda, obispo de la diócesis de Lodwar.

La ceremonia de ordenación fue seguida de una alegre celebración, durante la cual el sacerdote recién ordenado recibió las felicitaciones y bendiciones de los sacerdotes, miembros de la MCSPA, familiares y amigos. Ha sido un día de celebración lleno de gracia para la MCSPA, ya que acoge en su redil a un nuevo misionero, que continuará el carisma de la comunidad al estilo de San Pablo, y llevará la palabra de Dios hasta los confines de la tierra.

La celebración finalizó con una procesión de acción de gracias y recepción para todos. Deseamos a Zaqueo lo mejor en su misión, orando para que el espíritu de Dios esté siempre con él. También roguemos a Dios, por intercesión de San José, que el ejemplo de Zaqueo inspire y toque el corazón de muchos jóvenes, a ser valientes para dejar todo atrás y seguir una vocación misionera.

Michael Mwangi Aprendiz de la MCSPA

Priestly Ordination of Zacchaeus Okoth in Nariokotome

24 June 2023 Posted by Church, Community, Mission, News 0 thoughts on “Priestly Ordination of Zacchaeus Okoth in Nariokotome”

Today, on the solemnity of the birthday of Saint John the Baptist, June 24, the MCSPA and the Catholic Church in Turkana rejoice with the gift of the newly ordained missionary priest Zacchaeus Okoth. The ordination ceremony took place at a beautiful church of St. Paul the Apostle in Nariokotome, Kenya. The atmosphere was filled with happiness and prayer, with family, friends, faithful and well-wishers who came to witness the great occasion as Zacchaeus, who has undergone years of formation, is finally ordained priest by Msgr. John Mbinda, Bishop of the Diocese of Lodwar.

The ordination ceremony was followed by a cheerful celebration, during which the newly ordained priest received the congratulations and blessings of the priests, members of the MCSPA, family, and friends. It has been a graceful day of celebration for the MCSPA, as it welcomes a new missionary into its fold, who will carry on the charism of the community in the style of Saint Paul, and spread the word of God to the ends of the earth.

The celebration ended with the thanksgiving procession and a reception for everyone. We wish Zacchaeus well in his mission, praying that the spirit of God will be with him always. We also pray to God, through the intercession of St. Joseph, that the example of Zacchaeus may inspire and touch the hearts of many young people, to be brave to leave everything behind and follow a missionary vocation.

Michael Mwangi Aprendiz MCSPA

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