Posts in Community

A Belated Celebration

3 March 2025 Posted by Community, MCSPA 0 thoughts on “A Belated Celebration”

Benga Mission in Malawi had a late commemorative celebration of Fr Francisco Andreo’s 12th Death Anniversary. It was held only last Sunday when all members and apprentices could be present.

We were also blessed with the presence of Fr. Albert Salvans at Benga Mission. The day began with Holy Mass, presided by Fr. Albert, and the celebration concluded with the blessing of trees and planting of a mango tree in the parish compound.

Benga Mission’s tree-planting campaign is ongoing, and we are fundraising to plant 2,000 trees in Benga Parish.


Emmanuel Masiku

Junior Apprentice

Benga Mission

A New Auxiliary Bishop for Addis Ababa

4 February 2025 Posted by Church, Community, News 0 thoughts on “A New Auxiliary Bishop for Addis Ababa”

Today, we are happy to celebrate the appointment of a dear friend of the MCSPA, Abuna Tesfaye Tadesse Gebresilasie, the Superior General of the Comboni Missionaries, as the Auxiliary Bishop of Addis Ababa.

Representatives of the Catholic Church from across all regions of Ethiopia, Africa, Asia, Europe, and America were present, including many missionaries, making this a most moving and universal celebration: the Church united in joy and strengthened by the bonds of collaboration and faith.

We pray for Abuna Tesfaye’s new appointment of shepherding the Ethiopian Catholic Church hand-in-hand with Berhaneyesus Cardinal Souraphiel in these challenging times.

May God bless you, Bishop Tesfaye and do count on our prayers!

By Amanda Falgas and Maria Vidal
MCSPA Junior Apprentice

“Another Kind of Christmas” at the Missions

4 January 2025 Posted by Community, MCSPA 0 thoughts on ““Another Kind of Christmas” at the Missions”

Both Nariokotome and Kokuselei Missions were delighted to have visitors from Strathmore University of Nairobi and their Kenyan and international partners come by our missions in the Diocese of Lodwar. The visiting team carried out educational activities in English, leadership workshops, youth mentoring and mentoring of women in micro-businesses during a week leading up to Christmas.

The girls appreciated the opportunity to learn leadership skills to become more responsible and better learners. The women’s group from Nariokotome were happy to gain knowledge for future business initiatives that would improve their livelihoods, while the youth also appreciated the opportunity to interact with the team, learn about mental health, personal relationships and guidance to improve their academic level and possible future career.

The MCSPA thanks the “Another Kind of Christmas” team and Strathmore University for their support in the education of children and youth from their missions in Nariokotome and Kokuselei.

Diana Trompetero and Fr. Zacchaeus Oduor, Members
Kokuselei and Nariokotome Missions (KENYA)

United and Working Towards Promoting Nature Through the Care for the Environment

11 December 2024 Posted by Community, MCSPA 0 thoughts on “United and Working Towards Promoting Nature Through the Care for the Environment”

While global warming is at its peak, there’s no doubt that it is rapidly becoming our new normal. In these present times, some places across the world have experienced the change in their climate where temperatures have risen. This has mostly affected large water-bodies which have kept on growing while others are drastically drying up. Before it gets too late, it is time that each and every human being, takes the primary responsibility to be promoters of the good of the environment. This means caring for earth’s green layer by caring for the already existing trees and planting more so as to enjoy all the benefits that come from trees: for food, for medicinal uses, for shade and wind-break, a habitat for animals and humans. The recycling of plastics that contaminate the environment could also positively contribute towards saving nature. If all could unite and work towards promoting the care for nature, life on earth could be much better than what it is now.

At Kokuselei Mission, in Turkana (Kenya), the children of St Joseph’s Konokono Centre are starting to take a lead towards promoting the care of nature through caring for trees and planting more trees that will later be beneficial for the local people living around Kokuselei. This group of children delight in cleaning the environment by collecting plastics around Kokuselei and reusing them for planting and decorative purposes. Together with the help of the missionaries at Kokuselei Mission, they have gone ahead and created St Francis of Assisi Environmental Club through which they will be coordinating activities related to the care of the environment.

All these are moves towards a better world, more beautiful and environment-friendly. The more young people grow up with this kind of sensitivity for the care of the environment, the better, as this will be a seed planted in their hearts that is assured to grow through the generations and bear good fruit.

Fridah Ejore,
MCSPA Apprentice.
Kokuselei Mission, Turkana (Kenya)


MCSPA Formation Meetings 2024

6 July 2024 Posted by Community, MCSPA 0 thoughts on “MCSPA Formation Meetings 2024”

Every year, members and apprentice together with members of the Secular Branch of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA), gather at Nariokotome Mission in Turkana, Kenya, for a series of meetings and “encounters”. At these gatherings, we reflect on our life as missionaries and imbibe on the charism and original inspiration of Fr. Paco, our founder. This would involve a series of talks on various topics and issues. We also take advantage of the presence of the different groups to do training and on-going formation.

This year, our Formation Meetings commenced on 24th June with members and apprentices eagerly participating in sessions on Mary, Mother of the Church; St. Joseph, patron of the Universal Church; and also the role of women in the formation of priests. One session focussed on the latter theme, from the point of view of anthropology, theology and ecclesiology, and how mature women members have a balancing role in the discernment journey of members and apprentices, including those being formed to the priesthood. Ester Ciancas, a Secular Branch member, expressed her joy at realising that in the Church, women do have a significant role to play in the formation of priests.

Following the Formation Meetings, members and senior apprentices embarked on a retreat led by Fr. Marcel Uwineza, SJ, who is the Principle of Hekima University College. Throughout the series of enlightening talks, Fr. Marcel underscored the twin virtues of forgiveness and reconciliation as essential elements for maintaining harmony within our community. The retreat provided a fertile ground for introspection and dialogue among the MCSPA members and senior apprentices.

While retreat was being conducted, the junior apprentices underwent sessions on Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults, acknowledging the crucial importance of this in all of our ministries and community life.

On the last day of the retreat, we were honoured to have Bishop John Mbinda, the local ordinary of the Diocese of Lodwar, visiting the community gathered at Nariokotome Mission. He led us in the Eucharistic celebration on the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle. In his homily, the Bishop reminded the members of the MCSPA that just like the apostles were sent, they were also being sent by the Lord. He added that all of us are unique in one way or another and that our uniqueness is not be a burden to others rather a blessing.

By Stephano Ziba,
Senior Apprentice, MCSPA


Peter, Forever in Our Hearts!

8 May 2024 Posted by Community, MCSPA, Mission 0 thoughts on “Peter, Forever in Our Hearts!”

Today, at Nariokotome Mission, we commemorated the 3rd death anniversary of Peter Ndung’u Chege, a member of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostles (MCSPA).

The eucharistic celebration in his memory was presided over by Fr. Zacchaeus Okoth. During the mass, memories of the good works he did were shared. We thank God for his life and we ask you all to continue praying for the eternal repose of Peter’s soul, his family and the MCSPA fraternity.

Peter, forever in our hearts!

By Lydia Imbala MCSPA,
Nariokotome Mision.




Youth Mentorship Workshop at Nariokotome Mission

24 April 2024 Posted by Community, MCSPA 0 thoughts on “Youth Mentorship Workshop at Nariokotome Mission”

In mid-April, we received visitors coming from Strathmore University in Nairobi at Nariokotome Mission. The Strathmore team, comprised of 2 staff members, alumni of the school and students – a total of 12 persons. The group spent 7 days engaging with the local youth of Nariokotome. Their mission was to mentor and educate the youth on various aspects of life such as academic, economic, social and spiritual matters.

Throughout their visit, the mentors covered topics such as careers and career choices, the dangers of drugs and substance abuse, youth and the church, and healthy relationships with the opposite sex. The interactions also included drama, English Language competition, song and dance. They also had a friendly football match where the local team showcased superior skills against the visitors! Additionally, this visit served as a valuable cultural exchange, allowing the Strathmore team to immerse themselves in the rich heritage of the Turkana people.

These topics were selected with the aim of helping the youth lead a purposeful life, inspiring them to dream big, and instilling confidence in their academic pursuits and future career choices, be it in colleges or technical institutions.

The Strathmore mentors are optimistic that their efforts will have a lasting impact on the lives of the youth, thereby encouraging them to lead fulfilling and responsible lives.

We had a chance to take our visitors to see interesting sites nearby. They visited the “Turkana or Nariokotome Boy” monument commemorating the site of the discovery of a nearly-complete fossil skeleton of a Homo Ergaster youth who lived some 1.5 to 1.6 million years ago. A short trip was made to Lake Turkana, the world’s largest permanent desert and alkaline lake.

Following the effective mentorship workshop, both the Nariokotome and Strathmore teams have come up with many ideas and plans for the future. We are considering the following concrete plans for the future:

1. Making this mentorship programme an annual encounter during the school holidays;
2. Working out an arrangement that would allow Strathmore students to undertake their service-based learning program in Nariokotome community projects; and
3. Making a support plan towards the various Nariokotome projects by students, staff and friends of the University.


By Brian Siara
Apprentice, MCSPA
Nariokotome Mission


MCSPA Holds Teachers’ Workshop on Safeguarding in Turkana

3 April 2024 Posted by Community, education, Project 0 thoughts on “MCSPA Holds Teachers’ Workshop on Safeguarding in Turkana”

The MCSPA members in Turkana organized a 2-day workshop for teachers working in MCSPA-run and sponsored schools focused on matters of safeguarding. The workshop dealt with corporal punishment and alternative disciplining mechanisms, and how to create a child-friendly environment in schools and also child-growth and development.

Teachers and child care agents came from the 4 missions of Nariokotome, Kokuselei, Lobur and Todonyang. The facilitator of the workshop was Prof. George Muthaa, Deputy Principal Academics and Finance at Turkana University College. It was a colourful day and the participants were generally happy with the input and content of the workshop.

At the end of the workshop, the participants were issued with certificates and safeguarding commitment forms.

We hope that this event will mark the beginning of a renewed commitment by teachers in our schools to embrace the safeguarding policies that MCSPA upholds.

Fr. Wycliffe Ochieng, MCSPA
Todonyang Mission



The “Special Room” of Muketuri Mission: An Option for the Vulnerable

7 March 2024 Posted by Community, education 0 thoughts on “The “Special Room” of Muketuri Mission: An Option for the Vulnerable”

Today, March 05, we had a grand celebration at the Children’s Special Education Room at Muketuri. The 9 special-needs children, together with their parents, teachers, volunteers and missionaries, celebrated the birthday of all the children with a huge cake topped with candles, and a large typical Ethiopian bread with presents for all the children and teachers.

This “Special Room” started 12 years ago in order to overcome the tremendous challenge for persons with slower learning capacities who are stigmatised in their society. It all began when we first encountered Workine and Tigist, two children paralysed with leukodystrophy degeneration and hidden inside their homesteads, severely malnourished. It took much effort on our part to convince their parents that their children’s condition was neither a punishment nor a curse. At first, it was difficult to find a person to work with them but we eventually found Aberash, a loving mother who had gone through very much with the sickness of her own child Yohanes.

Soon, more children came and more women were accepted to work at the “Special Room”. Though they had little studies, these women learned a lot from volunteers coming from Chile and Spain: professionals, psychologists, therapists etc.

Today 9 children and 4 teachers are stationed at the Room: children with Down’s Syndrome, autism, hemiparesis … all of them receiving medical care, nutrition and therapy. Last year we built a physiotherapy room, where each child has his or her own PT material to improve his or her capacities.

Recently the parents of the children had the opportunity to meet a Spanish mother of a child with autism; the impact of sharing experiences and feelings proved very supportive and moving.

Now, after all these years, the people of Muketuri know that at the St. Joseph Mother and Child Centre, there are special-needs children who at one time were kept from public view and whom no one wished to talk about. Now all the children at the nursery know and play with these children, some of whom cannot walk or talk, while some make “strange” movements, but they all laugh and play together as children do. These “special-needs children” are considered human beings like everyone else, and while their condition remains a mystery, they are accepted and their families no longer reject them.

It has been a long and difficult journey, and while it continues to be challenging still, these children have grown; some are already teenagers. Their presence forms an integral part of the Mission, making the latter a concrete sign of an option for welcoming the most vulnerable in our midst.

By Lourdes Larruy, MCSPA
Muketuri Mission, Ethiopia

Bishop John Mbinda’s Pastoral Visit to Lobur Mission

3 March 2024 Posted by Community, MCSPA, Mission 0 thoughts on “Bishop John Mbinda’s Pastoral Visit to Lobur Mission”

Lobur Mission marked a memorable day on February 27 when the faithful celebrated the blessing and official opening of St. Irene’s Primary School by Rt. Rev. John Mbinda, Bishop of Lodwar, who arrived a day earlier to performances by pupils from the school. The MCSPA members gave an animated and interesting account of the historical trajectory of this mission.

St. Irene’s Primary School was initiated in 2018 with only a small number of children. It has progressed from nursery to Class 1, and now reaching up to Class 5 and with a total intake of 207 pupils with the support of well-wishers from Spain who generously funded the entire project under the supervision of Maque Falgas, a member of the Secular Branch of the MCSPA. The construction of the new buildings commenced in 2021 involving the participation of the villagers. The school is expected to bring about a significant change in the education sector within the parish and also to act as a peace-building initiative in the Ilemi Triangle, a border region shared by Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan.

After the blessing of the school, Bishop Mbinda also conferred the sacrament of Confirmation on 150 candidates from the different out-stations within Sts. Joachim and Anne Parish. This number attests to the vibrant and growing Christian community in the area, serving as an optimistic indicator of a successful endeavour of evangelization. Special thanks go to Fr. Joseph Githinji, the Parish Priest, and Fr. Andrew Yakulula, the Assistant Priest, for dedicating their zeal and energy to the missionary work taking place at Lobur Mission.

The bishop expressed his appreciation for the large number confirmands and for all the initiatives that led to the construction and opening of St. Irene’s Primary School. It is our hope that the faith may continue to grow among the people of this region and that peaceful co-existence may become a reality.

By Louis Mkweza, MCSPA Apprentice
St. John the Evangelist Lobur Mission, Turkana, Kenya.

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March 2025