Posts in Church

Benga Parish Celebrates 11th Anniversary and Honors Mary, Mother of the Church

23 May 2024 Posted by Church, MCSPA 0 thoughts on “Benga Parish Celebrates 11th Anniversary and Honors Mary, Mother of the Church”

On May 20, Benga Parish marked its 11th anniversary of erection with a dual celebration, expressing gratitude to Mary, Mother of the Church, who is also the patroness and mother of the parish.

In his homily, the Parish Priest, Fr. Steven Ochieng, emphasized the parish’s growth and maturity over the years. “We are no longer children; we have matured as a church,” Fr. Steven remarked. With this maturity comes the responsibility to develop our parish independently. Despite the challenges we may face, we should always remember to turn to Mary, who intercedes for us to her son, Jesus Christ.

The celebration was a profound reminder of the parish’s journey and the continual support and guidance of Mary, reinforcing the community’s commitment to their faith and to each other.

Brian Mandala
Junior Apprentice,
Benga Mission, Malawi


Rosary for Peace

17 May 2024 Posted by Church, MCSPA, Mission, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Rosary for Peace”

At Ave Maria Mission in South Sudan, we have started the Rosary for Peace. These times of insecurity in the Tombura area and this being the month of Mary, we are holding the recitation of the rosary and a daily procession while praying for peace to prevail in the area.

We invite you all, dear friends, to join us in countering violence by praying the Rosary. May Mother Mary hear our prayers!


by Lillian Omari, MCSPA
Ave Maria Mission,
South Sudan



8 May 2024 Posted by Church, MCSPA 0 thoughts on “MELKAM FASIKA!”

The Ethiopian Christian tradition, also known as the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, is one of the oldest Christian denominations in the world. It traces its origins to the early centuries of Christianity and has a unique heritage and practices that set it apart from other Christian traditions. One distinctive aspect is its use of the Ge’ez language in liturgical services, which adds a sense of historical continuity and cultural identity. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church also follows the teachings of the Coptic Christian Church, with a strong emphasis on monasticism, fasting, and liturgical worship.

Ethiopian Christians observe ancient traditions such as the Ark of the Covenant, which they believe is housed in the Church of St. Mary of Zion in Axum. They also have unique religious festivals, such as Timkat (Epiphany), Meskel (Finding of the True Cross), and Fasika (Easter), which are celebrated with colorful processions, prayers, and rituals.

The Ethiopian Catholic Church follows the same liturgical calendar as the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Hence, yesterday we celebrated Easter here at Nyangatom Mission. It was a colorful celebration – simple but moviing. The baptism of 29 young persons made it special. Eventhough you may have already celebrated it some time back, we still would like to wish everybody a Happy Easter, Melkam Fasika!

Fr. David Escrich, MCSPA
Prince of Peace Catholic Mission


Vocation Sunday

24 April 2024 Posted by Church 0 thoughts on “Vocation Sunday”

Matthew 9:37 declares that “The harvest is abundant but the labourers are few”! The philosophy students of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA) studying at the Inter-Congregational Institute of Philosophy (ICI) at Balaka in Malawi went out on Good Shepherd Sunday to promote vocations in the Catholic Church, but in especially, vocations to the priesthood.

“Perhaps you are being called to a life of consecrated service as a priest or religious. Or maybe your vocation is to live out your faith in the midst of the world – as a parent, teacher, doctor or in some other profession. Whatever it may be, know that your vocation is a precious gift, and that God has a plan and purpose for your life.” These words of Rt. Rev. Montfort Stima, Bishop of Mangochi Diocese, who was the main celebrant at St. Louis Catholic Church, Balaka, left many youth present with the zeal for working towards a vocation journey.

Dear friends, may Vocation Sunday be a time of renewed commitment to living out our God-given callings. Let us go forth from this place with hearts on fire, ready to serve the Lord with gladness.


By Kevin Rakara,
Apprentice, MCSPA
Balaka, Malawi

Youth Conference on Mission at Iloilo, Philippines

14 March 2024 Posted by Church, MCSPA, Mission 0 thoughts on “Youth Conference on Mission at Iloilo, Philippines”

Fr. Alex Campón and Cosmus Onyango of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle, on Saturday, March 9, attended a Youth Conference on the theme “Mission Talk 2024”, organised by the Catholic Archdiocese of Jaro at Iloilo City in the Philippines.

This conference, targeting the youths of the whole archdiocese, bore the theme of “Mission: An Occasion of Grace and Moving Towards Serving our Neighbour”, saw more than 100 youths, religious sisters and lay persons in attendance.

The series of talk delivered by Fr. Peter John Guarin of Our Lady of Mount Carmel at Calmay, Iloilo, and Fr. Alex Campón captured the attention of the audience by concrete and emotional experiences of mission in Turkana North, Kenya. Fr. Peter served at the Holy Family Parish, Kaaleng, in the Diocese of Lodwar, Kenya, as a fidei donum priest in a collaboration with the Archdiocese of Jaro and the Diocese of Lodwar.

These two dioceses first established a relationship of serving the Catholic Church in Turkana in 2019, a product of the MCSPA’s bridge-building initiative between local churches. Since then, the Archdiocese of Jaro has been sending priests for mission in Turkana. Besides, the Diocese of San José, Antique, also has a similar arrangement with the Diocese of Lodwar, sending priests to work in Kaikor Parish also in the Diocese of Lodwar for more than 8 years now. The MCSPA’s zeal to build bridges between the Diocese of Lodwar and the local churches in Asia has also seen the arrival of a religious sisters’ congregation – the Mensa Domini Sisters or Sisters of the Lord’s Table – to join in the evangelisation in Turkana. These sisters, at present, have permanent communities in Kaaleng and Lodwar, and soon at Nariamawoi.

Fr. Peter Guarin reflected on one’s physical presence in a mission as the highest generosity with which we can respond to the call to be sent. He explains, “For the Turkana people, presence is enough. It is enough that you are with them. There are moments that I had no food to offer yet they told me that it was okay: ‘We are fine with it, Father, because you have stayed with us here.’” He advised the youth to be gifts to the mission and encouraged his brother priests to go out on mission because “mission is Grace, allowing us to be instruments of love and hope for the people who need us.”

Fr. Alex’s talk drew on the vast experience of his 28 years of priesthood and as a missionary in Kenya. There have been big moments for him as a missionary though his early days in the mission remain remarkable. It was while he was assigned to keep records of babies and mothers at the nutrition programs that he found his purpose. Fr. Alex emotionally narrates, “It was really an incredible discovery for me. I can now say that it was there in Turkana when I clearly saw the confirmation that God wanted me to become a missionary priest and dedicate my life to it. Certainly, the most significant was not the input that I gave there as a volunteer, or the efforts or effects of my volunteering work, rather it was what I received in return as my experience there.” Besides, Fr. Alex encouraged the audience of the need to move from and to go out of our comfortable and established set-ups and embrace new states of mind and purpose. This is our discovery of the grace that represents mission.

A discussion session followed after the talks with some from the audience wanting to know the challenges of being in a mission. Fr. Alex responded that loneliness can rob one of the joys of being in a mission. He recalled certain moments during the Covid-19 pandemic when he felt the pangs of loneliness, being locked out from his fellow missionaries: “At times you can feel empty in the face of need, when you don’t have solutions to problems of the people.”

Fr. Peter added that it is easy to fall into the temptation of being “busy” to a point of forgetting to pray and to be with the Lord who provides. Mission work can be very demanding and we can easily get lost in the work. He encouraged the audience to pray for missionaries for that is also part of being on a mission.

The Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA) thanks the Archdiocese of Jaro under the guidance of the Most Reverend Archbishop Jose Romeo Lazo, for its warm welcome. And of course, we thank Fr. Arthur “King” Flores, the Director of the Archdiocesan Commission on Mission, and Fr. John who is the director of the Youth Commission and to all the organising team of the “Mission Talk 2024″ for their invitation and opportunity to speak to the youth of Jaro. “Damo nga salamat!”

Cosmus Onyango, MCSPA Apprentice,
Metro Manila, Philippines.

Visitation by Bishop Honesto Ongtioco, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Cubao (Metro Manila, Philippines), to the MCSPA St. Joseph and St. Francis Xavier House of Theology, Cubao.

22 February 2024 Posted by Church, News 0 thoughts on “Visitation by Bishop Honesto Ongtioco, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Cubao (Metro Manila, Philippines), to the MCSPA St. Joseph and St. Francis Xavier House of Theology, Cubao.”

“Show love in your apostolates by your presence” is a moving statement from Bishop Honesto Ongtioco of the Catholic Diocese of Cubao during his visit on February 19 to St. Joseph and St. Francis Xavier House of Theology in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines. In the company of Fr. Edwin Peter Dionisio, OFM, the Episcopal Vicar for Religious in the Diocese of Cubao, and Sr. Veronica Gungon, SJBP, the Bishop’s Secretary, Bishop Honesto’s pastoral visit is a big blessing to the MCSPA community here and a gesture of good working relations.


Bishop Honesto and team were shown around the house by Frs. Francis Teo and Alex Campon, accompanied by all the other members and apprentices. Introductions were made and the bishop was especially keen to know the origins of everyone and what each was studying. We then sat down for some Ethiopian coffee and Malaysian cake!


The bishop’s awareness of the MCSPA is remarkable for he intimated to having read widely about the community on its website, in addition to the constant contact that Fr. Francis has kept with the Diocese of Cubao. The bishop’s message to us all was to keep serving the people of God with zeal and commitment and in whatever small ways possible. Reaching out to the elderly and conducting English and Mathematics tutorial classes to children from the depressed areas (slums) are two activities that he singled out as particularly important. Thus, Bishop Honesto reminded us to show love in our apostolates by our presence with the children and families.


By Cosmus Onyango,

MCSPA Apprentice



Episcopal Ordination at Emdeber

14 February 2024 Posted by Church, News 0 thoughts on “Episcopal Ordination at Emdeber”

The episcopal ordination of Abuna Lucas Teshome was held on Sunday, February 11, 2024, at the Eparchy of Emdeber, Ethiopia. At this elaborate celebration, steeped in the culture of the Eastern Rite, Abuna Lucas was consecrated as the new Coadjutor Bishop.

The celebration was an occasion to celebrate unity, marked as it was by the presence of the Archbishop of Addis Ababa, Berhaneyesus Cardinal Souraphiel, the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Antoine Camilleri, a great number of bishops from all over Ethiopia and Eritrea, as well as government representatives and heads of different churches, all giving their blessing on the newly-consecrated bishop.

Abuna Lucas Teshome, who is himself from Emdeber, was warmly welcomed into his new appointment to his native land. All roads were closed and the whole town was decorated for the occasion. 

Catholics make up only 0.5% of the whole population of Ethiopia, but Emdeber has one of the largest Catholic communities in the country.

The MCSPA opened a mission at Emdeber in 2023 with two members living and working at St. Scholastica MIssion at Dakuna. It is the most recently-established mission of the MCSPA.

We look forward to working with Abuna Lucas in bringing the Kingdom of God into this corner of Ethiopia, and we pray for him in his new appointment as shepherd of the local church.


by Amanda Falgas, Apprentice of the MCSPA

MCSPA Family Day

23 January 2024 Posted by Church, Community, MCSPA, News 0 thoughts on “MCSPA Family Day”

On 21st January, the MCSPA celebrated its annual Family Day at the Women’s House in Nairobi. The occasion was graced by the presence of Rt. Rev. John Mbinda, Bishop of Lodwar, who presided at the Eucharistic celebration. It was fitting to give thanks to God for his many blessings bestowed.

We also celebrated two infant baptisms at the mass.

We would like to thank everyone who attended, contributed to our projects over the year and journeyed with the MCSPA throughout all this time. We hope to see you all next year as we extend a welcome invitation to you to come visit our missions in Turkana. KARIBUNI SANA!!!

A Day of Celebration in Nyangatom, Ethiopia

30 December 2023 Posted by Church, Community, MCSPA, Mission 0 thoughts on “A Day of Celebration in Nyangatom, Ethiopia”

Greetings from the Prince of Peace Catholic mission at Nyangatom, Ethiopia. It is our hope that everybody is happy with the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are also very happy to share with everybody the great news of the opening of our newly built Assembly Hall, built on the top of Naturomoe Hill, and the dedication of the mission to the Prince of Peace and Our Lady of the Embrace. The new building has been blessed by His Lordship Markos Gebremedhin, Bishop of Jimma-Bonga Apostolic Vicariate. Also in attendance were the Apostolic Nuncio to Ethiopia, Archbishop Antoaine Camillieri, and Msgr. John Mbinda CSSP, Bishop of Lodwar Diocese, Kenya.

The name Naturomoe is a Nyangatom word that means “the enemies have escaped”, and indeed, up to recent times, this was a place of violent conflict and a corridor used by cattle rustlers from different communities such as the Turkana of Kenya, Nyangatom of Ethiopia and Toposa of South Sudan. They could meet in this place just to fight.

Thanks to God’s divine Mercy, this reality has been changing for the last two years.

Today we are so happy because the blessing of the new Hall and the dedication of the Mission to the Prince of Peace and Our Lady of the Embrace gives the peace of God a chance to be well rooted in this area where before nobody dreamt of building a permanent house.

The goal of our mission is evangelization and fostering peace and development.

It is our hope that with the new building of the local community will be able to gain cohesion and peace that comes from the heart.

Our sincere gratitudes goes to those who have helped us achieve such a milestone.

We wish everybody a very happy and blessed holidays and a prosperous new year 2024.













The church of Ave Maria in the Catholic Diocese of Tombura Yambio (CDTY), South Sudan celebrates a hundred years of faith in Rii-Yubu payam on the 10th of December 10, 2023. This celebration marked a hundred years since the Comboni Missionaries arrived in the village of Ngboko in 1923. The Comboni missionaries came from Mupoi to Ngboko because there was a widespread of sleeping sickness in the area of Rii-Yubu, as they were treating the people who were suffering from sleeping sickness, they were also evangelizing, and the people of Rii-yubu welcomed the faith and have kept it burning for a hundred years now.

Prior to the launching of the centenary celebration of Ave Maria were two major events; the first event was the Diocesan mutual relation and the second event was the rededication of Ave Maria church. The first mutual relation in the catholic diocese of Tombura Yambio (CDTY) started on Tuesday the 5th of December 2023 and ended on Wednesday the 6th of December 2023. This incident took place in the Ave Maria Mission run by the Missionaries Community of Saint Paul the Apostle (MCSPA). The second event was the rededication of the church of Ave Maria church after the renovation. The rededication of the church of Ave Maria took place on the 8th of December 2023 by the Bishop of CDTY.

In attendance of these events was the bishop of CDTY, the bishop of the catholic diocese of Torit, the vicar general of Bangasu diocese (Central Africa Republic), the parish priest of Obbo parish (Central Africa Republic), the parish priest of Lobur mission (Fr. Joseph MCSPA member), the priests and religious in CDTY, and the Christians of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio.
The people of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura Yambio especially the Christians of Ave Maria Catholic Parish were very excited to celebrate a hundred years of faith, they also appreciated the members of the Missionary Community of Saint Paul the Apostles residing in Ave Maria Mission for the great work of evangelization they are doing among them. The Christians of Ave Maria Catholic Parish will be very happy to welcome more people for the closing of the centenary celebration in December 2024 as they have already planned the events for the closing of the centenary celebrations.


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March 2025