Ave Maria Mission – A Safe Haven

23 May 2024 Posted by News 0 thoughts on “Ave Maria Mission – A Safe Haven”

In late April, tension swelled up in the hitherto peaceful atmosphere of Western Equatoria State, more especially at Tombura County. Until then, we had enjoyed months of peace. And now people lived in fear.

During the previous conflict in 2021, thousands of people fled their homes and took refuge in different places that they deemed “safe”. Then, Ave Maria Mission hosted thousands of refugees of that war. Now another tribal war was looming in the horizon and it was building up so fast.

Now that the flames of war have been lit again, the only safe place that appeared in the minds of all affected is Ave Maria Mission at Ngboko.
Hundreds of internally displaced people (IDPs) began to arrive from the neighbouring villages of Dingimo, Akpa and Nabanga, all out-stations of the parish. The refugees came on their bicycles fully laden with their few personal belongings. They brought along all that they could manage to salvage from their homes. The more unfortunate one fled only with the clothing on their backs.

The priests at the mission, Frs. Avelino and Albert welcomed the IDPs and hosted them at the Magnificat Pilgrims’ Center, in the parish hall and in any other available space within the compound. There were 603 displaced persons: men, women, children and the elderly. Everyone got a place to rest and ease their troubles after walking for 3 days and 3 nights.

With clean water that is available at the mission as well as other amenities, and with a functional kindergarten, primary and secondary schools and a vocational training center, the displaced persons who sought refuge at Ave Maria have been able to survive.

Feeding all the refugees has not been an easy task but with the little we had in our stores, the IDPs have been able to at least have something to eat. For most of them, returning to their homes is a mere illusion for now.

Since the vast majority of them are totally dependent on farming as their source of livelihood, the mission has also seen to it that the IDPs have portions of land nearby where they may carry out some agricultural activities.

Many of the IDPs are hoping to be around for the long term as they feel safer and at home here. Ave Maria Mission is committed to promoting peace and discouraging tribal conflicts by any means at our disposal.

Providing a safe haven to people in dire need is one of the ways of assisting the refugees, and we have tried to do this by bearing in mind Paul’s exhortation in his letter to the Romans (see Rom 15:7): “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”

Benjamin Maketa
Junior Apprentice, MCSPA
Ave Maria Mission

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