Posts by tigist

Celebration of the life of Paco: MIZAN TEFERI MISSION

19 February 2024 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Celebration of the life of Paco: MIZAN TEFERI MISSION”

Today, 15th of February 2024, we celebrated the 11th Death Anniversary of Fr. Francisco Andreo in the Mission of Mizan Teferi.

The celebration began with a prayer and Sarai gave a brief history of the life of Paco, founder of the MCSPA. She explained how Paco was an example for all of us in charity and generosity, highlighting the love he had for Africa.

Paco was also very insistent in planting fruit trees as a way of turning the desert into a garden. For this reason, in the morning, an activity with the children was carried out in which each child planted a papaya seed in a water bottle, committing themselves to taking care of it until it bore fruit.

In the afternoon, during the ceremony, some avocado and lemon seedlings were blessed with water from the River Jordan and one seedling was planted in the school compound. Each person added a handful of soil to this avocado plant.

Later, everyone had some tea, bread and bananas under the mango tree at the mission. The ceremony concluded with the distribution of more seedlings which the people joyfully took back to their homes.

By Amanda Falgas Apprentice
Mizan Teferi, Ethiopia.


Celebration of the Life of Paco: NARIOKOTOME MISSION

19 February 2024 Posted by Mission, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Celebration of the Life of Paco: NARIOKOTOME MISSION”

On this day 15th of February 2024 we celebrate 11 years anniversary since the passing on of Fr. Francisco Andreo (Paco), who founded the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle (MCSPA).

In attendance of the anniversary mass presided by Fr. Andrew Yakulula were members of MCSPA missions in Turkana; Nariokotome, Kokuselei, Lobur, Todonyang and Christian faithful from the area. The mass procession began after the blessing of the tomb at his place of rest and was animated by students from Nariokotome Girls Secondary School in collaboration with pupils from St. Joseph Primary School-Nariokotome. Fr. Antonio Aguirre and Scholastica Wamalwa gave insightful personal encounters with Fr. Paco.

Having come from a humble background, Fr. Paco understood the importance and the value of having the basic amenities provided to the less fortunate wherever he went.  He mobilized the MCSPA members and non-members around him by ensuring that people had enough food, water, education, primary healthcare especially the most vulnerable; children and the elderly. Through these small acts of mercy, he planted a seed into people’s hearts that later blossomed to shade all those touched by MCSPA.

His compassion and resilience in his missionary work is what attracted many to follow Christ the Good Shepherd and to continue in his footsteps. Many can attest to seeing God’s work of mercy in all that he did. Today, 400 trees of different types (donated by friends and families members) were blessed in order to continue the work he started of turning the desert into a beautiful garden. 

Eleven years after his demise, members of the MCSPA around the world have continued his legacy of evangelization by ensuring that the dignity of the less fortunate is uplifted. 

Let us continue praying for vocations, that we may be ready to leave behind everything as Fr. Paco did to spread God’s work of love around the world. Let us not keep the treasure to ourselves but invite others to come and follow in his footsteps.

 May Fr. Paco’s legacy be lived forever. ‘Whatsoever you did to one of these little ones, that you did to me’ (Mt. 25:40).


By Samuel Kapua and MCSPA Communication team, Turkana



Celebration of the Life of Paco: BENGA MISSION

18 February 2024 Posted by Mission, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Celebration of the Life of Paco: BENGA MISSION”

Today, on 15th February 2024, we gathered to honour the memory of Paco on the 11th anniversary of his passing. Paco left behind a legacy of kindness, inspiration and service that continues to resonate deeply with the members, apprentices as well as friends and collaborators of the MCSPA.

The commemoration began with a moving Eucharistic cerebration, where we came together to reflect on paco’s life and the impact he had on the members of our community. As part of the ceremony, there was a special blessing of seedlings that symbolize growth, and the continued presence of paco among us. 

Following the mass, we gathered to revisit the original sources of paco’s inspiration. Those that had a physical contact with him in our case Fernando and Manolo, shared their experience. It was a time of reflection and gratitude for the blessings paco brought into the lives of many members of the MCSPA.

As the morning progressed, a group of enthusiastic men and women joined us to collect trees. Together, we participated in another ceremony for blessing of seedlings. Then, with hands united, we embarked on the noble task of planting fruit trees at the mission to symbolize abundance, nourishment and the growth of our collective efforts in honour of Paco.

In the evening, we shared a beautiful meal that was followed by a film in which various members of the MCSPA shared their experiences of our Founder.


By Stephano Sambiri Ziba

Apprentice of the MCSPA



Celebration of the Life of Paco: MUKETURI MISSION

18 February 2024 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Celebration of the Life of Paco: MUKETURI MISSION”

On 15th of February 2024, we held a celebration at Muketuri’s Holy Family Chapel to commemorate the 11th death anniversary of Fr. Francisco Andreo, or Paco as he preferred to be called, the founder of the MCSPA. The Scouts Group and some friends and volunteers from Chile and Spain accompanied the members present from Muketuri and our mission in Mexico for the occasion.

The Liturgy of the Word was celebrated, and Lourdes talked about the life of Fr. Paco and the charism of MCSPA in the reflection. She remarked that for Paco it was important to be a group comprising of people from different countries and cultures, united in sharing in people’s suffering and searching for specific ways of alleviating the pain and suffering.

The celebration was also centered on the ceremony of planting a tree in memory of Fr. Paco as a way of emphasizing the idea that life must continue, and we grow by carrying on the values and teachings of those who have left us. 

This message also helped to transmit the importance of unity, growth and community involvement in preserving Paco’s legacy.

 After the ceremony, lunch was shared by all present as we continued to share memories of Paco.


By Tigist Mekonnen





Celebration of the Life of Paco: MANILA HOUSE

18 February 2024 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Celebration of the Life of Paco: MANILA HOUSE”

The MCSPA at Manila, today, commemorated the 11th Anniversary of the passing of Paco whose original inspiration is fully alive in the vibrance of a life lived in common and with the charity. 

We began the celebrations with the blessing and planting of 3 trees: a pomegranate, a jack-fruit tree, and a rambutan, symbols of the universality of fruit trees mirrored in the MCSPA. 

At the Eucharistic celebration, we remembered Paco for his zeal and commitment to looking for vocations. In one of his profound letters that was read by Fr. Francis, Paco emphasizes the need for seeking vocations in our house and in the Church at large, fruits of our commitment to tirelessly calling others to follow Christ.

As a concrete symbol of our commitment in following Paco’s footsteps and example, we are planting these three different fruit trees here in the compound of the St. Joseph and St. Francis Xavier Formation House of Theology so that we may participate with him in receiving the graces of God in our lives. These trees are indeed symbols of fruitfulness, growth, and commitment – 3 important elements at the very core of our vocation. We remember Paco for his most passionate initiatives when he was in Turkana, Kenya, planting fruit trees whenever and wherever feasible and possible. 

For Paco, a concrete way to apply the gospel values was to transform the desert into a garden, a flourishing, fruitful garden.

May St. Paul the Apostle, our protector and guide, through the intercession of Paco, our shepherd in faith, strengthen and sustain us so that we may remain fully alive and humbly follow the charism of the MCSPA – Paco’s charism – to the full.


By Cosmus Onyango, Apprentice

MCSPA Manila, Philippines.

Episcopal Ordination at Emdeber

14 February 2024 Posted by Church, News 0 thoughts on “Episcopal Ordination at Emdeber”

The episcopal ordination of Abuna Lucas Teshome was held on Sunday, February 11, 2024, at the Eparchy of Emdeber, Ethiopia. At this elaborate celebration, steeped in the culture of the Eastern Rite, Abuna Lucas was consecrated as the new Coadjutor Bishop.

The celebration was an occasion to celebrate unity, marked as it was by the presence of the Archbishop of Addis Ababa, Berhaneyesus Cardinal Souraphiel, the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Antoine Camilleri, a great number of bishops from all over Ethiopia and Eritrea, as well as government representatives and heads of different churches, all giving their blessing on the newly-consecrated bishop.

Abuna Lucas Teshome, who is himself from Emdeber, was warmly welcomed into his new appointment to his native land. All roads were closed and the whole town was decorated for the occasion. 

Catholics make up only 0.5% of the whole population of Ethiopia, but Emdeber has one of the largest Catholic communities in the country.

The MCSPA opened a mission at Emdeber in 2023 with two members living and working at St. Scholastica MIssion at Dakuna. It is the most recently-established mission of the MCSPA.

We look forward to working with Abuna Lucas in bringing the Kingdom of God into this corner of Ethiopia, and we pray for him in his new appointment as shepherd of the local church.


by Amanda Falgas, Apprentice of the MCSPA

Spanish Surgical Camp in Turkana

12 February 2024 Posted by MCSPA, News, Sin categorizar 0 thoughts on “Spanish Surgical Camp in Turkana”

Surgeons from Spain have been carrying out surgical campaigns for the last 20 years in Turkana. This programme originally materialised following the invitation of members of the Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostles (MCSPA). The surgical campaigns are done more specifically at Lodwar County Referral Hospital and at Kakuma Mission Hospital which is run by the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar.

Last week, as is the annual routine, a team of 40 surgeons came to spend the weekend at the Nariokotome Mission, the motherhouse of the MCSPA prior to a continuing surgical camp. 

Scholastica Wamalwa, a member of the MCSPA, welcomed all as she introduced the other missionaries living and working at the above-mentioned mission. Dr. Carmen Hernandez warmly thanked everyone for the effort they had put in to ensure that people with medical and surgical cases in Turkana could be attended to. Thus far, 20 campaigns have been done in which more than 9,500 medical consultations, 4,900 surgeries and several mobile clinics have been carried out.  The impact on the local community has indeed been tremendous.

The following day after a colorful Eucharistic celebration, presided by Fr. Zacchaeus Okoth, they attended to 53 patients at Nariokotome Dispensary. The patients were from the different villages around the area. The mobilization team did an excellent job in ensuring that many people with different medical issues received information on the surgeons’ visit at the dispensary; the turnout was very good!

Memories of experiences and of a friendship and cooperation that stretched over a long period of time were shared over the weekend. 

The MCSPA would very much like to commend the efforts of the “Cirugía Turkana” programme that was initiated by Dr. Elena Mendia and others, now lead by Dr. Carmen Hernandez Perez, whose husband, Joaquín Vazquez, together with many others have placed great effort in concretely changing lives for the better in Turkana.

It is always an honour for the missionaries to host these surgeons!


By Lydia Imbala, MCSPA member, Nariokotome Mission.






MCSPA Family Day

23 January 2024 Posted by Church, Community, MCSPA, News 0 thoughts on “MCSPA Family Day”

On 21st January, the MCSPA celebrated its annual Family Day at the Women’s House in Nairobi. The occasion was graced by the presence of Rt. Rev. John Mbinda, Bishop of Lodwar, who presided at the Eucharistic celebration. It was fitting to give thanks to God for his many blessings bestowed.

We also celebrated two infant baptisms at the mass.

We would like to thank everyone who attended, contributed to our projects over the year and journeyed with the MCSPA throughout all this time. We hope to see you all next year as we extend a welcome invitation to you to come visit our missions in Turkana. KARIBUNI SANA!!!

A Day of Celebration in Nyangatom, Ethiopia

30 December 2023 Posted by Church, Community, MCSPA, Mission 0 thoughts on “A Day of Celebration in Nyangatom, Ethiopia”

Greetings from the Prince of Peace Catholic mission at Nyangatom, Ethiopia. It is our hope that everybody is happy with the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are also very happy to share with everybody the great news of the opening of our newly built Assembly Hall, built on the top of Naturomoe Hill, and the dedication of the mission to the Prince of Peace and Our Lady of the Embrace. The new building has been blessed by His Lordship Markos Gebremedhin, Bishop of Jimma-Bonga Apostolic Vicariate. Also in attendance were the Apostolic Nuncio to Ethiopia, Archbishop Antoaine Camillieri, and Msgr. John Mbinda CSSP, Bishop of Lodwar Diocese, Kenya.

The name Naturomoe is a Nyangatom word that means “the enemies have escaped”, and indeed, up to recent times, this was a place of violent conflict and a corridor used by cattle rustlers from different communities such as the Turkana of Kenya, Nyangatom of Ethiopia and Toposa of South Sudan. They could meet in this place just to fight.

Thanks to God’s divine Mercy, this reality has been changing for the last two years.

Today we are so happy because the blessing of the new Hall and the dedication of the Mission to the Prince of Peace and Our Lady of the Embrace gives the peace of God a chance to be well rooted in this area where before nobody dreamt of building a permanent house.

The goal of our mission is evangelization and fostering peace and development.

It is our hope that with the new building of the local community will be able to gain cohesion and peace that comes from the heart.

Our sincere gratitudes goes to those who have helped us achieve such a milestone.

We wish everybody a very happy and blessed holidays and a prosperous new year 2024.













The church of Ave Maria in the Catholic Diocese of Tombura Yambio (CDTY), South Sudan celebrates a hundred years of faith in Rii-Yubu payam on the 10th of December 10, 2023. This celebration marked a hundred years since the Comboni Missionaries arrived in the village of Ngboko in 1923. The Comboni missionaries came from Mupoi to Ngboko because there was a widespread of sleeping sickness in the area of Rii-Yubu, as they were treating the people who were suffering from sleeping sickness, they were also evangelizing, and the people of Rii-yubu welcomed the faith and have kept it burning for a hundred years now.

Prior to the launching of the centenary celebration of Ave Maria were two major events; the first event was the Diocesan mutual relation and the second event was the rededication of Ave Maria church. The first mutual relation in the catholic diocese of Tombura Yambio (CDTY) started on Tuesday the 5th of December 2023 and ended on Wednesday the 6th of December 2023. This incident took place in the Ave Maria Mission run by the Missionaries Community of Saint Paul the Apostle (MCSPA). The second event was the rededication of the church of Ave Maria church after the renovation. The rededication of the church of Ave Maria took place on the 8th of December 2023 by the Bishop of CDTY.

In attendance of these events was the bishop of CDTY, the bishop of the catholic diocese of Torit, the vicar general of Bangasu diocese (Central Africa Republic), the parish priest of Obbo parish (Central Africa Republic), the parish priest of Lobur mission (Fr. Joseph MCSPA member), the priests and religious in CDTY, and the Christians of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio.
The people of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura Yambio especially the Christians of Ave Maria Catholic Parish were very excited to celebrate a hundred years of faith, they also appreciated the members of the Missionary Community of Saint Paul the Apostles residing in Ave Maria Mission for the great work of evangelization they are doing among them. The Christians of Ave Maria Catholic Parish will be very happy to welcome more people for the closing of the centenary celebration in December 2024 as they have already planned the events for the closing of the centenary celebrations.


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February 2025