Posts by tigist


3 November 2024 Posted by MCSPA 0 thoughts on “GOLD x GOLD”

After careful consideration, we decided that Nariokotome Mission in Turkana, Kenya, would be the perfect place to celebrate our Golden Wedding Anniversary! The family could not come – that was the only drawback – but we would share the celebration at a distance. We had a trip organised with our friends, Jose Luis, Angelina and Chelo, to perform minor surgeries and to organise the new operating theatre at the mission and the dates coincided. It was a unique occasion!

And so, it has happened! We got married again in Turkana. The missionaries are refined GOLD!

The church at Nariokotome was decorated in its best! Flowers, palms, white tablecloths on colorful fabrics of the area! Such are the efforts of the missionaries who, after an exhausting day, find time and strength to please others.

Fr. Antonio Aguirre, with the homily on Mark 10:17-30 on the account of the rich, young man to whom Jesus says, “go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” Never a better gospel to describe the missionaries of the MCSPA!

The Turkana mass and feast revolved around this gospel, and also around the meaning of Catholic marriage. One couple, for life, with its joys and sorrows, with its bad times and good times, a difficult journey at times but with a very positive balance!

The church at Nariokotome was overflowing with people. Dressed in their best clothes; typical necklaces and multi-colored costumes; school children in their uniforms.

Angelic voices, magnificent choirs and rhythms with drum beats and clapping! Noise, emotion, illusion, flowers, colorful, incense and smoke, handshakes as a sign of love and peace. Enveloped in this atmosphere that embraced our five senses we renewed our wedding vows, for as long as God wants us to be together.

At the end we were given the most precious title here: “Elders of Turkana” they dressed us up in the traditional style, giving the scepter and to Emilio the cap and “ekicholong”. Photos, laughters and reports! Dancing and shouting to celebrate.

Then we shared with more than 400 children a juice, a bun and candy and they were happy! Those innocent little faces with smiles of white teeth, black eyes and joy, are also worth gold! I left the bouquet on Paco’s grave! He would have loved to be at this ceremony, I am sure!

At Scholastica and Lydia’s place, we made the paellas, and at Patrizia and Lenny’s place, we shared them together with 35 other persons.

We did not expect more details and celebrations …. but yes, Lenny made a wedding cake with candles marking out “50” and brought out champagne to toast.

In the evening, looking back on the day, I thanked God again for the good fortune of having a husband like Emilio and for having met Fr. Paco Andreo, the founder of MCSPA, who taught us how he loved the people of Turkana and their spirituality, and introduced us to a missionary family, whom we continue to love and are increasingly united.

Special thanks to our missionaries at Nariokotome who made possible the renewal of our marriage vows on our Golden Anniversary! Thank you for being so generous and for showing us an example with your actions!

Thank you!

Ana Mañas Rueda,
Doctor of Paco, an “Elder of Turkana

Preschool Education Recognition Arrives in Muketuri.

1 November 2024 Posted by education, MCSPA 0 thoughts on “Preschool Education Recognition Arrives in Muketuri.”

As in many of the missions of the MCSPA (Missionary Community of St. Paul the Apostle), in Muketuri, Ethiopia, we have dedicated great efforts to the development of nutrition and education for children under the age of seven.

When the MCSPA first arrived in Muketuri, at the invitation of the present Cardinal Berhaneysus Souraphiel CM, the local population was surprised that we focused on nutrition and education of young children, ages 4 to 6, before they even start primary education.

After drilling a well on the land donated by local authorities to the Ethiopian Catholic Church and creating a vegetable garden to ensure water and food supply for what would later become the St. Joseph Mother and Child Centre, we conducted a socio-economic study of a sample of 500 families in the area. This study provided data on the most vulnerable: women and children affected by malnutrition and preventable diseases.

In many rural areas of Ethiopia, children under the age of 7 receive very poor nutrition and are often involved in tasks such as herding animals – as in the case of boys – and fetching water, cooking, and caring for younger siblings – as in the case of girls. Many of these children survive diseases without any medical treatment and are often the last to eat at home, because, in reality, until they reach 7 years old, it’s uncertain if they will survive.

The first children who came to the Centre were attracted by the promise of daily breakfast and lunch. However, few people believed that such young children could learn much or that education at that age could change their future development.

Gradually, more families began bringing their children to the Centre, not only for the food but because of the remarkable holistic development of the children attending the school. During the closing day festival, 5 and 6-year-old recite poems, even in English, participate in fashion shows, and, most importantly, learn to read and engage in learning games that prepare them for a future education.

All human development professionals – nutritionists, psychologists, doctors etc. – emphasise the importance of the early years in human life. Brain connections that form in early years of childhood require proper protein intake and the necessary stimuli for full physical, neurological and psychological development.

Now, in this area, most families recognise the importance of this age group: childhood before the age of 7. Those living in larger towns, who do not rely as much on farming and animals but have small businesses or other professions, strongly desire their children to start school from the age of 4. Our Centre accepts 120 children a year, but the number of applicants for the lottery to enter is three times that number. Muketuri now has some private kindergartens, and the government has started adding a year of pre-primary education to its curriculum. The MCSPA Centre has been a model and reference in this field.

Little by little, the quality of life for children – and consequently the entire population in the near future – is improving, thanks to the emphasis on nutrition and education in the early years. We want to contribute to holistic development of human beings from the very beginning, during those early years when strength and personality are shaped. By creating a safe, healthy environment without distinction of sex, race or religion, we aim to bring good news (i.e. to evangelize) to so many people who still live in subhuman conditions.

Lourdes Larruy, MCSPA
Muketuri Mission, ETHIOPIA

Celebration at St. Irene’s Lobur Primary School.

15 October 2024 Posted by Church, MCSPA 0 thoughts on “Celebration at St. Irene’s Lobur Primary School.”

On the memorial of St. Daniel Comboni, on October 10, at Lobur Mission (Turkana, Kenya), a new Dining Hall building was officially blessed and opened at St. Irene’s Lobur Primary School. During the opening ceremony, the children performed their first Talent Show which proved amazing! It was a grand occasion for the school and was attended by all the personnel and staff of Lobur Mission. There were performances of traditional and modern dances, comedy skits, public speaking, a fashion show featuring outfits made locally by the children themselves, and also various art-works.

Not only did the school celebrate a proper building for meals, but it was also a celebration of joy and pride as we witnessed the children showcasing their talent in different areas.

By Maque Falgas
MCSPA Secular Branch

Celebrating Catholic Education Day at Ave Maria Mission (South Sudan)

14 October 2024 Posted by Church, MCSPA 0 thoughts on “Celebrating Catholic Education Day at Ave Maria Mission (South Sudan)”

St. Daniel Comboni is the patron saint of Catholic education. As he dedicated his life to evangelise many people in Africa, we are all called to continue with the same spirit of evangelization.

St. Daniel Comboni once said, “Save Sudan with the Sudanese and Africa with Africans”. Hence, we ought to take education seriously in order to save our country, South Sudan.

On the memorial of this great saint, on October 10, at Ave Maria Mission, we celebrated Catholic Education Day together with the educational institutions in the parish: 8 primary schools, 2 kindergartens, 1 secondary school, and 1 vocational training centre.

The celebration with all children from these institutions involved also the Ave Maria Brass Band and many local people from Source Yubu. We had performances from the different student bodies and groups, followed by a common lunch. It was a truly joyful day!

By Romai
Ave Maria Mission
South Sudan



28 September 2024 Posted by education, MCSPA, Project 0 thoughts on “EXPERIENCE AT NYANGATOM MISSION”

Last July, a group of 15 Spanish youth had the incredible opportunity to visit the Prince of Peace Mission at Nyangatom, Ethiopia. We set up a summer camp to enhance the educational efforts of the Ekisil Group project, and we returned with our hearts full from all that we experienced.

There’s so much to share about our month at camp that we could go on forever. Each story, every face, every sunset, every moment spent together, each Sunday mass, every morning at camp, every smile, every fun evening, and every shared experience and hug reflected God’s presence on Earth, and that’s what we feel called to share.

With our hearts opened, we are inspired to live in accordance with all that has touched us, to be that face of God that we have seen in others, and to nurture a grateful perspective for the gift of life.

by Pilar Jofre
Volunteer at Nyangatom Mission

Crossing the Border of Hope

26 September 2024 Posted by Church, MCSPA, Mission 0 thoughts on “Crossing the Border of Hope”

On Sunday 22 September 2024, we finally crossed the border from Ave Maria Mission in South Sudan into the Central African Republic, following the only road linking both countries. Our Fr. Joseph Githinji, MCSPA, was the last priest they had seen in Bambuti town before he was forced to leave South Sudan in 2018. Frs. Avelino and Albert had been seven years waiting to visit these Christians, since the Spanish Comboni Bishop  from Bangassou, Msgr. Juan José Aguirre, had requested them to do so because his diocese was not able to reach out pastorally to these communities. They had been under Islamic fundamentalist militias which had flooded in from Niger and Chad. These armed groups committed many massacres and terrorised the population on both sides of the border, until our local militias, called the “Arrow Boys” flushed them out last May, after weeks of heavy fighting.

The Zande ethnic group is spread through three neighbouring countries, namely South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic. Whenever they experience conflict in one country, they migrate to the neighbouring country … and vice versa.

When many of our Christians from St. Thomas and Ave Maria parishes saw the priest and some apprentices heading for the border post yesterday, they followed us on motorbikes, bicycles and on foot. Dozens of them had never been in Bambuti before. After an incredibly difficult 7 km stretch of road and several falls, we passed the new barracks of the UN Rwandan Peace contingent and reached the small chapel compound, surrounded by hundreds of faithful. The new woman Sub-Prefect of Bambuti, Madame Kumba, ushered us in, in perfect French. The Member of Parliament, Monsieur Bernard, who had just landed there in a helicopter from the capital Bangui, welcomed us and assured the people that free movement between the two countries will be guaranteed by the security forces from now on.

The atmosphere of joy and reconciliation was palpable through the singing in Sangu (local dialect), the xylophones and drums. Many years of fears and suffering seemed to have been put behind. Many people came for the sacrament of Reconciliation, and the celebration of the Eucharist was very well-participated and faith-filled! In November the local authorities promised that the road will be levelled, and a new opportunity for peace and development will once again flourish in this region.

Thanks be to God, to the Catechists and the Christians of Bambuti for the perseverance in their faith despite incredible difficulties and challenges!

by MCSPA missionaries at
Ave Maria Mission

Accompanying adolescent awakening in “El Paraiso”: a space to grow and connect

22 September 2024 Posted by education, Mission 0 thoughts on “Accompanying adolescent awakening in “El Paraiso”: a space to grow and connect”

Some say that adolescence is an invention of the Western world since the term was first introduced in 1904 by the American psychologist and educator G. Stanley Hall, who attributes specific biological and psychological characteristics to people between the ages of 14 to 24. Later, Sigmund Freud reinforced this new age segment. According to UNICEF, “adolescence is a stage with value and richness in itself, a challenging stage of many changes and questions for adolescents themselves, but also for their parents and other adults that are close to them”.

In many countries of the world, especially in Africa, it seems that this stage does not exist: one passes directly from childhood to adulthood through many rites and rituals. In our case, after seven years working in the neighborhood of El Paraíso in the Diocese of Xochimilco, we have come across this reality: that the children who used to come to our programs, stop coming because they are no longer children, but they are not adults either, many changes in a short period of time. So, we decided to accompany them in this interesting and decisive process in human development, not only physical and sexual but also psychological, “vocational, moral and of the self”.

This year, with the help of Ana Nájera, a specialist in Emotional Education and Mindfulness, workshops are being carried out for young people between 11 and 15 years of age in El Paraíso to help them make decisions, live a fullfilling life and give them tools to prevent risks such as dropping out of school, unwanted pregnancy, drug addiction, etc.

It has been months of learning and sharing and we firmly believe that it has been the beginning of the creation of a safe space for the development of positive bonds among themselves and with their parents. In this way, we can continue to work together to improve their lives and that of the community of El Paraíso.

By Luz María Mejía, MCSPA
El Paraiso, Mexico

Tamaisan News

2 September 2024 Posted by General News, Project 0 thoughts on “Tamaisan News”

For the second consecutive year, we conducted the Tamaisan summer camp at Lobur Mission. We welcomed boys and girls from the schools of the four MCSPA missions in Turkana. Unfortunately, we could not include children from Nyangatom because of the swollen river which made its crossing dangerous.

From Spain, we were joined by a group of 13 monitors who worked tirelessly for three weeks. The first week was dedicated to the preparation of the camp, setting up the space and organising materials, while the following two weeks were devoted to the camp activities.

During the camp, the children were divided into six teams, each with approximately 18 participants, supervised by two Spanish monitors and a young Turkana. Additionally, we had a team of cooks, as the food logistics were extensive, providing three meals a day. We also had the support of two security officers.
Throughout the year, we meticulously worked on planning every detail of the camp. This year, the camp was structured into two thematic weeks: the first dedicated to values and the second to different cultures. To explore these themes, various activities were organised, including sports, crafts, informational sessions, and dances. We also dedicated a special day to peace, one of the main topics addressed throughout the camp.

It has been a very meaningful experience for all the children who participated. Our goal is to foster an environment of unity and peace to promote a culture of peace that contributes to the transformation of the region.

By Maque Falgas, MCSPA Secular Branch


8 August 2024 Posted by education, MCSPA 0 thoughts on “JOY AND GENEROSITY, INGREDIENTS AGAINST MALNUTRITION”

A few days ago we enjoyed the annual meeting with the volunteer mothers who make possible the running of the 11 mother-child centres of Kokuselei Mission in Turkana.

Together with the team of child care agents, the MCSPA missionaries organised this training and integration meeting that boosts their child nutrition programme thanks to which, every year, more than 850 children under 6 years of age can eat twice a day. This is an important support that their parents are grateful for, as the difficult living conditions in their communities (aggravated by long droughts) do not allow them to guarantee what they need in their homes.

The meeting allowed them to share experiences, learn about child care and think together about promoting participation in each community, where they are an example of commitment and responsibility.

The joy of all these women, expressed with dances and beautiful songs during the meeting, shows their generosity and expresses our enormous gratitude to all those who make it possible that every day, hundreds of children can eat, grow up healthy and smile in this beautiful place in Africa.

By Diana Trompetero MCSPA
Kokuselei Mission (Kenya)

Remembering the Elderly

8 August 2024 Posted by MCSPA 0 thoughts on “Remembering the Elderly”

On 27 July, the feast day of Sts. Joaquim and Anne, we at Benga Mission in Malawi celebrated a special anniversary: the founding of our Centre for the Elderly.

The occasion was marked by a joyful gathering of the elderly residents of Benga and the surrounding outstations, together with the MCSPA apprentices. The celebration began with Holy Mass presided by Fr. Manuel Hernandez; Deacon Louis Kampala from the Archdiocese of Lilongwe delivered a thought-provoking homily. Deacon Louis also highlighted an aspect of the MCSPA vocation: assisting the elderly.

After Mass, the seniors took center-stage by showing their talent through a delightful drama performance and songs of appreciation for all that they have received. The day culminated in a festive lunch together when stories were shared, memories made and community bonds strengthened.

The day’s celebration was a testament to the importance of honoring and supporting our elderly in our midst.

By Agostinho Barros de Deus
Senior Apprentice,
Benga (Malawi)

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