A Dream That We Share and Treasure In The MCSPA  

4 March 2025 Posted by MCSPA 0 thoughts on “A Dream That We Share and Treasure In The MCSPA  ”

‘‘Fr Paco always promoted agriculture in Northern Turkana and is one of the little revolutions that he instigated and that are leaving more testimony in Turkana. Thanks to his impetus, many fruit trees were planted in the missions and villages’’

I came across these words at the Nariokotome Mission Library, wherein is a museum with memorabilia of Fr Paco, our founder. The little museum was set up by members of the MCSPA in his memory. As those following in his footsteps, we hold onto these words and we are determined to make his legacy alive. This dream of Fr Paco has been passed by the older ones in the community to all the recent generations and through it, many initiatives such as the ongoing MCSPA Fr. Paco Tree Planting Campaign 2025 and other environmental related moves have been put in place to make this legacy well lived.

On Saturday 01 March , we had an interesting encounter at Kokuselei Mission with the parents of the children of St Joseph Konokono Centre. This was a result of the invitation made to them by the St Francis of Assisi Environmental Club members of the Centre; all its members are children.

A good number of families from around Kokuselei area showed up to stand and work together with their children. All those families participated in planting trees, watering and fencing them well to protect the trees from goats and for better growth. It was so encouraging to see the effort that the children put into this endeavour making it so successful … right from getting their parents involved in the activity to cooking for the parents, something rarely done by children! It’s also worth mentioning the effort, care, generosity and responsibility shown by the parents in order to join their offspring in this noble call of care for the environment.

Indeed, the family is the stronghold of the society and the role of parents in the upbringing of their children is the center of all and truly vital.
The event helped the parents to witness the knowledge, strength and the different talents of their children. This is a very good sign of parents taking part in their children’s formation and therefore taking responsibility in accompanying them throughout the process. Together with the missionaries, the parents aim to bring up dignified persons and instilling in them growth and preparation for their later life in society.

Let’s work together, to make the world a better and more hospitable place for all of creation.

Fridah Ejore,
MCSPA Apprentice,
Kokuselei Mission.


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March 2025