News from Manila

1 June 2020 Posted by General News, News 0 thoughts on “News from Manila”

Hello everyone!
We would like to share with you how we have been here at our Formation House in Manila, Philippines. Ever since this Covid-19 lockdown was officially announced on 15th March 2020 here in Manila, with immediate effect, all movement came to a halt. Life changed suddenly for most people. We imagine that it is the same with you all there where you are.
Only one person is allowed out of our housing village for doing our groceries and purchasing medications if needed. We organised ourselves to do the daily responsibilities in the house – the pilotship, the garden, cooking, laundry, cleaning, liturgy – and we also have time for exercise. We are spending very much time together under the same roof and at the table – more than before. And we are happy for this! We enjoy the cooking even, learning new dishes, and we have our supply of greens from the backyard vegetable plot!
For the four of us studying theology, we officially end the semester this week. We had to submit all our assignments online. The others are still having online classes and exams until the end of this month. Some of us are learning Spanish online in the meantime. Our two Come and See candidates from Timor Leste are still continuing with English classes in the house. The older ones among us are giving them classes in grammar and composition writing. They are improving very much!
Besides the life in common in the house, during this lockdown, we have been helping the families who are constantly in touch with us through our apostolate areas of Payatas, Parola, Ronas Garnens and Daan Tubo. Those of you who have been to Manila know some of these places. Majority of the families are daily wage workers and in this time of lockdown, there is no work and so they are not in a position to put food on the table for their families. We have been channelling the help via the barangay (or neighbourhood) officials due to social distancing regulations or through point persons.
To give you an idea, since the start of the quarantine on 17th of March we have been able to assist with cash and relief food (rice, meat, milk) disbursements to about 380 families and groups, from the above-mentioned depressed areas, on a weekly basis. We were able to give one-off aid to relief efforts of church organisations and faith-based charities operating in the Diocese of Cubao and at Central Manila.
Thanks to friends and well-wishers from the Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore, we were able to carry out this relief effort, and we will continue to do so until such time as when the lockdown restrictions will be eased and families are able to fend for themselves again. We appreciate all the help they have given!
This time has been a very big learning experience for all of us. Learning to stay together, study, work and pray; reaching out to needy families in a coordinated way, and accounting for the help received; looking out and supporting each other.
We look forward for our lockdown here to be lifted or modified by end May. We will have to learn to live with the virus in our midst, trying to carry on with our lives but taking all the necessary precaution and adhering to standard operating procedures. And of course giving thanks to God for all the blessings, big and small, everyday.
We pray for the end of this pandemic. And we pray for all of you too, that you stay well and healthy.

From the community at Quezon City, Philippines.


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April 2025